"The yellow braised chicken is not delicious. I like spicy chicken and dry pot chicken."

"It's all the same, chicken is delicious no matter how you cook it, as well as fried chicken and beggar chicken."

"Let me ask Teacher Piao, where can I buy cassowary meat?"


The audience in the live broadcast room was greedy enough.

Who doesn't love chicken?

The meat of this cassowary is actually similar to chicken.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are ready to eat.

For a large pot of meat, the staple food is cassava. In fact, it is fine not to eat the staple food.

Although the staple food is called the staple food, and everyone eats it almost every day, it is actually all because of habit.

Anything that can be eaten as a staple food is basically all carbohydrates.

If you don't eat it, that's totally fine.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already started to eat lunch. They ate meat and enjoyed it very much.

This can make the monkey scratch his ears and cheeks greedily, impatiently.

It wants to come over to eat something, but dare not.

After all, the scene where Ye Han killed the cassowary was in his eyes.

It knows that the humans in front of it are not easy to deal with.


The monkey made a cry and looked at the two from a distance.

It happened that Su Xiaoqi finished eating a piece of meat and threw the bones in his hand to the monkey.

Ye Han almost choked.

"Xiao Qi, it's a monkey, not a dog."

"Do monkeys eat bones?"

Ye Han was slapped in the face as soon as he finished speaking.

I saw this monkey pick up the bone that Su Xiaoqi threw, hold it in his hand, and gnaw it with relish.

"Cough, monkeys obviously eat bones."

"It can't be said to be eating, it's eating the meat on the bones, because monkeys are omnivores and generally eat fruit, but if there is meat to eat, they will also eat meat."

"Xiao Qi, do you understand?"

Ye Han quickly rounded up the words.

Su Xiaoqi held back her laughter and did not mock Ye Han.

"Yes, yes, you are right, boss."

"Come on boss, eat a piece of meat to make up for it."

Su Xiaoqi said, and gave Ye Han a piece of meat.

What to do, to supplement the brain?

Ye Han took the piece of meat and chewed it hard.

"You spend a lot of energy working, you have to make up for it!"

Su Xiaoqi added.

On the other hand, the monkey also finished eating the meat on the bone, and even smashed the bone with its teeth, eating the marrow inside.

Man, it's like I've never eaten something so delicious in my life.

But if you think about it, it really makes sense.

Where has this monkey ever eaten such delicious food?

This is the food that Su Xiaoqi cooked with her own hands. I don't know how many audiences cried.

"A mere monkey, how can he be?!"

"Let go of that bone, I'll chew it, woo woo!"

"I'm Xiao Qi's first licking dog, you all get out of the way and let me come!"

"It's scary, it seems like those perverts who steal girls' socks."

"The surveillance camera at my door once photographed that a wretched man stole my socks!"

"Why did you leave your shoes at the door?"


Ye Han watched the monkey finish eating this bone, and there was only some bone residue left. It really wasn't a waste at all.

So Ye Han threw another bone to the monkey, which was bigger.

The monkey happily took it and nibbled.

And it became more courageous, approaching Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, staring at the pot between them.

The aroma comes from the pot.

The monkey was lost in thought.

It seems that in its memory, he has seen this thing.

Where is it?

I can't remember a bit....

Although monkeys are smart, their IQ is still limited, and it is equivalent to the childhood stage of human beings.

After the meal, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were satisfied.

Of course, the monkey was also satisfied, it followed the two of them and gnawed a lot of bones.

Some of the minced meat on the bones, the unclean tendons, the bone marrow, etc., are all cheap monkeys.

"This monkey eats more cleanly than a dog!"

Ye Han said with emotion.

But Su Xiaoqi shook her head.

"That's not necessarily true. If it is eaten by a dog, there will be no bones left, it will be chewed and swallowed."

"The monkey's ability to eat bones is no match for a dog."

Su Xiaoqi has the right to speak. She had a dog at home when she was a child.

When she eats chicken legs, she feeds the bones to the family dog. In the blink of an eye, the bones are gone and disappeared into the dog's mouth, which left a deep impression on her.

It's a pity that one day she went out for a walk with the dog, but the dog ran away and never came back.

Thinking about it now, Su Xiaoqi still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and even cried for several days at that time.

When she was a child, her parents lied to her that the dog had returned to her hometown. Now she thinks about it, it is estimated that the lost dog has been caught by someone else.

If you are lucky, you will take it home and keep it yourself. If you are unlucky, you may have encountered a dog dealer and sold the dog.

"Don't rely on us this monkey."

Ye Han was getting up and moving, ready to continue working.

But he found that the monkey was following behind him.

For some reason, Ye Han saw the word flattering on the monkey's face.

"I think this monkey is relying on us, why don't we raise a monkey?"

Su Xiaoqi suggested.

Keep monkeys?

In fact, it is not impossible. Usually, you can train monkeys when you are bored.

For example, let monkeys ride bicycles, beat gongs and drums.

No matter how bad it is, can you learn to take a break and stand upright?

Thinking about it, Ye Han's face already showed a smile, which made the monkey feel an ominous feeling in his heart.

Chapter 516 A lot of bamboo

The monkey doesn't know yet, Ye Han is even thinking about how to train it!

If it had known, the monkey would have run away.

How scary humans are, it simply doesn't know.

It's a pity that now the monkey has been attracted by the delicious bones, and has no idea what he is about to encounter.

"This monkey is hanging. Look at Ye Han's eyes and Ye Han's smile."

"I bet that this kid, Ye Han, wants to make fun of monkeys."

"The last time I went to a tourist attraction, I saw a little monkey taking pictures with tourists for fifteen yuan a time."

"Congratulations, congratulations, Ye Han has another pet!"

"Ye Han's family can really open a zoo, there are all kinds of animals!"

"It's scary, I just don't know what name they will name the monkey?"


Yes, there has been discussion about naming the monkeys.

Ye Han didn't care much, but Su Xiaoqi began to ponder.

Have you asked the monkey's opinion?

Next, Ye Han started to cut down bamboo.

The monkey really didn't leave, and stayed beside the two of them, watching curiously.

Everything about these two people is very rare for monkeys and has never been seen before.

This monkey has a strong curiosity and likes to imitate humans, and now he wants to start learning Ye Han's movements.

Ye Hangan was sweating profusely, and cut down bamboos one by one.

Time passes gradually.

When Ye Han was working in the bamboo forest, the other players on the island also had their own things to do.

Of course, some people who are very idle, such as Zhang Haoran, are not excluded.

Now the audience has lost their temper.

If Zhang Haoran used to have some wonderful performances from time to time, now he is completely flat.

Realize the dreams of countless people.

Eat and sleep every day.

Even hunting, he rarely shot himself.

Why, there are Sirius!

Sirius is growing up and growing very fast, almost the same every day.

When he first came out, Sirius was still a little wolf cub.

But now?

Sirius is almost the size of a medium-sized dog.

And very ferocious!

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