In fact, he also knew in his heart that even in rare cases where brain-dead patients recovered, this situation might not necessarily apply to Xuan Ling.

Because the causes of brain death are different!

The more common reasons are generally car accidents, falls, drownings and other accidents, mainly cerebral hemorrhage, insufficient blood supply to the brain and the like.

And Xuanling's brain death was due to the death of the two personalities, which is very far away from modern medicine!

It can be said to be unprecedented, and no case has much reference value.

This leaves Detective Cat at a loss.

It was late at night, and the light in his study was still on...  

The next day, the seventieth day, came.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi woke up one after another to welcome the new day.

Today's main job is still to continue working on the kitchen.

It just so happened that Su Xiaoqi's body was not suitable for going out, so she just stayed at home and continued to build the kitchen.

"The replay has begun!"

"It's only the seventieth day, and there are still two hundred and eighty-five days to come. Most of the daily life will be included, so be prepared."

"Brother, is your math teacher still alive? 365-70=?"

"Let's get out of the way, I will know this question! 365-70, the one's digit is 5, and the ten's digit is 6 minus 7, which is not enough, you need to borrow one from the hundred's 3..."

"3 If you don't borrow it, you can't figure it out!"

"Why did you start adding and subtracting hundreds of digits early in the morning? My son doesn't learn this anymore.

"Beat him to death, burn him to death!"


Lively in the live room.

Everyone got up, and the commentators in the live broadcast room also started to go to work.

Today, there are two new commentators in the official live broadcast room.

[The author has something to say]

The first update, the old rule, is more late, see tomorrow morning. (With the consent of Fushengju, this matter was left to Fushengju, chatting with him, so the update is late, hahahaha)

Chapter 492 New Commentary in the Official Live Room

Lord Bei and Lord De, both of them got a vacation and have gone home to rest.

This is the official program team imitating the model of Shenzhou Kingdom and adopting the system of changing the guard.

Otherwise, let the two commentators insist on 365 days a year and come to comment every day, it will be too tiring, and people will be boiled to death.

In fact, audiences all over the world have already discovered this. The state of Lord Bei and Lord De is far worse than when the game started.

I became more and more tired, and in the end I almost didn't know what to say, and I felt like I was running out of words.

Works like commentary, writing, and creation are actually a process of consumption, consuming the inventory in people's minds.

If it is not charged in time, it will be cool in the morning and evening.

Therefore, those online authors who write novels write 10,000 words every day, which is really amazing.

If you still stay up late to write, then the weight will be even heavier.

"Hello everyone."

A person appeared in front of the camera of the official program group.

Immediately, audiences all over the world were shocked, isn't this a little plum?

Although he has gained weight in middle age, he is still very famous. He is an actor-level figure and is famous all over the world!

The official program team actually found him?

That's a lot of money, maybe every second counts?

And another commentator, the way of appearing is more exciting, is it Iron Man?

Wearing a steel battle suit, he walked in front of everyone and said hello.

The official live broadcast room went straight, and the popularity skyrocketed.

Two actors!

They are not ordinary actors, they are all famous all over the world, and they also have a large number of fans in China.

The snap of Iron Man's fingers, I don't know how many people cried.

"How much did the official program team cost?"

"It's outrageous. I thought they would change to some other people in the wilderness. I didn't expect, I really didn't expect two actors to come directly!"

"I like watching the movies of these two people, this wave is okay!"

"Iron Man! My son dreams of being Iron Man!"

"Good guy, I call it good guy!"


Audiences all over the world are talking about it.

This is the hottest time in the official live broadcast room since the show started!

And also received a lot of rewards.

"Isn't the wealth code here?"

"It didn't cost much to hire these two people, and it seems that it has now been earned back."

In an office, a middle-aged bald fat man in a suit said.

Classic capitalist dress.

There is no doubt that this is a successful capitalist with great business acumen.

Ordinary people will just think, wow, it will cost a lot of money to invite these two people.

But capitalists know that the returns will be higher, so paying a certain cost is totally worth it.

"This plan has been passed, and those who need to be invited will contact as soon as possible. The price is not a problem."

The capitalist ordered.

There are already men to arrange quickly.

At present, the two people may not have a long schedule, because they still have works to shoot.

Impossible to be a resident commentator.

The official program group didn't plan to let them stay permanently here, and they will continue to change people in the future.

Whoever the audience likes and wants to see, please come!

In fact, there are also many stars who want to take advantage of the popularity of this show, but they just suffer from no way out.

Now they all saw the opportunity and even contacted the show team proactively.

If you can't get the official program group, then find the national program group, you can talk, even if you don't need money, show your face, how much popularity can this generate?

On the side of Shenzhou Kingdom, if anyone can serve as the commentator of Ye Han's live broadcast room, it is possible to be directly red.

Even before this, everyone didn't know you, but after this, you will definitely be popular.

Of course, the show team of China State did not intend to do this.

The rotation of the two commentaries is enough, and you can try to add other commentaries in the future, but it is not yet.

At this time, in the official live broadcast room.

After Iron Man put on a few poss, also with the help of the staff, he took off this set of iron suits on his body.

This thing is quite heavy, and a set of actions is tiring enough.

"Hahaha, thank you, thank you for your reward and support!"

"I am honored to receive the invitation of the program team to be the commentator. I myself often watch this program, and I like it very much!"

Iron Man said a few words.

Next is the normal explanation.

They first explained several live broadcast rooms in the beautiful country.

Then started hanging out again, looking at players from other countries.

In the local live broadcast room, Bill cannot be avoided naturally.

When Master Bei was still there, he often explained Bill's live broadcast room and was very concerned about his apprentices.

"Bill player is fighting alone now, and he is the only player on the island who is fighting alone. The other player is Zhang Haoran from China."

"However, Zhang Haoran has a little wolf to accompany him, but Bill has only himself, which is even more difficult."

Little Lizi explained.

He quickly entered the state, after all, he is a figure of the actor level.

Words and deeds are different from ordinary people.

As long as you don't think about that picture of him on the beach with a water gun, it's fine.

"I personally think that Bill's decision to fly solo was the right decision."

"He's doing better now than he was before."

Iron Man said.

The two of you speak one sentence to another, and the explanation is similar.

Of course, the heat in the live broadcast room did not explode as much as it did at the beginning.

This is normal. When the two of them first appeared, it was definitely the most popular time, and the barrage was stuck.

It is now a stabilizing process.

On Ye Han's side, a series of things have already been settled.

Take care of the animals, cook and eat.

Next comes the kitchen.

That's the big game.

The four walls and the roof were all handled by Ye Han.

"Today, we can fix the doors and windows, the range hood, or fix the stove first."

"Xiao Qi, what do you think is better to do first?"

Ye Han looked at Su Xiaoqi and asked.

Su Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed.

She felt that she had no power in the process.

"Boss, you can decide."

"I'll do whatever I can help you see."

Su Xiaoqi said that she wanted to work.

Ye Han opened his mouth and immediately wanted to refuse.

"I don't listen!"

"How can this matter be as serious as you think? People still go to work and school. Can female workers still take vacations for a few days each month?"

What Su Xiaoqi said was well-founded and very reasonable.

But Ye Han doesn't care!

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