But fortunately, there are also a lot of things to watch on other players, so it's not like there is nothing to watch.

At the same time, on the side of Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong.

The two picked a lot of mysterious fruits, packed them in their backpacks, and built a fire beside the stream on the spot. The two of them were going to have lunch here.

If I had to wait until I hurried back to eat, it would be almost dark that day.

Many players are the same as Ye Han. When they go out to explore, they will bring things such as pots and food, which is convenient for eating out.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong grilled the bird meat on a fire, and they found that the bird meat turned sweet!

"The effect of the mysterious fruit is too powerful!"

"It seems that you can't eat more of this thing. After eating one, anything you eat within a few hours will be more or less sweet."

Tang Hong said sternly.

Miracle fruit is good, but don't eat too much.

Yang Qingqing also nodded.

"It's okay, we can make the fruit of the miracle fruit and eat it occasionally."

This method is good. Fruits in tropical rain forests rot very quickly, and they need to be eaten as soon as possible after picking them.

If you can't finish it, it's best to find a way to deal with it, such as making the fruit dry.

For example, in Ye Han's house, there are still a lot of dried cashew nuts, which are eaten as snacks from time to time.

But the banana thing is not easy to deal with, the two have already eaten all the bananas with their noses pinched.

The last ones, some places had already started to rot, and Ye Han took them directly to feed the chickens.

Bananas, plantains, etc., once a piece of the food has deteriorated, it is best not to eat the whole.

Other vegetables and fruits are similar.

In order to save money, some people cut off the broken parts with a knife, and eat the rest, which is actually not healthy.

Many diseases are saved by saving money.

It can even lead to death, such as overnight soaked fungus, eating and living in icu are common things.

At this moment, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were eating this strangely sweet roasted bird meat.

On the opposite side of the stream, there is a pair of eyes staring at them both!

They didn't notice it at first, and it was the audience who discovered it first.

"Is there something across the stream?"

"Fuck, what the **** is that?"

"Damn, that's a monitor lizard, a Komodo dragon!"

"The two players in Kangaroo Country just killed one. Why is there another one here? Are there so many monitor lizards on the island?"

"There seems to be an island abroad, with a large number of Komodo dragons inhabiting it. Now on this island, I think there must be at least five or six, seven or eight, or ninety, right?"

"Good guy, don't say it if you're not sure, you'll die of laughing at me."

"They haven't found the monitor lizard yet. What if the monitor lizard attacked them?"

The audience talked a lot, and some people were already nervous.

Chapter 497 The Secret Only the Program Team Knows

In fact, such concerns are unnecessary.

Because the monitor lizard is on the opposite bank of the stream, if it wants to attack the two of them, it must pass through the stream.

As long as it passes through the stream, it will definitely attract the attention of Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong.

A silent sneak attack is impossible.

If there is something like a leopard around, it is still possible to achieve a sneak attack.

Where will the monitor lizard sneak attack?

In fact, this thing is very stupid. It mainly lives by eating carrion. In terms of hunting, it is completely incomparable with animals such as jackals, tigers and leopards.

At this time, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were eating roasted bird meat. Yang Qingqing glanced inadvertently and immediately saw the monitor lizard across the stream.

"Sister Hong! Sister Hong!"

"Look, what is that?!"

Yang Qingqing let out an exclamation and pointed at the monitor lizard opposite.

The monitor lizard was watching them, but nothing happened.

Generally speaking, this thing rarely actively attacks humans, and most animals in nature are actually like this.

Even if it is bitten by a snake, it is because the snake feels that you have violated its territory and threatened its safety.

"That's a Komodo dragon!"

Tang Hong said.

At the same time, she immediately became alert and looked at the Komodo dragon on the other side of the stream.

In Lengfeng's live broadcast room, Xiaoliang was not doing his job and kept staring at the situation on their side.

"The traces discovered by Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong are indeed left by Komodo dragons!"

"This monitor lizard looks really good, bigger than the one found by the two kangaroo country players!"

Xiao Liang said very excitedly.

Everyone in his live broadcast room is laughing at him.

"No matter what, this Komodo dragon shouldn't be described as good-looking, right?"

"Xiao Liang's aesthetic is very unique!"

"This monitor lizard is indeed bigger, will it attack?"

"What are you afraid of, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong cooperate, even if the cold wind comes, you have to weigh it!"

