If you turn it with your hand, you can turn it by yourself for a long time, even if it is successful.

Of course, Ye Han only has such an idea now. Whether it can be successful or not will only be known after the experiment.

As soon as he said it, Ye Han had already started.

He left a hole in the wall, and this is where he set aside to install the ventilator.

Below this wall is where the stove will be built in the future.

"When the time comes, we will build a stove here with a range hood on it."

"The place I reserved is quite large, and a relatively large range hood can be placed to absorb the fumes."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi nodded.

"There must be at least a place for three pots on the stove, but we have three pots!"

Her eyes lit up, and she was already looking forward to the scene where she was cooking in the kitchen.

When she said these words, it made people feel emotional.

A full three pots!

Originally, there was only one pot. Later, the storm brought a pot from the plastic surgery country player, and got another pot from Asan.

Moreover, the audience also knew that near the place where they lived, through the hillside in front of the bamboo forest, and up a distance, it was Zhu Chuan's cave.

There was also a pot hidden there.

If you get that pot, it will be four pots!

"Don't worry, it's all a little problem."

"Make a frame now."

Ye Han looked at the hole he had reserved on the wall.

He only had to look at it to estimate the size, and he didn't need a ruler at all.

This was practiced when I was free-handed rock climbing in my previous life.

Extreme sports are not just a passion to play, but to have a variety of skills.

For example, Ye Han needs to figure out how far the bump in front is from him, whether he can reach it or not, and then reach out.

At this time, you can't take out a ruler to measure it!

Therefore, Ye Han has developed a very strong eyesight, and he can know the length and length at a glance.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han started to make a frame out of wood, which could fit tightly into the hole in the wall.

Of course, the tenon-and-mortise structure is used, which is really easy to use.

"There needs to be a lid or something."

"It can be covered when the ventilator is not in use to prevent any bugs from crawling into the kitchen from outside."

Ye Han thought very thoughtfully.

If there were bugs in the kitchen, that would be a very bad thing.

I believe that anyone who finds cockroaches and mice in the kitchen at home will feel the same way.

The presence of a cockroach in the house means that there are at least hundreds or thousands of cockroaches in the house, and the house feels uninhabitable!

Having said that, cockroaches also survive in tropical rain forests, and this kind of thing seems to be ubiquitous.

So, Ye Han continued to make a cover for the hole on the wall.

When not using a ventilator, this hole can be covered to prevent outside bugs from crawling into the kitchen.

"The main work today is woodworking, which is more delicate and takes a lot of time."

Ye Han glanced at the time on the live broadcast bracelet and shook his head.

He originally thought that he could take care of the ventilator today, but looking at it now, it was obvious that he thought too well.

It's already four o'clock in the afternoon!

It's easy to say, Ye Han made a frame, and Ye Han made a cover.

But these two things are really time-consuming, at least more troublesome than bricklaying.

"It just so happens that you have a rest too."

"Don't worry, really don't worry."

Su Xiaoqi pulled Ye Han's arm and said.

There were two wooden thorns in Ye Han's hand just now, which made her feel very distressed.

"Well, after thinking about it, I think it might be better to make a ventilation fan out of bamboo."

"Tomorrow, let's build the stove first, and then when you are well, go to the bamboo forest and cut some bamboo to bring back."

Ye Han said.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoqi nodded quickly.

"Boss, I'm actually fine!"

"Let's go to the bamboo forest tomorrow, maybe we can dig up bamboo shoots!"

Su Xiaoqi was looking forward to going out.

She has been suffocated for the past two days, staying at home all the time, Ye Han still doesn't let her work, it's so uncomfortable!

"Ha ha."

Ye Han didn't say anything, just sneered, and then prepared to make a fire to cook.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.

"Xiao Qi is definitely talking nonsense with her eyes open!"

"My time is about the same as Xiao Qi's. My stomach hurts so badly now that I don't want to move when I lie there, but the client still asks to revise the plan. Xiao Qi is really in the midst of happiness and doesn't know how to be blessed!"

