But soon he found out that Zeus had already prepared and set up a lot of means to intercept it!


The cat detective snorted coldly.

Is this trying to compete in advance?

When did you Zeus beat me?

Predicting all kinds of things in the live broadcast, Zeus never won!

The cat detective stepped up his efforts and launched his attacks frantically. The code on the computer screen jumped so fast that the average person would be dazzled and even feel dizzy at a glance.

But for cat detectives, it's a piece of cake.

Over in the beautiful country, Zeus was sweating profusely. He didn't expect the network technology of the cat detective to be so powerful!

In the end, he was unable to defend, and smashed the keyboard in anger.

"Zeus, whose real name is Albert Gale Rodriguez, died in a fire ten years ago, inherited a large inheritance, and lived alone in a manor."

"The police suspect that the fire is related to him, but he has a perfect alibi, and the police have not found any evidence, this is a perfect crime!"

"This person is extremely dangerous. He is a highly intelligent and anti-social personality. Some criminal activities and criminal organizations in the beautiful country are secretly related to him. This person is a bit like Moriarty, the villain in Sherlock Holmes!"

The cat detective was amazed in his heart.

In fact, in essence, both he and Zeus are geniuses with high IQ, completely different from ordinary people.

But the cat detective is a kind person, which can be seen from his funding of the welfare home.

But Zeus is very evil, using his high IQ to commit crimes!

The two are equivalent to the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty, equivalent to lifelong enemies.

"This trip to the beautiful country, you have to be more careful."

"Hire a bodyguard to be more secure."

The cat detective mused.

Zeus' character is very dangerous, and he probably won't let the cat detective leave the beautiful country smoothly.

But the cat detective has to go, and now the whole world is waiting for this battle!

If he doesn't go, Zeus will definitely mock him on the Internet, and even mock the entire Shenzhou Kingdom!

This is not a sight cat detectives want to see.

So he has to go.

"Hehe, that's the funniest way to go!"

"I want to see who is better!"

The cat detective finally felt a little excited.

Before, he only regarded Zeus as a small character who could be defeated at will, but now, this opponent is actually a hidden monster!

This trip to the beautiful country, you have to prepare a big gift for him!

No one else can find evidence of Zeus' crime, but Cat Detective can!

Immediately, the cat detective started to get busy.


At this time, on the island, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were busy all morning.

First move the bricks, and then start making bricks and tiles.

During the period, the two also rested twice, got up and walked, and walked for a walk.

Otherwise, I keep squatting and bending over, my body can't stand it.

Together they looked at the pregnant female goat again.

The tiger skin continued to frighten it, it was very honest, and it stayed on its own territory to raise the fetus.

"I don't know how long it will take to give birth to lambs."

"How many lambs can you have?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at the ewe and asked.

Although it is said that Ye Han is feeding water, food, and shoveling every day.

But this ewe still doesn't like Ye Han very much.

This makes cats love cats, dogs love dogs, and Ye Han, who sees flowers blooming, is very frustrated.

"One to three."

"At least one, at most three."

Ye Han said.

What he said was the same as what Xiaoliang said.

Then came the rabbits. I brought back five rabbits yesterday. I killed one for meat, and there were four left, two males and two females.

have been put into the rabbit's nest.

Happily, they still get along well.

The new four must have a better relationship. They already lived together, but they did not fight with the aborigines in the rabbit den.

Everyone is fine.

After lunch at noon, the two continued to work and produced a new batch of bricks and tiles.

Next is the main event.

Make cement!

Seeing that Ye Han was going to make cement, the number of people in the live broadcast room also increased rapidly.

Many viewers who were still strolling outside quickly returned to Ye Han's live broadcast room to watch the process of Ye Han making cement.

The only one on the island!

First, Ye Han took out a clay pot.

The contents inside are all the ashes of plants and trees that he usually accumulates!

He still has quite a few of these pots, all filled with plant ashes for later use.

There are so many uses for grass ash!

For example, as fertilizer, for example, for disinfection, for example, for hemostasis.

It can even be used as medicine!

Now Ye Han is going to use grass ash and clay to make the wild version of simple cement.

It was really guessed by some viewers in the live broadcast room. It seems that there are really many talented people.

Under the watchful eyes of a large audience, Ye Han started a series of operations.

"Ye Han took out the plant ash, I should have guessed it right!"

"With cement, burn another batch of bricks and tiles after three days, so it seems that Ye Han can start building the kitchen in three or four days at most."

"That will be the first brick building on the island, it's amazing!"

"Ye Han is invincible. Many people say that he relies on luck. This kind of person should shut up completely!"

"Ye Han has real skills. Those who say he relies on luck have long since disappeared and will be sprayed to death."

"It's starting, Ye Han is about to start!"

Su Xiaoqi also looked at it with relish. It can be said that cement is indispensable to any building, so how to make it in the wild?

There will be an answer soon!

[The author has something to say]

Five shifts are over, good night everyone. Forewarned in advance, I have something to do tomorrow, but I will try to rush back to code as soon as possible.

Chapter 422 The first group of players who got cement

At this point, Ye Han added water to the pot and stirred it.

"Stay a while."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi nodded and looked at the clay pot seriously, she looked very cute.

It was as if he was watching Ye Han perform magic.

"Look what you're curious about, it's actually very simple."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Many viewers who do not understand are also watching carefully.

Most people have seen cement, but they really don't know how to make it.

Even if what Ye Han wants to do is the simplified version.

"What about iron making?"

Su Xiaoqi was like a curious baby, she thought of iron making again.

When it came to iron making, Ye Han shook his head.

"It's hard to make iron."

"Fix the cement thing first, and then think about iron making."

"If you could make iron, what would you want?"

Ye Han asked.

Su Xiaoqi tilted her head and thought about it.

It doesn't seem like he wants anything.

"It must be used to make some weapons or something."

"Next time, if you encounter any ferocious prey, you can have more means."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Ye Han nodded, he thought so too.

Now their weapons are too simple, long-range weapons have bows and arrows, but their power is limited, and melee weapons are sappers.

When the ironmaking is successful, the weapons must be updated.

While speaking, the precipitation has been completed.

Ye Han tilted the pot and poured out the layer of water on it.

Then there was only some dark-gray paste left in the jar, which looked like cement from the outside.

"Boss, is this cement?"

"So cement is made from plant ash and water?"

Su Xiaoqi was amazed.

She thought it was cement.

Ye Han gave her a deep look.

"Xiao Qi, or wait until the end of the game, and I will send you to school."

Ye Han said.

When Su Xiaoqi heard it, she immediately knew that she had made a fool of herself.

She glared at Ye Han.

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