Su Xiaoqi followed closely to see if she could help.

At this time, Jiutian had already swooped down, hovering at a low altitude ahead.

Ye Han approached and looked over.

Then a smile appeared on his face.

Good guy, what I've been thinking about all day is right in front of my eyes!


"It's Thunderbird!"

"Boss, hurry, kill it!"

Su Xiaoqi was about to drool.

This is equivalent to finding a 100-pound pheasant!

I didn't eat enough last time, so I finished it.

Still thinking about it these days.

Ye Han is also happy, this stuff is really delicious.

Who doesn't love chicken?

There are so few people like that.

"That is required!"

"Watch me do it!"

Ye Han held an engineer shovel and rushed over.

Like last time, Ye Han still attacked the neck first.

The neck of almost all creatures must be the key point. Thunderbird has the thinnest neck and is the easiest to attack. If the neck is cut off, it will definitely die.

"Good guy, Ye Han's luck is here again!"

"Durian tree, seafood giant, cassowary. Ye Han's harvest is really good!"

"I think Lengfeng has also gained a lot, and a large number of players have found meat today."

"Can it be the same? Ye Han has no shortage of food, and he eats the best!"

"I actually want to see Ye Han make iron. Did he forget about it?"

"Don't worry, the meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time. Didn't Ye Han just finish the kitchen? We've been waiting for a while for the kitchen."

"Before the game is over, Ye Han will make iron, don't worry."

The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had been talking about it for almost a day, and they wanted to have another cassowary, but they actually met!

And not dead, but alive.

Live better!

If it's dead, it's about to rot by now, because so much time has passed.

Environments like tropical rainforests are very perishable.

And now this cassowary is alive and kicking, slaughtered on the spot, and then go home at night to eat a meal of cassowary meat, wouldn't it be nice?

Ye Han charged aggressively and attacked the cassowary.

This time, the cassowary was obviously more ferocious. After seeing Ye Han, it jumped up and kicked Ye Han's forehead with both feet.

If he was kicked like this, Ye Han was afraid that he would ascend to the sky on the spot, and the account would be cancelled again.

Fortunately, Ye Han's eyes and hands were quick, and he threw himself on the ground and rolled to avoid the blow.

No way, the cassowary's movements are very agile, which is already the fastest response Ye Han can make.


The cassowary's attack was not in vain, but kicked on a tree.

The bark was scratched by it, very ferocious!

At this time, Ye Han had already stood up again, and immediately slashed with the engineer shovel.

This time it worked.

With Ye Han's skill, it is actually not difficult to deal with a cassowary.

The engineer shovel successfully hit the neck of the cassowary, and it was only a little short of cutting it off.

Ye Han quickly backed away to avoid the cassowary's dying counterattack, and shook his head at the same time.

"If only I could cut off the neck directly, this engineer shovel is already dull!"

Ye Han looked down at the engineer shovel in his hand.

This engineer shovel is indeed blunt.

He now has two shovels, one for himself and one for Asan.

There were actually three pots, because there were still plastic surgery players whose pots were blown by the strong wind.

His own shovel was not low in wear and tear.

Asan's hand was actually not much better.

"Go back and grind."

"And the shovel is not a professional attack weapon, it's more of a tool."

"So it is still necessary to smelt iron as soon as possible to create more powerful weapons."

Ye Han thought in his heart.

There are many audiences looking forward to ironmaking and urging it.

In fact, Ye Han didn't forget it in his heart, and was also thinking about it.

It's just that this matter is really troublesome. It's even more troublesome than burning bricks and tiles. Once you decide to start it, it will take a lot of time and energy.

There are other things to do right now, so I can only let it go.

Just going to the small volcano to mine, it will be a whole day!

The amount of work is too great.

At this time, Ye Han stood far away, watching the Cassowary finally fall to the ground and died, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, approached, and picked up the corpse.

"Big girl!"

Ye Han greeted, and the big girl had already walked over with Xiao Hanhan.

Ye Han tied the cassowary to the eldest girl.

Then move on and go back to where you live.

With the cassowary, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are even happier. Today's two major harvests are the durian tree and the cassowary.

"Great boss, we have another thunderbird to eat!"

"What do you want to eat this time?"

Su Xiaoqi has already started thinking about how to cook.

"It's fine, I'll eat what you do."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Anyway, the food Su Xiaoqi made was not bad.

Even the crocodile meat that she was not very satisfied with, Ye Han thought it was delicious.

They moved on, finding nothing else along the way.

In the end, before dark, Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi and saw the bamboo building.

Got home!

The two took a sip of water and began to work on their work.

Deal with the brought back prey, as well as kelp and sea vegetables.


And Ye Han just carried the cassowary to the stream, and when he was about to start processing, he heard Jiutian's cry again.

What's wrong with this?

Ye Han got up and looked over.

I saw Jiutian hovering at a low altitude, posing an attacking stance.

This is obviously something there.

Ye Han suddenly became vigilant, knowing that this was in his hometown!

Did something come?

"The only thing that threatens nearby is the green anaconda, right?"

"It stands to reason that it is impossible for the green anaconda to come here. What could it be?"

As Ye Han thought about it, he quickly ran over.

Su Xiaoqi followed behind, and even Da Huang came.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also watching nervously, this is not a beast, this is not good.

The place where Jiu Tian gave a warning was next to the sheep pen and the rabbit den.

Ye Han arrived in a hurry, but saw that it was actually a sheep, lying on the ground!

"A pregnant ewe?"

"No, this sheep has a big belly, not that one!"

Ye Han glanced at it and found the clue.

The sheepfold was intact, and the belly of the sheep that fell to the ground was not big. It seemed that it was still a ram, not the one that he raised.

So this is a new sheep.

"Looks like he's not dead yet!"

Ye Han was excited.

what does that mean?

Home delivery is here!

Ye Han came over and approached the sheep.

It's true that he didn't die, but he was injured and bled a lot. It seemed that his stomach was scratched by something sharp. Judging from the sawdust left near the wound, it should be a branch.

All kinds of accidental deaths happen to humans, not to mention animals living in the wilderness.

Ye Han didn't say a word, went straight up and cut the sheep's throat.

Originally thought that there would be no more harvest today, I went home after going out, but I got a sheep again!

So fragrant!

[The author has something to say]

Five, good night everyone.

Chapter 558 Are You Bewitched by the Devil?

Harvest a sheep again!

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were beaming with joy, and both of them had smiles on their faces.

"It's all home, and I can get a sheep!"

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