"I have a bold idea, you can come to me, I will help you, at least ten months without suffering!"

"Go away, it stinks, hurry up and report him!"

"Bah! Why are people making such vulgar jokes online?"


The sky gradually darkened.

The seventieth day is about to pass.

Seventy days is ten weeks.

And there are fifty-two weeks in a year, which means nearly a fifth of the race has passed!

Looking at it this way, it's really fast.

However, just as the seventy days were about to end, another thing happened, which attracted the attention of audiences all over the world.

Chapter 500 The Jackal Siege

Originally, some viewers planned to wash up and go to bed in advance, or just come to a bedtime show like this.

The main thing is to contribute to the reproduction of human beings.

Because Ye Han had already finished dinner here, he was playing chess with Su Xiaoqi in the bamboo building.

You come and go, the battle is fierce.

Some viewers said, look at Ye Han, the battle is so fierce, don't we have to fight too?

His other half will say, is one game enough, child?

Sao broken leg.

But at this time someone suddenly said something!

This situation has also occurred many times, and it is jokingly called the welfare of the party who stayed up late.

Those who go to bed early have no chance to see it at all, and can only watch the playback after getting up.

In theory, there is no delay in watching the replay, and the content is the same, but the replay is not as comfortable as watching the live broadcast on the spot!

And watching the replay, it has basically been spoiled.

Human beings are so strange, on the one hand, they actively ask the show team for spoilers, and on the other hand, they don't want to be spoiled.

"Something happened, something happened!"

"I'm in a hurry, tell me what's going on, a player died?"

"You guys are wrong, why do you always expect players to die?"

"Low-key, low-key, it seems that there are still contestants in the plastic surgery country, quietly!"

"If I don't say it, I forgot. The Neon Country has long since been wiped out. When will the Plastic Surgery Country be my companion?"

"So what happened, I'm going to scold people if I don't make it clear."


In Ye Han's live broadcast room, there was a burst of noise, and the barrage continued.

Originally, everyone was watching the two of them play chess, and at the same time, they joked that Su Xiaoqi was a stinky chess basket.

The stinky chess basket is a word in the chess world, which means that a person's chess skills are very poor, and it is also used as a self-deprecating thing.

"Oh, I'm just a stinky chess basket, not your opponent."

Before you play chess, say this first, and then make your opponent miserable, not to mention how cool it is.

And now, everyone is discussing the issue.

Which player is in trouble?

In fact, it didn't take long after someone said something, the main reason was that everyone was too impatient.

Now, everyone quickly knew what was going on.

There was indeed an accident.

And this time the accident happened to everyone's old acquaintance, the self-proclaimed master of Heifeng Village, Jackson the Great!

Regarding the player Jackson, everyone is now expecting him to retire and return to concentrate on writing novels.

But if something happened to him, it would be bad.

What if you die unexpectedly?

"It's a jackal!"

"Jackson and Schmidt are surrounded by a pack of jackals!"

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked!

The game has been going on now, it has been 70 days, and nearly one-fifth of the schedule has been completed.

But there has never been a situation where a player was besieged by a group of beasts.

That is, Ye Han encountered the hyena swarm, but Ye Han used the traps to break them one by one and successfully killed the hyena swarm.

The last time Cold Wind was attacked by a large number of beasts in the extremely dangerous river area, but he never fell into the encirclement, but quickly escaped.

But now, Jackson and Schmidt are really surrounded.

The two of them had already planned to sleep at this time, staying in the wooden house.

But there was a sound of footsteps and a howl from outside. It was the sound of a jackal.

Looking out through the crack of the door, with the help of the moonlight at night, you can see that jackals appear one after another, scattered around the entire wooden house, completely surrounding the place!

"It's over!"

Schmidt was so scared that he almost sat on the ground, his legs were shaking.

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