He is in one of the best hospitals in the country.

But the news he got was not good.

The doctor told him that Xuanling was truly brain-dead, and unless a miracle happened, she would not be able to wake up again.

In the corridor outside the ward, the cat detective was sitting. He, who never smoked, suddenly wanted to light a cigarette.

There was a feeling in his heart.

That is his love, it seems that it has ended before it even started.

[The author has something to say]

Tenth, good night everyone.

Chapter 486 The Kitchen Topped Zeus Is Dead

Sitting on a corridor bench outside the ward, the cat detective bowed his head.

Even though his name has now spread all over the world and become a hot man, but now, he is helpless like a child.

In the face of Xuanling's situation, he had no choice.

No matter how powerful his brain power is, he is not a doctor, and there is nothing he can do in the face of brain death.


Detective Cat recited Xuanling's name over and over again in his heart.

Obviously there is not much contact, how can this be?

In the beginning, Xuanling also hated cat detectives!

But now everything has changed.

Detective Cat was gambling her life at that time, and even if Xuanling let her two personalities perish together, she was not willing to hurt Detective Cat!

Around the cat detective, there are several people from the dragon group, who are responsible for protecting the cat detective.

"Cat detective, don't worry, maybe the doctor will find a way."

"It seems that some rare cases have recovered."

said a member of the Dragon Group.

But the cat detective didn't say anything about it.

You said it is a rare case, how can miracles happen so easily?

Still have to figure out your own way!

Detective Cat got up, and he decided to go home and look through various sources to find a solution.

Seeing this, the dragon group quickly followed.

There was a death order from above, and if something happened to the cat detective, they wouldn't have to come back.

This guy is now considered a national treasure. It is said that a certain boss above wants to meet the cat detective in person.

It's just that now the cat detective has no other thoughts at all.

He just wanted to go home quickly.



Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started a new day, the sixty-ninth day.

After getting up, Ye Han was business as usual, except that Su Xiaoqi didn't get up.

She wanted to help, but Ye Han refused.

The audience doesn't know how many times they've watched this kind of drama.

"What's with this sour smell?"

"Guys, I suspect we're not watching a live broadcast, but a replay."

"It's okay to replay, hahahaha you're going to die of laughing at me, my stomach hurts from laughing in the morning."

"I'm holding a cigarette in my mouth. I swallowed the **** while laughing. It hurts in my stomach now!"

"Drink water quickly, put out the cigarette butts in your stomach with water!"

"All of them are ghosts, how did you become so beautiful, it's really good for Zhong Shenxiu!"


Because the storyline was repeated every morning, and now that Su Xiaoqi wanted to get up, Ye Han asked her to continue to rest. This series of operations was too similar.

So some viewers said that this was a replay, and for a while, this kind of remark went directly to the hot search, causing a lot of discussion.

There are some people who don't know what to do, but they really believe it!

"It turns out that this is not a live broadcast, but a replay. It is estimated that the plots on the island are also performed. This is a huge scam that has deceived the whole world!"

"It's you who is the smartest of the contemporary age, isn't it, brother? The cat detectives are not as smart as you!"

"Let me tell you secretly, this is actually a large-scale series, and I also participated in the filming."

"What role are you playing, that black bear?"

"Hey, let's do it, let's not make trouble. Some fools have already believed it. It's not going to end like this."

"What? What's going on, can anyone explain it to me?"


It took a long time for them to understand.

It turned out to be a replay, which was mocking Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

It is so!

At this time, Ye Han had already finished some of the chores that he had to do every morning.

The enthusiasm in the live broadcast room is still very high. The cat detective competition is over, and everyone's focus has returned to the wilderness survival competition.

Back in front of the bamboo building, Ye Han put down a pot in his hand, took out the fire zither and started to make a fire.

In the pot is fresh milk that has just been squeezed out, from a capable girl.

"Big girl, keep going."

"When the game is over, I'll take you to a good day and buy you a ranch."

Ye Han said casually.

Just a ranch, not much money.

When the audience heard this, it was pure Versailles.

Sure enough, poverty limited everyone's imagination. The most ridiculous thing was that everyone was still fighting to reward Ye Han.

What else can I do?

Tears continue to reward Ye Han!

The audience gave him a reward, just a way to express their love, and it had nothing to do with whether Ye Han had money or not.

Like those chasing stars, stars are richer than them, but aren't they willing to spend money on stars?

Purely to support the people you love, nothing else.

"Big girl is going to have a good life!"

"Don't worry, there are still nearly three hundred days."

"Little Qi is still lying in the bamboo building, but Ye Han is openly taking care of the eldest girl!"

"Please be human, big girl, it's just a buffalo!"

“Make a hearty breakfast!”

"The fart you explained, don't do it if you can't do it."


In the live broadcast room, all kinds of chats are bragging and farting, and the talk is constant.

On Ye Han's side, he prepared a breakfast and sent it directly to the bamboo building for Su Xiaoqi to eat.

"Boss, people who don't know think I'm confinement!"

"No, no, I'll get up and eat."

Su Xiaoqi said, got up and walked out of the bamboo building.

The two sat down for breakfast, Su Xiaoqi's eyes looked to the kitchen from time to time.

"Eat quickly. When the kitchen is covered, you can sleep in it."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi rolled her eyes at Ye Han.

"You want to occupy the big bed yourself and let me sleep in the kitchen. You are so cruel, huh huh!"

Su Xiaoqi was possessed by the spirit of play, and even said a word.

"I want to occupy the big bed, that's what you forced me to do. You didn't see it, you're going to squeeze me out."

"You can't wait to sleep on my head."

Ye Han's words made Su Xiaoqi so amused that she almost squirted out the milk in her mouth.

Is it so exaggerated?

Smelly boss!

After talking and laughing, Su Xiaoqi felt much more comfortable after eating this breakfast, her stomach was warm.

The sun shines on the body is also warm, this time of day is the most comfortable.

When it was noon, it was the hottest time.

Ye Han started to cap the kitchen.

This step is very important, and the difficulty is higher than building a wall.

Of course, this is not difficult for the omnipotent Ye Han.

"How should the roof of the brick house be adjusted?"

"Let's see what Ye Han is going to do, I don't understand either, but I think it should be difficult."

"Come on here, I heard that everyone needs me to answer your questions? Obviously, it can be seen from the wall built by Ye Han that what he wants to do is a sloping roof, which is simple and convenient!"

"What is a sloping roof? Forget it, I'll check it out myself."

"Ye Han is a rich second-generation, how did he know these things? It's outrageous!"

"It turns out that this is called the Xiecha Gable. After gaining knowledge, Ye Han is invincible!"

"I also signed up. Fortunately, I was not selected at the time. Otherwise, I would have gone on a day trip. It was too far away."


The audience in the live broadcast room were watching Ye Han's actions and constantly discussing.

On the other side, in the beautiful country, there was news of Zeus' death.

Chapter 487

Ye Han was capping the kitchen, and the audience watched with relish and kept discussing.

Many people have found that watching Ye Han's live broadcasts can learn craftsmanship. Before, they could not do anything, but now they feel that they can do everything.

Even if it's just an illusion, it can make people happy!

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