"Will the emperor die after he quits?"

"Don't worry, the emperor belongs to the beer country, not the beautiful country."


Audiences all over the net were talking about it.

Right now, there seems to be no way to help them get out of trouble.

Schmidt's face was very ugly, but he had to accept a fact in his heart.

That is, if it continues like this, they will be doomed.

Be food for jackals!

Being bitten to death by a living creature is horrible!

"Please help!"

"We've done our best."

Schmidt said with a sigh.

Hearing this sentence, Jackson also sighed, it seems that no miracle will happen.

In his book, whenever it comes to closing time, the protagonist can perform miracles and save the day.

Too bad it's not there now.

Afterwards, both of them pressed the distress button on the live broadcast bracelet.

This scene made many viewers who care about them all feel embarrassed.

really quit.

This is so sudden!

No one can know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident. This sentence is really suitable here.

Some people with rich experience feel more empathy.

For example, a friend who was drinking together yesterday suddenly died of a heart attack!

For example, a colleague who drove out to run errands had a car accident and never came back!

There are so many things like this happening in this world every day, all of them suddenly.

No one was ready for the accident.

Therefore, the encounter between Jackson and Schmidt, although sudden, is also reasonable.

At least this is not without a sign. The jackal they encountered before was a sign.

If Ye Han found a jackal, he would probably quickly set up traps and prepare in advance so that he would not be so passive.

"It takes fifteen minutes for the rescuers of the program group!"

At this time, the program team issued a notice, interrupting everyone's thinking and emotion.

Fifteen minutes, can these two hold on for fifteen minutes?

Chapter 503 The speed of life and death

fifteen minutes? !

Seeing the announcement from the program group, many viewers became nervous.

If Jackson and Schmidt can hold out for fifteen minutes, they can be taken away safely, without life-threatening.

If the two of them last less than fifteen minutes, then at least they will be injured, and they may even die.

But now, some more meticulous viewers have noticed that their firewood may not last for fifteen minutes.

Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous!

Many people feel that a big red word of danger has appeared on the heads of the two.

"Schmidt, we want to wait until the show crew comes to rescue, it will take a certain amount of time."

"How can we hold on until then?"

But Jackson still has a brain, he immediately thought of this problem.

Hearing this, Schmidt frowned.

"If only I had called for help sooner."

"It's my fault for this, because I still have delusional thoughts and want to persevere."

Schmidt blamed himself.

Jackson waved his hand.

"Don't say that, I'm not willing to quit."

"And if it wasn't for you, I was bitten to death by a jackal last time, and if I were to die in a while, I would die first, and I will protect you!"

Jackson is quite polite.

This made Schmidt feel warm.

"No, we both have to go back alive!"

"I want to be your reader, I'm your first reader!"

Schmidt said with a smile.

There is no time for sensationalism now. After a few simple words, both of them began to think about countermeasures.

How can I persist until the rescue of the program team arrives?

It's a bit of a life-and-death taste.

Race against time!

"There's not enough firewood, let's burn the house!"

Schmidt glanced at the two's house and made a decision.

A ready-made, burnable thing, isn't that a house?

It's just a pity that this wooden house was built with their hard work and dedication.

But in order to survive, it can only be burned.

"You can't burn it directly, you have to tear down the house and burn it again."

Jackson has now accepted the reality and started to think of ways.

There are basically no wastes who can come to participate in the competition, except for Jasanyi from the White Elephant Kingdom.

Jackson is naturally a character with two brushes. He is calm now and his brain is racing.

It is useless to burn the house directly. What they have to do is to create a wall of fire to isolate the jackals and protect them both.

So, it's better to burn the house down.

"Throw the firewood out first to block the jackals."

Schmidt nodded, picked up a burning log, and threw it out.

A jackal in front hurriedly jumped away to avoid the flames.

The jackal that was burned at the beginning, with several parts of its body charred black, was staring fiercely at the two of them.

This beam is huge!

With these firewood, the two returned to the wooden house smoothly.

Schmidt was in charge of vigilance, and Jackson started by tearing down a window first.

"It was too strong when it was built, and it's not easy to dismantle it now!"

Jackson panted.

It takes effort to remove a window!

The quality of this cabin is quite good.

They quickly set the window on fire and threw it in front, blocking the jackal's footsteps.

More than twenty jackals gathered around, waiting for an opportunity to move.

As long as the two of them show a little flaw, they will attack!

Audiences all over the world became nervous, and many people who were about to fall asleep have long since lost their sleep.

Some people even fell asleep, were woken up by a friend's call, and got up to watch the live broadcast.

"It was so sudden!"

At Zou Ming's home, he was also sighing.

He was also asleep, but the phone kept ringing, waking him up.

It was only after a glance that he realized that all major websites were pushing the news, and he quickly read it.

Zhang Yun also woke up, and everyone watched the live broadcast together.

It was Zhu Chuan who was not there. He and his mother lived in a house rented nearby, not at Zou Ming's house.

"Zou Ming, Zhang Yun, look!"

"Big news!"

"Two players from the beer country were besieged by a group of jackals. It was the one who wrote the Black Wind Village Master Jackson. Now everyone calls him the Great Emperor!"

Zhu Chuanqi was sending a message to the two of them.

Zhang Yun replied when he saw this.

"I'm watching."

"My son, Jackson, has the wealth of the emperor!"

Zhang Yun said a stalk, which is popular on the Internet.

This sentence is also born out of a classic.

Of course, there is no malicious intent for netizens to say this, it is just a joke.

"The program group still needs ten minutes."

"These ten minutes are hard!"

Zou Ming sat on the sofa and said in a deep voice.

His daughter-in-law held his hand tightly, looking at the jackals on the TV screen, she felt a little scared.

At the same time, he also thought about what happened to his husband.

Many people say that Jackson's current experience is too sudden.

But the real surprise was her husband Zou Ming.

I was walking on the road and was suddenly bitten by a king cobra. Who should I ask for?

Zou Ming and she are also old couples, so they naturally know what she thinks.

"Isn't it okay, and if I persist in treatment, I can still recover."

"Actually, the most sudden and unfortunate one is the player from the Neon Kingdom, the player who died of the Golden Bark Tree."

"If I had encountered a goldenrod tree on the island, I would have died long ago."

Zou Ming comforted his daughter-in-law and said.

This is true, the most unfortunate is the neon country player who died in the golden bark tree.

In the country of rot, some people even wanted to use this tree to study chemical weapons, which is evident.

Looking at the entire island, it is estimated that there are not a few golden bark trees. If anyone encounters it, it will be really bad luck.

"Eight minutes left!"

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