"Who doesn't know the truth, but it can't be done. It's hard to get off work. Can't you play with your mobile phone when you're lying in bed? When you play with your mobile phone, won't it be dawn?"

"I don't like to drink water, I only like to drink. I read the news that some people only drink drinks and get seriously ill. I'm very afraid, but I can't stop drinking."

"My last physical examination spent 200 yuan to find out four diseases. I don't know if I lost or made a profit."


Seeing Ye Han's healthy work and rest habits, a large number of viewers are extremely envious.

The pressure of modern urban life is too great, most people are in a sub-health state, and their health is very bad.

Sitting at work for a long time can also cause many physical problems.

Ye Han's life is even more enviable.

Life is self-sufficient, grow something, raise something, and go out for a walk every now and then.

How wonderful!

Many people have an urge to resign after watching it.

Going back to my hometown in the countryside, raising chickens seems to be pretty good. There is not such a lot of pressure, and the air is better.

But I can only think about it, if I really quit my job, how much income can I earn from farming?

What will you use to get married and get a wife in the future?

Not to mention giving birth to a child to inherit the lineage, it is a bottomless pit, or how can you call the child a gold-swallowing beast?

Raising a child is simply eating money.

Here, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started a new day.

Then there were the other players, and many spectators looked around.

Lengfeng and Li Guang are preparing to eat breakfast, then go out and continue to look for rubber trees.

There are rubber trees in that dangerous river area, but they certainly won't venture there unless they have to.

It is best to find rubber trees in other areas.

It is worth mentioning that the group of couples from the kangaroo country.

The two of them thought about it for a day yesterday and discussed it for a day.

Almost had a fight.

How can couples not quarrel, just to see how to deal with it.

When the two of them were about to quarrel, Jon said a safe word that the two of them had agreed on.

If you feel that you are about to quarrel, or have already quarreled, then say the agreed word, and both of them must shut up immediately, calm down, and then continue to communicate.

"This is a good way to avoid quarrels!"

"My girlfriend and I often quarrel, and I also use this method."

"I advise you, don't try it, I have used this method a long time ago, my girlfriend wants to quarrel with me, I said the safety word we agreed on, it's shark, and she said, shark, you, you, Did you have that serious illness and then beat me up?"

"Brother, you used the asterisk very well. I knew immediately what you wanted to express."

"Shenzhou's culture is extensive and profound, and the language is beautiful!"

The audience chatted hotly in the live room.

Jon and Emily have officially made a decision.

That's moving!

Chapter 433 Prepare to attack the palm tree

The pressure brought by the Komodo dragons to the two is not small.

If there is such a thing around the residence, there are only two ways to go.

Either kill the monitor lizard or remove it yourself.

In the end, the two of them discussed it and chose the latter.

Why the latter?

Because the former is too risky.

Jon and Emily felt that it would be very difficult to kill an adult Komodo dragon without taking any damage.

Not necessarily.

And even if it succeeds, what if you get hurt?

The safest way is to give up here and choose to move!

People are different. If the cold wind is here, I am afraid that it would have already started yesterday, and it would have to fight with the monitor lizard and kill it.

But not everyone is as fierce as the cold wind.

The personalities of Jon and Emily are also more conservative. It is best not to take risks.

Therefore, their previous live broadcasts were relatively bland, and there were no intense pictures, so the popularity was very low.

This game is not the most important thing for them, there is no such thing as having to win the championship.

What do you think?

Still a champion?

There are only two groups of players in the Kangaroo Country, so there is no idea of ​​winning the championship.

The final champion, a large number of people predicted long before the game, either the beautiful country or the Shenzhou country.

Moreover, the beautiful country has a particularly large chance of winning, and all the players selected are some land gods.

Relatively speaking, Shenzhou Kingdom belongs to the yellow race, and suffers from natural disadvantages in terms of physical fitness.

Kangaroo Country did not put any pressure on the players, and hinted that there is no need to compete for the championship, it would be too difficult.

Many people even thought at the beginning that there is no group of players that can last for so long for 365 days.

