She has already conceived a lot of names in her mind, this time, she must be able to come up with a good name!

Ye Han glanced at Su Xiaoqi and sighed.

Sure enough, this monkey was doomed, and now it is doomed.

"Get up, I've handed over the naming rights to you."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi nodded heavily.

"Let me say a few first, boss, see which one is more suitable!"

"The first one, Munch, nicknamed Qiqi, is the transliteration of the English onkey!"

"The second one, Qi Tian, ​​means the Great Sage Qi Tian, ​​we have a nine days, and we can have another Qi Tian!"

"The third one, Roll, because its tail is rolled up."

"The fourth, rhubarb, because its hair is yellow."

"the fifth.........."

Su Xiaoqi said while breaking her fingers.

Ye Han's head is big.

Su Xiaoqi was indeed a genius, and he felt that none of these names would work.

"Cough, this is a capuchin monkey, very smart."

"Capuchin monkeys are a large group, with many different shapes."

"But Xiao Qi, look at the pot, don't let the pot burn, don't worry about the name first, and then think about it carefully."

Ye Han said politely.

Su Xiaoqi suddenly understood that Ye Han did not despise the names she gave.


"Then I can't afford it, you can get up, stinky boss!"

Su Xiaoqi glared at Ye Han fiercely, and immersed herself in stirring the meat in the pot.

At night, they still eat cassowary meat, which is the Thunderbird in their mouths. Of course, they both know very well that this thing is definitely not called Thunderbird, it is just a convenient name.

In addition to the meat of the thunderbird, bamboo shoots and potatoes were added to the pot, which was very rich.

"Otherwise, let's not make up those fancy names, just call a great sage."

Ye Han put forward his own opinion.

Great St.

Su Xiaoqi didn't speak, she rolled her eyes, she felt that the name was not very good.

Compared with her names, it is far worse.

Besides, her name, Qi Tian is not enough, how can she be called the Great Sage?

There is only one truth, and that is that you are targeting me, stinky boss!

Su Xiaoqi held a spatula in hand and held back a sentence for a long time.

"Also the Great Sage, the Great Sage will bite the bones?"

"It's called Da Huang, and it's a dog's name!"

Su Xiaoqi made a final decision, and Ye Han readily agreed.

"Okay, then Rhubarb!"

"Otherwise, it's up to our little Qi to come up with a name!"

"It's a good name. It's very appropriate. This monkey is yellow and likes to chew on bones. It's most appropriate to call it Rhubarb."

Ye Han coaxed Su Xiaoqi and said.

This time, it was Su Xiaoqi's turn to be dumbfounded.

She was so angry that she named a monkey Rhubarb, which was somewhat outrageous!

"Ah this..."

Ye Han couldn't fix Su Xiaoqi.

Only the poor monkey didn't know what was going on, and just stared at the food in the pot.

Audiences all over the world are already laughing stupidly and laughing numbly.

This monkey is so determined, it's called Rhubarb!


"Okay, let's have dinner!"

"Da Huang, you will be a part of this family in the future. As long as you are obedient and make contributions to our big family, I will not treat you badly!"

Ye Han touched Da Huang's head.

Chapter 519 The Magical Pot in Rhubarb's Eyes

At this time, the rhubarb, that is, this yellow capuchin monkey, does not know yet that it has become famous all over the world.

This traffic is huge, and even makes many stars jealous!

It is no exaggeration to say that Rhubarb has now become a first-line star.

Don't forget that there are some big girl beef restaurants in front, Jiutian brand toy airplanes and other things, many merchants took the opportunity to make a fortune.

The current rhubarb is undoubtedly the new wealth code.

I don't know how many people this show feeds!

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to eat.

Ye Han took the rope and sat down, and Da Huang obediently followed, looking at the food on the table.

"Rhubarb, sit down."

"Sit down, yes, that's it, sit down."

"It's so clever, I'll give you a piece of potato to taste first."

Ye Han said, and specially prepared a bowl for rhubarb. He took a piece of potato and put it in the bowl of rhubarb.

What is this?

Rhubarb was very curious and picked up the potato with his hand, but it was scalded, and the potato fell back into the bowl.

"You look at me."

"I'll teach you how to eat."

Ye Han said, picked up a piece of potato, put it in his mouth and blew it, then took a bite and chewed it in his mouth.

Da Huang understood immediately.

So it imitated Ye Han, grabbed the potato, put it to its mouth and blew, and then took a bite.

Immediately, rhubarb tasted an unprecedented texture and taste.

The potatoes are full of the soup, the taste is soft and glutinous, and the taste is fresh and salty. What kind of fairy food is this!

As a monkey native to the island, where has rhubarb ever eaten such a delicious thing?

It quickly chewed the potato in its mouth and swallowed it.

Then he continued to blow, sending the remaining potatoes into his mouth.

"Boss, why is this monkey so smart?"

Su Xiaoqi felt a little scared, she was afraid that the monkey would speak.

Ye Han was not afraid, on the contrary, he was quite happy.

The smarter the monkey, the easier it is to train.

In the future, I will have another subordinate, and I will be happy when I think about it.

"Monkeys are inherently smart, this one may be gifted."

"It's okay, don't panic."

Ye Han gave Su Xiaoqi a piece of meat and said.

The two began to eat dinner, and naturally all the bones were left to Rhubarb.

Rhubarb is really like a dog, gnawing on these bones.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also deliberately didn't eat the bones clean, leaving some meat on them for rhubarb to eat.

"Boss, what if it doesn't get enough to eat?"

"I feel like that's not enough for it."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Ye Han nodded, he was also afraid that the rhubarb would not be full.

Just eat some bones, will that work?

"That's a problem, it will have to be fed later."

"If you keep feeding it meat, don't feed it to Diao."

Ye Han pondered.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, it was Xiao Liang time again.

Teacher Piao contacted Xiaoliang, who had already made a draft and started to explain.

"This is a capuchin monkey, Ye Han is right, and it is divided into many species."

"In fact, most monkeys are omnivores. You can basically eat whatever you give them. Look at the monkeys in the zoo. If you give a root sausage, it will eat it, and if you give a fruit, it will eat it."

"If this capuchin monkey can't get enough to eat, it certainly won't, because it can also eat insects and tender leaves, so it can support itself."

"I want to raise one, if only I could be so smart."

"This monkey, Ye Han, with a little training, he can be half a human."

Xiao Liang said, expressing his envy for Ye Han in his words.

He was fine, and he was more envious of Ye Han's people, some street performers playing monkeys, or some people in the zoo.

Back then, Ye Han boiled the eagle and envied others.

Completed the boiled eagle at an almost impossible speed, and quickly broke in, very tacit understanding.

Now that Ye Han tames the monkeys, it doesn't take much effort.

Just outrageous!

Is this monkey being controlled by Ye Han?

How can you be so obedient?

"I will make the rope longer for a while, let it play outside by itself, and find food by itself."

"It's definitely not going to be hungry, don't worry about it."

Ye Han said.

This monkey can grow so big in the forest, how could there be a problem with its foraging ability?

You can definitely fill your stomach by yourself.

After eating this dinner, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were satisfied, but they didn't eat enough rhubarb.

Such a delicious thing, it feels like it can eat a pot.

And in its eyes, the most amazing thing is this pot, because the delicious food comes out of the pot.

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