"Dude, when did cold wind become a unit of measurement?"

"The unit of measurement used to be Zhu Chuan Chuan. Now Zhu Chuan Chuan has not made much movement. Since the last handwritten apology letter, there has been no news."

"It should be treated with peace of mind. With Zhang Yun treating him, it's not a big problem."

"Otherwise, let's use the small train as a new unit of measurement. Lengfeng's combat power is at least 1.5 cars, and this monitor lizard should be less than one car, barely 0.8 cars, how about it?"

"The little train is dead..."

Absolutely never thought that this could be involved in a small train?

The little train Thomas, who had been beaten to death by the cold wind, was pulled out again and flogged.

Digging graves and whipping corpses is extremely cruel.

"Sister Hong, what should I do now?"

Yang Qingqing held the bow and arrow nervously and said, there is still roasted bird meat in his mouth, because of the mysterious fruit, there is a sweet taste.

"It's okay, Qingqing."

"You step back first, ready to shoot at any time, I guess it shouldn't come over."

Tang Hong is much calmer, and has always been more mature.

Moreover, she takes good care of Yang Qingqing and treats it as her own sister, which also makes Yang Qingqing seek solutions to her as soon as possible when encountering problems.

It's not a good thing to be honest, but it's not too big of a problem.

There is a saying that when you feel relaxed, someone must be carrying the load for you.

"Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing haven't had any outstanding performances since they killed the leopard last time."

"Recently, I have become even more addicted to papermaking and cannot extricate myself."

"But now I realize that I underestimated Tang Hong before. Her fighting ability, her mature mentality, and her understanding of various creatures and plants are quite good."

"She is very strong. Even if she cannot win the championship, she can definitely persist for a long time. If she is lucky, she may persist for a full year."

Xiao Liang said, he was full of praise for Tang Hong.

Dude, everyone was laughing at him in the studio.

Because of the commentaries from Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing, they also discovered this.

what's going on?

Xiaoliang in the Lengfeng live broadcast room robbed them of their jobs?

They don't even know what to say now, it seems like they've all been said by Xiaoliang.

"Xiao Liang is right, I think so too."

The speaker was the fierce imperial tiger who was good at table tennis, and he was also a powerful player who won gold medals many times on behalf of China, which made the players of the Neon Kingdom terrified.

"Yes, me too."

The other is the so-called Great Demon King who directly beats the Neon Country players, and is also a table tennis overlord.

Their commentary made everyone amused, but they couldn't laugh.

All the lines were finished by Xiaoliang, and they just called 666!

After realizing the rotation of the commentary, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong invited a lot of world champion-level characters in this live broadcast room. All of them have won gold medals. They often came to make a cameo appearance, which attracted a lot of enthusiasm.

The audience loves it too.

Usually you can basically see them during the game, but now watching their commentary is also very interesting.

You can get to know the other side of them, and they seem to be closer.

"The monitor lizard is gone!"

At this time, in the screen of the live broadcast room, it was shown that the monitor lizard actually turned and left.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were also relieved.

If you can not fight, it is better not to fight.

Because as long as you fight, accidents may happen.

Once injured, it is a troublesome thing, which may lead to the eventual elimination, and even lead to life-threatening.

So the monitor lizard just left, which is a good thing.

The only one who felt sorry was Xiao Liang.

"How did the monitor lizard go!"

Xiao Liang sighed, he hasn't seen enough yet.

There seems to be no trace of this kind of creature in China. If you want to observe it up close, you have to go abroad, which is more troublesome.

But there should be a chance in the future.

In Xiaoliang's heart, he also wanted to visit the island very much, because the biodiversity on the island is so rich.

"It's a good thing to leave. It seems that I was right in deduction before. Those traces are all left by this monitor lizard."

Tang Hong said with a sigh of relief.

Although she is not afraid of monitor lizards, it is best not to fight.

After all, even if the monitor lizard is hunted, she doesn't want to eat the meat of the monitor lizard. Who knows if she can eat it?


Yang Qingqing also nodded in agreement.

Next, the two packed up their things, put out the bonfire, left here, and started to walk back.

It's almost the end of the day, now start walking back and can go home before dark.

And where the audience couldn't see, the monitor lizard moved forward and shuttled through the jungle after leaving.

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