The end result may be that all players are eliminated.

Of course, this prediction now looks absolutely wrong.

Everyone can name several groups of players who are qualified to persist until the end of the year.

The most qualified are Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi from Shenzhou Kingdom.

"Monitor lizards are dangerous, and moving is a wise choice."

"It's a pity that the wooden houses and earthen kilns here, as well as the traps arranged around them, were all created with great effort and effort."

"At that time, this wooden house may be occupied by monitor lizards!"

"I don't dare to say anything else, it will definitely become the world of all kinds of insects. Thinking about Leng Feng and Zhang Haoran, they both left home for a while, and when they came back, there were snakes, spiders, centipedes and other insects in the house. ."

"Speaking of centipedes, I'm afraid. Just now I saw a group of contestants who said they were bitten by centipedes in the middle of the night. Now their hands are swollen!"

"It's still a bit difficult for a centipede to kill a person. If it's a poisonous snake, then the person is probably gone."

"Actually, I said something bad. Even if they retire, no one will scold them, and they won't be able to win the championship anyway."

"It doesn't sound good, but I think I agree."

"We Shenzhou people are still looking forward to the cold wind to retire and go home. I can't bear to see him working so hard."


A large number of spectators gathered and talked a lot.

Jon and Emily decided to go out today to see if there was a better place, and then start moving.

The two of them had something to eat and went out. The monitor lizard didn't visit today, but it had become a sword of Damocles.

No one knew when the sword of Damocles would fall, and neither did they know when the monitor lizard would visit again.

Better to stay away.

They set off, looking for a new place to live.

And there is Lord Pei's beloved disciple, Bill.

Bill, who moved the most and built the most on the island, has now settled in his new place and is doing well.

With his ability, he quickly accumulated some food.

All of them were captured by him, or obtained through traps.

After the lesson of diarrhea last time, Bill dared to eat all the meat now.

He has only one person to persevere now. If something goes wrong, he doesn't even have anyone who can help him, so he must be cautious.

Now Bill's most greedy is **** steak, but unfortunately he can't eat it at all.

I had no choice but to keep going, wait until the end of the game and then have a good meal to make up for it.

"Bill has also started a new day, and he's going to patrol the traps he's set."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

At the beginning, Ye Han also set up some traps, and went to see them every day.

But now he has ignored those traps.

For example, the traps set up to hunt hyenas have long been submerged by the rain.

Besides, Ye Han doesn't need traps, he has a large number of animals at home.

Ye Han estimated the time, and in about a hundred days, the ewe would be able to give birth to lambs.

At that time, goat milk will be produced.

Now he and Su Xiaoqi drink milk every day, and they can also drink goat milk in the future.

The breeding of rabbits is also very fast, and there are pregnant female rabbits who give birth to bunnies.

Ye Han is now entering the rabbit den, and he can't even count how many rabbits there are!

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were sitting there eating breakfast.

"Boss, can you still eat?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at Ye Han who was eating meat, and asked.

"It's all digested!"

"The dog's teeth and chicken stomach, it's me, it's delicious, and the digestion ability is strong."

Ye Han said with a smile, and took another sip of milk.

"Then what shall we do today?"

"Don't make cement yet?"

Su Xiaoqi was in a hurry to make cement, to build a house and a kitchen.

Ye Han thought for a while.

"Then I'll give you two options. The first is to make cement at home, and the second is to go out to play and explore by the way."

"Oh, by the way, haven't we found palm trees yet? Let's go and have a look. The hearts of palm trees are said to be delicious."

Ye Han finally remembered the palm tree.

The audience also laughed, joking that if the palm tree was anthropomorphic, it would probably be moved to tears.

Ye Han had discovered the palm trees long ago, but he never went to harvest them.

His words made Su Xiaoqi tangled.

In the end, Su Xiaoqi imitated what he said yesterday, and also came along.

"Children make choices, I want them all!"

Su Xiaoqi stared at Ye Han and said.

Ye Han patted his forehead.

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