Su Xiaoqi said.

This kind of stormy weather is not very friendly to the more fragile creatures like rabbits.

Last time, a pregnant female rabbit died because of a storm.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi ate the rabbit with tears.

The two came to the position of the rabbit's nest and looked at the pregnant ewe first.

These are all sheltered, and the ewes feel a little wet, but it's not a big problem.

As for the rabbits, they were all crowded together and huddled under the canopy.

A little wet, but still healthy.

"I can rest assured. With Ye Han's luck, there is usually no animal death."

"Huh! The ewe is fine, but she is pregnant. If something goes wrong, the loss will be huge."

"So it is also very important to build some buildings for animals to live in, such as cowsheds or something, so that the animals can shelter from the rain."

"Every time after a storm, animals die in the jungle. The power of nature is too great."

"It's almost the same, everything is fine, Ye Hanniu approves!"

"Hahaha, the big girl and Xiaohanhan are crowded on the first floor of the bamboo building, and Xiaohanhan's foot stepped on his own shit!"

"This idiot, speechless..."

The audience were discussing, sending barrages, and a lot of tips floated by.

After watching this circle and harvesting an egg, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi returned to the kitchen.

The filth in the kitchen had been cleaned up just now, but the smell was still there. Ye Han opened the window and ventilation fan to let in some air.

Then start preparing for breakfast.

After waking up in the middle of the night, I ate some nuts and dried fruit, but those things are okay as snacks, not as a substitute for rice.

Still have to eat meat.

"You do it, I'll go milking."

Ye Han took a pot and walked out of the kitchen.

After a while, he came back with a small pot of milk.

The smell soon came from the kitchen, and Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to eat breakfast.

This is where the importance of the kitchen comes into play.

How can other players have such treatment?

Some people just eat some bacon at home and make do with it, and if they want something hot, they make a fire in the house, making the house smoky.

Not as comfortable as Ye Han, sitting in the kitchen eating delicious meals.

On the other side, Bill also woke up.

Yesterday, he walked for more than three hours in the rainstorm before returning to his wooden house.

The whole body is cold, and the calf cramps.

After returning to the house, Bill took off all his clothes, wiped his hair with the animal hide, and wiped the water off his body.

It was raining outside, and it took a lot of effort for him to start a fire and burn some water in the wooden house.

After drinking the hot water, he had a feeling of being alive.

Then he got into the sleeping bag, covered it, and started to sleep.

This night, Bill slept very unsteadily, said a lot of sleep talk, woke up several times, and was sweating profusely.

Now he has a fever and his forehead is hot.

After waking up, Bill felt his head groggy, and he knew it was because of the rain.

He boiled a pot of broth directly in the log cabin, drank it, and then lay down again to sleep.

He added some heat-clearing herbs to the broth, which didn't taste very good, but it should be useful after drinking it.

"Look at Bill, he definitely has a fever."

"The reason why Charlie Jack of the rotten country was eliminated is because he has a cold and a fever."

"Don't forget Yang Qingqing of Shenzhou Kingdom. She was like this at the beginning, but she was lucky. She got cold medicine in the lottery, and she took the medicine."

"This sleeping bag that Bill got in the lottery is not bad. It's very comfortable to sleep in."

"Who can compare to Ye Han's Swiss Army Knife, it's the best material!"

"Bill, don't get confused. The high fever may even lead to death."

"It's okay, he is wearing a live broadcast bracelet, and the bracelet will give prompts in bad situations."

The audience chatted.

If Bill has been having a high fever, after a period of time, the live bracelet will automatically issue a warning.

And his various physical indicators are abnormal, and the live broadcast bracelet also has the function of warning.

If you want to die on the island, this basically does not happen.

Then the audience's picture came to Vasily's side.

Although I was very angry when I saw it, everyone still couldn't help but want to see it.

Looking forward to maybe Sean will break out and kill Vasily.

[The author has something to say]

Five, good night everyone. Thank you for the Chinese New Year red envelopes from Floating Life!

Chapter 544

Many viewers are looking forward to Sean breaking out every day.

But every time, Sean let everyone down.

He is so patient!

It was he who had been patient all the time, which also made Vasily take an inch, and it became more and more excessive.

And this Vasily can really sleep.

Yesterday at noon, after having lunch, Vasily fell asleep and slept until dark, when he woke up hungry and wanted something to eat.

But there was nothing to eat in the house, and bacon was eaten directly, and Vasily was not happy.

So he muttered some nonsense about God, Lord, etc., and lay there and continued to fall asleep until this morning.

"Sean, I'm hungry."

"Get ready to eat."

Vasily instructed Sean like a servant.

When he spoke, he didn't even look at Sean.

A look of arrogance.

"There's no firewood in the house, and I didn't expect this rain to last for so long."

"There is no way to make a fire, so I can only eat some bacon casually."

Sean said.

He wanted something hot too, but couldn't.

I thought the rain should stop by today, so Sean didn't prepare much firewood in the house.

And it is not very good to have a fire in the house for cooking. What if one accidentally burns the wooden house?

It will also fill the house with a smoky smell, which is not good.


Vasily became anxious, and jumped there like a cat whose tail had been trampled.

"How can the bacon be eaten directly?"

"Sean, think of a way!"

Vasili looked at Sean and said.

Sean spread his hands.

"There's no way, why don't we tear down the wooden house and make a fire?"

Hearing this, Vasily narrowed his eyes and clenched his posterior molars.

Sean what does this mean?

He has never put Sean in his eyes for a long time, now Sean dares to say that?

He Vasily is a priest, and his status is revered!

And what about Sean?

But a criminal who went to jail!

This sinner was born a head shorter than himself!

Now that he says that, is he expressing his dissatisfaction?

He dares to be dissatisfied with himself?

Vasily snorted and looked around.

There was really no fuel to burn in the house, and for food, there was only a little bacon left.

There is also some water to drink.

Vasily had no choice but to drink some water to moisten his throat.

Then he looked at Sean.

"Sean, come here, I want to pray for you."

"God tell me you're lost right now."

Having said that, he has already pulled Sean and started his operation.

One hand held the cross on his chest, the other pressed on top of Sean's head, muttering words.

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

This is a classic opening remark that many people have heard more or less.

Then, Vasily began a series of prayers.

Pray for the great Lord to guide the confused Sean and forgive his sins.

This caused a large number of audiences to be mad at him.

"It's so bad early in the morning!"

"I'm so stupid, really, I shouldn't have clicked on Vasily's live broadcast room. I only knew he was ugly, but I didn't expect him to be so disgusting. I'm so stupid."

"Vasily, I *you*!"

"Is the brother's taste so heavy? I went over the wall and found Vasily's social account. He posted a photo of his mother. He looks exactly like him, even the beard is almost the same."

"Stop talking, I'm going to vomit!"

"Sean, what are you waiting for, hit him, hit him!"

"Are you asking Sean to beat him or his mother?"


The live broadcast room is full of a lot of national quintessence, which is very beautiful, making people very spiritual in the early morning.

In addition, there are other languages ​​from all over the world, gathered here.

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