The specific principle is very simple, it is the same as making bamboo mats, bamboo baskets and other things.


Ye Han chopped the bamboo with a shovel, and then used a Swiss Army knife to cut the bamboo into strips.

During this process, Ye Han silently calculated in his heart that Da Huang was beaten seven times by Su Xiaoqi.

"Cough cough."

"Xiao Qi, although it is said that a filial son is born from a stick, you must know that on the Internet now, a filial son is a derogatory term, meaning unfilial."

"You take it easy, don't beat Rhubarb away, you can reward him appropriately."

"Hit a stick and give a sweet date, this is the way to control people, no, it's to control monkeys."

Ye Han made a suggestion.

Su Xiaoqi nodded and readily accepted Ye Han's suggestion.

"Okay boss, you're right!"

Su Xiaoqi is in a good mood now.

This made Ye Han's heart silently worry.

"Look at Ye Han's expression, hahahahaha!"

"Ye Hanzhun is worried about whether he will be subjected to domestic violence in the future. He is afraid!"

"Who would have thought that our little Qi still has such a side, it's blackened!"

"The taste of power makes people get lost in it. I think of my class teacher in the first year of high school. Her name is Li Qing. I don't know if she still remembers how she physically punished me and beat me. These pains will last my whole life. Can not forget."

"Now teachers still dare to beat students? Report it directly and post it online for exposure!"

"Hey, today's students are too delicate, how can they become talented without beatings? My **** was opened when I was a child!"

"Calling and calling, you are now an intermediary selling houses? Or are you not ruthless enough? If you break your leg, it is estimated that you will be able to send Qingbei."

"Hahaha, it's not ashamed to be an intermediary, everyone should discuss it rationally, and this kind of issue should still be discussed rationally."


The crooked building is the daily life of the live broadcast room. He talked about Su Xiaoqi's domestication of corporal punishment of Rhubarb, but he talked about whether the teacher should corporally punish the students.

On this issue, the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

At this moment, Su Xiaoqi took out a few shredded crocodile meat and fed it to Rhubarb.

But rhubarb is no longer dare to eat!

It is afraid of being beaten!

If you move, you will be beaten!

Rhubarb's head is full of numbness now, it doesn't understand why?

"Seeing that you scared the rhubarb so much that you don't even dare to eat it."

"Slow down for a while, Da Huang, come to me."

Ye Han greeted Rhubarb over.

But rhubarb still didn't dare to move, as if it had become a stone sculpture.

Ye Han came over, took the crocodile shredded meat from Su Xiaoqi's hand, hugged Rhubarb again, and brought Rhubarb to the kitchen door.

He noticed that Rhubarb's tense body began to recover a little.

Eyes are also fixed on the crocodile shredded meat.

"Eat, eat."

Ye Han is very pitiful for rhubarb.

After dawdling for a while, Rhubarb finally dared to eat, and put the shredded crocodile meat into his mouth and ate it.

Su Xiaoqi also felt embarrassed, she knew that she had gone too far just now.

It's okay to hit once or twice every now and then, no problem.

But she was on top just now, and the frequency of beating was too high.

"Xiao Qi, it's time for the audience to report you for cruelty to animals."

"Is that how you treat our family?"

Ye Han said with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi pouted, but couldn't say anything to refute.

"ok, ok, I got it."

"I'm not fighting anymore."

Su Xiaoqi threw away the branch in her hand.

One morning, the hustle and bustle passed.

Ye Han used bamboo strips to weave out two screen windows, which were successfully installed on the window frame.

The holes of this screen are very thin, basically no insects can climb in, but it can also play a role in ventilation.

Two screen windows can improve the air circulation in the kitchen.

This time, the rhubarb can be considered to be relieved, and Ye Han also took it to play shuttlecock.

Rhubarb is very interested in the shuttlecock, but unfortunately he can't learn it for a while, so he can't hit the shuttlecock at all.

Ye Han raised his leg, kicked the shuttlecock out, and flew to where Rhubarb was. Rhubarb tried his best to hit the shuttlecock, but every time he failed.

In the end, Rhubarb found another way. It couldn't kick it with its legs, so it hit it with its head!

Not to mention, this trick is quite effective, Rhubarb can be picked up twice, and his strength has improved rapidly!

