He opened a can of beer and watched live on TV.

After staying in the live broadcast room for a long time, he was very uncomfortable, especially in the later stage, his state was getting worse and worse, and he was always worried that he might say something wrong.

Alright now, you can relax.

He locked Bill's live room.

The players he cared about most were naturally his apprentices.

But now it seems that Bill's situation is indeed not good.

"It didn't take long, it's far from Bill's record!"

"It's impossible to hold on now, right?"

Lord Bei frowned and subconsciously clenched the beer can in his hand.

It is worth mentioning that this beer is imported from China, and the origin is actually the beer company owned by the cat detective.

You know, Bill lived alone in the jungle for a maximum of one month.

Most of the time, Bill spent half the year alone in the wilderness.

But how long has it been?

what happened?

Many people who support Bill and care about Bill are a little panicked now.

If it really goes on like this, then in the end Bill's ending, I am afraid it will really be the next Zhu Legend as some audiences in Shenzhou Kingdom said!

Someone has boldly deduced that Bill will be finished within half a month!

It's been a mess, and now everything is waiting for the results.

On the other side, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were happy.

Going out to explore and picking up a shovel is a good thing.

The two continued to go out and explore today.

Or take the old road of yesterday and see if there is any gain.

Soon, the two of them were familiar with each other, and they had come to the place where the engineer shovel was found yesterday.

I have checked it carefully yesterday, don't stop, just move on.

This time, the two of them found the situation again.

From the place where the sappers were found, continue to move forward, and you will find some traces along the way, like some animals crawling.

There are also some strange feces, no animal can be seen.

Both are sports champions and don't know much about wildlife.

Although I have also participated in the training organized by the national organization before participating in the competition, and I have also read a lot of materials, this is a temporary cramming and will not have much effect.

People who have accumulated all their lives and played in the wilderness for survival all their lives will not dare to say that they understand it.

It would be outrageous for you two halfway monks to know everything you said.

Of course, a guy like Ye Han who is not in the Five Elements is not included. His existence itself is extremely outrageous.

Those who passed through the reborn soul also received a lucky bonus, which is only dared to be written in novels.

"Sister Hong, what is this?"

Yang Qingqing was a little scared, she thought it might be a snake, a boa constrictor or something.

Her archery is really powerful, piercing Yang at a hundred paces, but in the face of the big python, I am afraid it will not have any effect.

Tang Hong was also beating drums in her heart.

No matter how strong and powerful she is, she is still a woman.

The unknown is always scary.

But she calmed her mind, took a deep breath, and shook her head.

"Don't be afraid, Qingqing, I judged based on the traces, it should not be something like a big python, but it must be a reptile."

"It could be a lizard."

Tang Hong made an inference.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room on the cold wind side.

Leng Feng and Li Guang have nothing to do, they are digging eggs from a nearby tree, and the two compete to see who can dig the most.

Xiao Liang happened to be using his mobile phone to see the situation on Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong's side.

Because the audience in the live broadcast room was already asking him, saying that strange traces were found there, let Xiaoliang quickly judge and tell everyone.

Xiao Liang looked up immediately.

"Don't panic, everyone, Tang Hong is right, as I guessed."

"I didn't expect Tang Hong's knowledge to be quite good. I also think it's a lizard, and it's probably everyone's old friend, the Komodo dragon!"

A smile appeared on Xiao Liang's face.

Komodo dragons, but good stuff!

The one the kangaroo country player encountered last time has been killed and buried directly, so cruel.

Xiaoliang said that he has not seen enough, Komodo dragons are not common.

As a result, now, the gold medal team of Shenzhou Kingdom also seems to have discovered the traces of Komodo dragons, and Xiaoliang is very excited.

This meant he could see the monitor lizards again.

But whether it is a monitor lizard depends on the results, and now it can only be said that the probability is very high.

"Qingqing, if we're really afraid, we'll go back. It's a big deal not to go this way."

Tang Hong looked back at Yang Qingqing and said.

However, Yang Qingqing shook her head.

"It's okay, Sister Hong, as long as it's not a big snake."

Yang Qingqing is more afraid of snakes.

Few people are not afraid of snakes, spiders, and centipedes.

A survey has shown that humans are afraid of spiders, even more than they are afraid of death!

"Well, then let's walk forward and have a look."

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Tang Hong can indeed give Yang Qingqing a great sense of security.

The two continued to move forward, directly following the traces left on the ground.

This walk, is more than an hour away.

As a result, nothing was found.

The traces are also broken.

Because there is a stream in front of it, it is quite wide.

After walking through the stream, there are no particularly obvious traces on the other side, so it is not easy to pursue.

"Go here today and move on later."

"Let's take a look around here first, there may be some gains."

Tang Hong made a decision.

It's almost noon. If you continue to move forward, it will be late when you come back. It's best not to walk at night.

Yang Qingqing felt the same way, and the two started searching in this area. During this period, Yang Qingqing also shot and killed two birds, both of which were relatively large.

Exploring new areas, as long as you don't get too unlucky, will generally pay off.

This time, Yang Qingqing saw a fruit tree first!

"Mysterious fruit!"

Yang Qingqing shouted.

Coincidentally, she had seen this kind of fruit tree when she was looking up information on the Internet, and it was a type of tropical fruit tree.

It's instantly recognizable now.

Seeing this, Tang Hong also looked over with joy in her eyes.

Audiences all over the world also saw this scene and started discussions.

You know, it seems that no other contestants have discovered the mysterious fruit plant yet!

Chapter 495 The Mysterious Fruit That Lives Up To Its Name

Mystery Fruit!

This is a tropical fruit, not found anywhere else.

The fruit has a longer oval shape and is red in color.

Why is it called a mystery fruit?

Because the miracle fruit has a unique effect.

The fruit of this thing is sweet and sour, but if you eat the miracle fruit and eat other acidic foods, you will feel the sweetness!

Isn't it amazing, mysterious?

This is the origin of the name of the mystery fruit.

Modern technology also has the means to take advantage of this effect of the miracle fruit, and it has even become a boon for diabetics.

This is not a common fruit, so unless you know it specifically, you will not know this fruit.

You go to the fruit stand, go to the supermarket, you can't buy miracle fruits at all.

But a treasure can be bought!

Immediately, many viewers have already placed orders and purchases online.

It made some stores selling mysterious fruits dumbfounded, and usually no one buys this stuff.

"Hahaha, I bought a box, and the seller also sent a lemon, just wait and wait!"

"I looked at the reviews in the store, and it seems to be pretty good. After eating the miracle fruit and eating lemons, you can eat lemons without changing your face!"

"This is cheating! Good stuff, I bought it!"

"That's right, our company has played the little game of eating lemon challenge. Next time I prepare a miracle fruit, who can be my opponent?"

"I suddenly had a bold idea. I ate the miracle fruit and then went to eat oligian. Will it be sweet?"

"Ghost, you can try."


The audience thought it was fun, as if they had discovered a new continent.

In the Lengfeng live broadcast room, Xiaoliang also saw this scene, and his eyes were surprised.

Mystery fruits are not common!

At this time, there were also many people greeting Xiaoliang, asking him to work quickly.

"Working Xiaoliang!"

"Come on, if I don't listen to you for a day, I'll feel sick all over."

"My biggest gain from watching this show is that I have a good posture, especially Xiao Liang, who taught me a lot of things I didn't understand."

"It's useless for you to know about this, but there is a joy in learning new things. If I had such a spirit when I went to school, I would have been admitted to Qingda University!"

"It's like who can't get into Qing University. The admission score of Qing University is 685. I got 68.5, which is only a little bit short."

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