The main thing is that there is no shortage of food at home.

If Lengfeng found a black bear now, he would have to play with the black bear no matter what he said.

"A little bit!"

Su Xiaoqi made a face at Ye Han.

While talking, the two had already seen the black bear's tree hole.

"Siren has become a yellow crane, and the Yellow Crane Tower is vacant here!"

"This little ancient poem is really easy to come by. We are all cultural people in the live broadcast room!"

"No, this poem has to be changed, the black bear has entered Ye Han's belly, and there is an empty black bear cave here!"

"Wonderful, I won't give you the Nobel Prize for Literature, I won't agree!"

"What will be found in this place of black bears?"

"Come out, Ye Han's Law!"


The audience watched the live broadcast with anticipation.

Ye Han ignored the black bear's tree hole and didn't look at it at all, but walked over quickly.

Because he had already seen it the last time he came to pick up the shovel, and there was nothing in it, just a stench that shot straight into the sky.

The smell of hot eyes.

It's the body odor on the black bear. I'm afraid this guy has never taken a bath, and it's a match for Asan.

It was also the black bear that Asan discovered first. Maybe this is the fate in the shadows.

"It doesn't seem to be anything special."

Su Xiaoqi looked around and found nothing of value.

"Boss, what do black bears usually eat?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

There seems to be nothing good around here, so what do black bears eat?

"Black bears have a mixed diet. They eat plants and meat. If they don't have meat, they eat plants."

"For example, mushrooms, fruits, plant shoots, roots, and some birds, ants, and bees."

"The bear's favorite food is honey."

Ye Han said.

When it came to honey, Ye Han subconsciously looked up.

There is no honey at home, you can try it and see if you can find a hive around here.

Su Xiaoqi also raised her neck and looked up.

It turned out to be a real discovery!

On a tree not far from the black bear tree hole, there is a huge beehive, even bigger than the one I found last time!


Su Xiaoqi exclaimed.

Ye Han also saw this hive, and a smile appeared on his face.

"This time there is honey again."

Ye Han licked his lips.

Last time, I used the honeycomb to stir-fry and fried the bee pupae, which was very sweet.

"How dare these bees build their hives near the black bear tree hole?"

"I'm also puzzled. Isn't this the old birthday star hanging? It's too long?"

"This is a flashlight in a maiden, courting death!"

"Don't forget, black bears are lame and can't climb trees. This bee has nothing to fear."

"The bee said: Black bear! Hey, big fool, come and catch me, if you catch me, I will let you hehe!"

"Whose bee is this, so showy!"

The audience will play one by one, and all kinds of jokes emerge in an endless stream.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were in trouble.

The hive is close at hand, but not easy to obtain.

Just go get it?

No kidding, you'll get stinged, bruised, and even risk death.

"You can also use the smoke method, where the bees are smoked away, and then the hives are harvested."

"It's not enough insurance, though."

Ye Han shook his head.

The safest thing is to use the method last time, make a sheepskin cover and serve it in one pot, and suffocate the bees inside.

But these tools are not at hand right now.

So Ye Han made a decision.

"Go back first!"

"Go home for lunch, then come back with your gear."

Ye Han said.

Whether it's a sugar palm tree or a beehive, tools are needed.

I didn’t know that I would get such a harvest when I went out today, and I didn’t bring any related tools.

So, it's time to go home for lunch now, and come back in the afternoon.

Su Xiaoqi also nodded, don't be in a hurry, just get ready to start.

So the two started walking back.

"As expected of Ye Han, he is still as stable as ever!"

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tool. It can be regarded as being played by Ye Han."

"Sugar palm trees and honeycombs are sweet things. It seems that today is a sweet day!"

"No, just now my girlfriend broke up with me. It's not sweet at all. I feel so sad!"

"It's good to break up, the old ones don't go and the new ones don't come, a forest is waving to you, the days of singing every night are not far away!"

"Ah this... The young people today are not serious about their relationship at all. Unlike me, I only have seven friends, one a day, and I am very specific."

"Why do you have the face to say such a thing? (Brother, let's chat privately, pass on some experience!


Not to mention, the audience summed it up very well.

For Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi today, it was indeed sweet, and everything they found was sweet.

The two returned to the bamboo house and started to cook lunch.

On the other side, Leng Feng and Li Guang were having lunch in the wild.

The two continued to go out today in search of rubber trees.

Only one morning passed, but still no rubber trees were found.

A plantain tree was found, and the two squatted on the ground to eat plantains.

"Brother Feng, isn't there only rubber trees in that dangerous area?"

Li Guang said with a bitter face.

If it goes on like this, before the rubber tree is found, his shoes will be broken.

There are so many roads every day, and the wear and tear of shoes is very large.

"It shouldn't be."

"The species on this island are very rich, and there will definitely be rubber trees. Let's continue to look for them."

Leng Feng finished eating the piece of beef jerky in his hand, took another sip of water, and stood up and said.

Li Guang also nodded, and the two moved on.

"Can they find the rubber tree?"

"I feel like they might meet Bill, that's my gut feeling!"

"If you're guessing, you're just guessing, but you have to say it's intuition?"

"I also have an intuition. I have an intuition that I will fail the exam, and I will fail. The intuition is very accurate. It is called the sixth sense!"

"Come on, that's because you didn't study at all, it's no wonder you can pass!"

"As for the cat detective, I don't know how the cat detective has prepared. That Zeus is also quite powerful."

"Don't panic, Zeus can't be the opponent of the cat detective. His predictions infer that each time is not as accurate as the cat detective."

The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot, and the barrage continued.

And the cat detective is now locking himself in the study, sorting out a lot of information!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you [Seven Cat Book Friends_102998539910] for the reminder of the reward, and thank you for the wonderful pen and flowers for the reward! The mysterious ah has come across the ages, and I have given hundreds of rewards in just two days. Thank you again!

Chapter 437 Cat Detective's Female Bodyguard

In order to fight against Zeus, the cat detective made a lot of effort.

I haven't watched the live broadcast recently, and naturally I don't know that someone is calling him.

I thought Zeus was just a scumbag, but I didn't expect it to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

That cat detective needs to have a good time with him.

Recently, the cat detective has been sorting and summarizing the criminal evidence of Zeus through various means!

Zeus has no good intentions towards him, so the cat detective can't just go over and give away the head, can't he?

This time, I went to the beautiful country and tried to get Zeus down and let him go to the prison to reflect on himself.

In addition to this, Detective Cat contacted an international security company and hired a bodyguard.

Counting the time, the bodyguard should be here soon.

Just when the cat detective was thinking so, the doorbell rang.

Both parents go out to do errands and go to work.

There are only two people at home, Detective Cat and Aunt Wang.

The matter of opening the door is naturally left to Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang was cooking for Detective Cat in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell and went over to check.


As Aunt Wang spoke, she pressed a button.

The screen of the smart doorbell showed the situation of going out, and it turned out to be a beautiful woman in black clothes, with neat short hair and a very hot figure!

"Hello, I'm a bodyguard hired by Mr. Liu Yinan. My name is Xuanling."

"Here are the relevant documents and credentials."

This is a relatively rare surname.

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