Chapter 524 Brewing everything from scratch

After playing shuttlecock with Ye Han for a while, Da Huang finally became happy and almost forgot about the beating he had just been hit.

And now Su Xiaoqi is already cooking lunch, smelling the aroma of the food, rhubarb is already greedy.

In order to make up for the rhubarb, Su Xiaoqi decided to give it a few pieces of meat and all the bones.

After lunch was ready, the two sat down and started to eat lunch. Rhubarb squatted aside and watched.

However, this treatment has already attracted Xiao Hanhan's jealousy.

Xiao Hanhan called out several times, but Ye Han looked over and it stopped.

Facing Ye Han, it did not dare to rebel.

The majesty is placed there, after all, he is the head of the family!

"The director of the zoo, the father of the goddess of luck, the dream of 900 million girls, and the arsonist, all of them are Ye Han!"

"I have to add one more, the island owner, the island owner of this island!"

"Haha, the people of Shenzhou Kingdom really know how to entertain themselves. The competition has only been going on for more than 70 days, so you dare to say that Ye Han will definitely win?"

"Brothers, the target has appeared, from the Neon Kingdom. Recently, my keyboard has been itchy. Please give me a dream, and let me hurry up and scold people and walk!"

"The Neon Country is gone, what are you still dancing here, hurry up and find a class!"

"Hahahaha, God is the Neon Country is gone, the Neon Country players are gone, and the country is still there, it's almost catching up with our Shenzhou Country, a province, can't be ignored!"

"Baga, Shenzhou is too deceiving, it will be over sooner or later!"


A neon country troll who suddenly appeared brought a lot of joy to everyone.

Ye Han is already having lunch here.

The things in the morning are done, and in the afternoon, all you need to do is to fix the ventilation fan and power unit.

Lunch was stewed bear meat.

A large pot of bear meat was stewed softly by Su Xiaoqi, and it tasted very good.

There is still a bear paw left at home, and I plan to make it to celebrate when the kitchen is completed and put into use.

By then, the ducks will be dead too.

As compensation, Rhubarb ate a lot of bear meat, and at this moment, he was at the peak of monkey life.

Which monkey have you seen qualified to eat bear meat?

The rhubarb was very happy to eat, and the unpleasantness of the morning was completely forgotten.

While eating, it looked at the pot on the table from time to time.

The pot is amazing!

Where have you seen such a thing?

Da Huang shook his head, unable to remember.

On the other hand, in this morning, the two Maoxiong players who attracted a large number of spectators were not idle.

I discovered agave last night, and what I have to do today is to find a way to make wine with agave.

These agave are blue and just right for making wine.

Because there are many kinds of agave, it is a general term.

Just like some insects, creatures, etc.

Take a simple example, such as ants, termites, black ants, flying ants, bullet ants and so on.

The most intuitive is also the race, because of the different skin color, different races are divided.

Among all kinds of agave, the most widely used for wine making is this blue agave.

This morning, Eva and Ivanov were exhausted.

The agave grows very big, and some people are so tall, it is not difficult to harvest, just chop it with a shovel, but how to take it away?

They don't live here, their place of residence is four days away from here!

It is very difficult to carry a large amount of agave back on such a long journey.

And it is impossible to cut down the agave and collect it, and then spend four days to carry it back.

In four days, in a place like the tropical rainforest, the agave would have rotted away.

So, there is only one way, and that is to make wine here.

Brewing in place, not going back.

If you want to make wine in situ, you need certain equipment.

At least some containers, right?

Wooden barrels can also be used, and clay pots can also be used. There must be a container!

Therefore, the two had a good discussion early in the morning and made a series of plans.

Now we must not rush to collect and cut agave, but do other preparatory work first.

Make plans to stay here!

After all, there are a lot of tequila here. They grow in pieces and can be used to brew a lot of drinks.

If it doesn't work, then just move and live here!

"Do you understand, help translate?"

"Yeah, I don't understand a word of what they said. Who can speak the language of Maoxiong?"

"You guys are too out of date. In order to make it easier for viewers to watch live broadcasts from other countries, the official program team has produced a translation patch, which can be selected after updating the live broadcast software."

"I didn't even notice that the software needs to be updated. I'm annoyed with software updates, which are usually closed."

"Hey, alright, alright, what they said was translated and turned into the Chinese language, thanks for the convenience brought by technology!"

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