"The hill where we found the soap fruit tree is called Yueba Mountain, and the fat character is called Yueba."

"What do you think, boss?"

Su Xiaoqi took a different approach and played the word splitting game.

"not so good."

Ye Han said with black lines all over his head.

What a weird name!

Why not call it a fat mountain?

Su Xiaoqi stomped her feet and gritted her teeth angrily.

Stinky boss, even if the name isn't good, it wouldn't be so straightforward!

"That's called Stinky Mountain, short for Stinky Boss Mountain."

Su Xiaoqi continued.

Ye Han nodded.

"You're right, I'll listen to you, you can call the mountain whatever you want."

Ye Han is concentrating on exploring, naming the mountain is such a hassle!

How many brain cells have to be killed?

Su Xiaoqi glared at Ye Han, but at this time, Ye Han made a new discovery.

"The naming will be discussed later, Xiao Qi, come and see, there is a hole here."

Ye Han pointed to a hole in front of him and said.

In his experience, this is very likely a rabbit hole!

Sure enough, rabbits grow savagely, and because of their extremely fast reproduction speed, rabbits don't have to worry about extinction at all.

An eagle eats a rabbit a day, which is far less than the reproduction rate of all the rabbits on the island!

What's more, even the lucky eagle can't catch a rabbit every day as food.

The same goes for other predators.

"A rabbit nest again?"

Su Xiaoqi's eyes also lit up.

There are a lot of rabbits in the house, but who would think too many?

And they both love to eat roasted rabbits, so it's always right to grab more.

"It should be the rabbit's nest, look for other holes around here, the old way!"

Ye Han said with a smile.

In this way, today's dinner must be a roast rabbit.

Roasted rabbits are delicious, not to mention Su Xiaoqi made them.

The only fly in the ointment is that there is no honey at home. Last time I ran out of honey for bear hunting.

Otherwise, add some honey to brush the surface of the roasted rabbit, that is, the roasted rabbit with honey sauce, and it will be beautiful to take a bite.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't want to watch Ye Han catch the rabbit.

They were looking forward to Ye Han's discovery of Zhu Chuan's cave soon, and they've been waiting for a long time!

"I'm so anxious!"

"Ye Han didn't even know there was a cave here, I really wanted to get close to his ear and tell him!"

"Where is the cat detective, where is this cave, and how long will it take Ye Han to find it?"

"Don't disturb the cat detective, he should be free, don't forget the date between the cat detective and Zeus."

"Also, it's time to prepare well, defeat that Zeus, and in the brain power duel, our Shenzhou Kingdom has long been the world's number one!"

"Don't worry, the cat detective will not lose, he can figure out the location of this cave, can Zeus, Zeus is too scared to speak!"

The audience chatted.

But unlike what they thought, Detective Cat was in the live broadcast room, watching the live broadcast.

It's just to deal with Zeus, where do you need to practice and prepare?

Just play normally.

"Detective Cat: According to my inference, Ye Han will be able to discover Zhu Chuan's cave in about an hour and a half. There is nothing on this mountain except the rabbit's nest."

"So, after Ye Han catches the rabbit and continues to investigate, he will soon be able to find Zhu Chuan's cave. On the other side of the hill, we can't see it now."

The cat detective appeared and said a barrage.

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the energy drink rewarded by the boring life, thank you for the life boss!

Chapter 415 The Countdown to Discovering the Cave

The cat detective spoke, and a stone stirred up a thousand waves!

The audience was all excited, and some people immediately began to wait for the stopwatch.

The cat detective said about an hour and a half, so the error should not exceed ten minutes.

The countdown to the discovery of Zhu Chuan's cave has already begun!

At this time, at Zou Ming's home.

"Legend, you still have a rabbit nest on this mountain, why didn't you find it at the time?"

Zou Ming asked casually.

Zhu Chuan couldn't hold back his face.

"Brother Ming, don't laugh at me."

"My wilderness survival is half a bottle of vinegar, or some theoretical knowledge is mostly, and the videos are all performances."

"I didn't have time to explore this mountain, Zhang Haoran ran away, alas!"

Zhu Chuan shook his head and said.

Zhang Yun patted his shoulder.

"Who hasn't done a shameful thing yet?"

"When I was just learning Chinese medicine, I ate a lot of croton and was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage and bowel lavage."

"At that time, there was a tube in the mouth, and a tube in the back, good guy, that's called a two-pronged approach!"

Zhang Yun said an embarrassing thing of his own.

Croton's thing, after eating it, kills people, it is estimated that only Wallace can compete with Croton.

"Speaking of this, I even broke my leg while practicing martial arts."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zou Ming also laughed.

Now everyone is waiting to see Ye Han discover the cave, and the time starts to count down.

Only the staff of the show team knew that Ye Han might not necessarily be able to discover this cave.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi repeated their tricks, blocking other holes, and using the smoking method to drive away the rabbits.

The goshawk squatted on Ye Han's shoulder for nine days, staring at him.

With Jiutian's cleverness, it has realized that Ye Han is about to catch prey again!

The flames rose and the smoke filled the air. Su Xiaoqi fanned the wind and drove the smoke down the rabbit hole.

Soon, rabbits began to run out!

The first to get it!

Ye Han stretched out his hand as fast as lightning, directly holding down the rabbit, grabbing his ears and picking it up.

Then came the second one. Ye Han grabbed it with the other hand, grabbed the ear, and sent it to the other hand.

These two big rabbits are still quite fat, and they are heavy in their hands.

The third one is here too!


Ye Han stretched out his hand to grab the rabbit, and the speed of his movements was astounding.

Ye Han's reaction speed has always been very fast.

Some people usually react half a beat slower, but Ye Han can be half a beat faster.

They are all trained by playing extreme sports in the previous life. If the reaction is slow, they will die long ago.

The three fat rabbits in a row were all caught by Ye Han!

"There are so many big rabbits here!"

"Why didn't Zhu Chuan find out at the beginning?"

"Zhu Chuanqi's wilderness survival level, didn't everyone know it long ago, he is fake, he doesn't have much real ability, and it's normal to find that the rabbits here are normal."

"Don't talk about it, everyone has written a letter of apology, and they have to donate money to become a monk."

"You have to forgive people and forgive them, Zhu Chuan has brought so much joy to everyone, don't scold him."

"Maybe in the future, when I go to the temple to burn incense, I will be able to see Zhu Chuan!"


The audience is talking.

On Ye Han's side, the fourth big rabbit ran out. This time, Ye Han knelt down directly on one knee and held it down with his knee, lying on the ground unable to move.

But there's a fifth one!

This time Ye Han had no choice, he hurriedly greeted Jiutian.

The main reason is that the speed is too fast, Ye Han has no time to tie the rabbit in his hand, and a new one is coming.

I only hate that there are no three heads and six arms!

"Nine days!"

With Ye Han's order, Jiutian was ready to go.

Now it's time for it to perform!

With a swish nine days, he directly caught the fifth big rabbit.

There are five fat rabbits, the harvest of this rabbit nest is quite good!

No other rabbits ran out at this time, Ye Han hurriedly called Su Xiaoqi over.

Put out the fire first, then start tying up the rabbits with vines.

"Boss, there are too many rabbits!"

Su Xiaoqi exclaimed again and again.

Ye Han also nodded, he had already looked at it.

Among the five rabbits, there are three males and two females.

These three male rabbits can completely kill meat eaters!

This time it was a blessing.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi worked together to tie up the five rabbits to Wuhuada and put them in a backpack.

"Go, keep exploring!"

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