Exploring new areas often attracts a larger audience.

Sean's popularity is very high now, and he has been on the hot search list in many software.

In particular, the video clip of him slapping Vasily in the face has gone crazy, and it has also been made into a source of happiness such as ghost videos and emoticons.

So, a huge audience around the world is paying attention to this group.

"Hey, why is my network stuck?"

"Me too, it's weird, my home network is very good!"

"You are not alone. I found that my picture became stuck, which is weird!"

"What's the matter, there are snowflakes on my side? It's like watching TV in the last century!"

"Damn it, what the **** is the show team doing, can you still do it?"

"I haven't scolded the show team yet, so scolded me!"

"Something's wrong, I don't have this problem when I watch other players' live broadcast rooms!"


At this time, in Sean's live broadcast room, there was a barrage of a large number of viewers.

In Sean's picture, there are freezes, snowflakes, and even a black screen!

This phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of the official program team.

"The pictures of other players in the live broadcast room are normal."

"Vasily's picture is also normal. Only the picture of Sean himself has such a problem. It is initially suspected that it is related to this area."

"As Sean goes on, the signal gets worse and worse, which shouldn't be!"

"Find out the reason immediately, fast!"

On the official program team's side, technicians were dispatched immediately and began to investigate.

Finally, as Sean continued to move forward, his live broadcast disappeared directly.

It's not that he turned off the live broadcast himself, but that there is no signal!

how can that be?

There are many technicians in the official program team, and they all broke out in a cold sweat.

The live bracelet equipment distributed by the program group is unlikely to have any problems. It is connected to the satellites in the sky and is a high-tech product with extremely high technology, which has been proved by countless experiments.

But now, the live broadcast bracelet has no signal, and it fails directly!

Audiences around the world are also discussing the issue, raising all kinds of possibilities.

Some people said that Sean's bracelet might be broken. Arrange the staff to go to the island and replace Sean with a new one.

It was also said that Sean shut down the live broadcast himself.

Others said that there may be some kind of radioactive source in the area where Sean is located, which affected the signal of the live bracelet.

Opinions vary.

The most likely of these is the claim that the radioactive source affects the signal.

But you must know that after this live broadcast bracelet was made, it has undergone a lot of tests, and there are few radioactive sources in this world that can affect its signal!

Immediately, this incident attracted the attention of the whole world.

[The author has something to say]

Thank you [Live Beautifully] and [SLY.Kai] for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, thank you for your great support!

Chapter 563 Precious resources must be contested

At present, Sean's live broadcast screen is completely black and there is no signal.

It was widely discussed all over the world, and the program team attached great importance to it and immediately launched an investigation.

You know, in fact, long before the start of the game, countries around the world have joined forces and used satellites to detect the entire island.

There are indeed many dangers, but there has never been a situation where there is no signal!

What's going on now?

A large number of technicians were dispatched to constantly investigate various possibilities.

On the island, Sean knew nothing about it.

He didn't know that the live broadcast had been interrupted, and he didn't think there was anything unusual around it.

If there is anything unusual, there is only one point, that is, the plants are too lush.

"The plants here are so lush!"

"Maybe it's because of the soil and water."

Sean shook his head and decided to leave.

It will be very difficult to keep going.

The grass here can be waist-high, and many plants are even taller than him.

Nothing of value has been found for the time being, so Sean plans to go back the same way.

He turned around and started walking back.

On the way here, you need to use a shovel all the way to open the road, to interrupt the plants blocking the road, and it is much more convenient to go back, because a road has already been opened.

With Sean's return, the picture in the live broadcast room began to gradually recover.

At first, there was a blurry picture, but it seemed to be blocked by a large mosaic, and only a human figure could be clearly seen.

The back became clearer and clearer until it was completely restored.

"Okay, okay, I have a picture here!"

"I saw it too, and it recovered."

"It should be something wrong with the equipment of the program group, and it has now been restored."

"There's no need to continue scolding, everyone, think about it, it's understandable that a device that has been running for more than 70 days has a small problem."

"How much did you charge to come out to wash the ground for the show team?"

"I don't care, the show team is spicy chicken!"

"plus one."


For most ordinary viewers, this is a small problem or accident caused by equipment.

The past is past.

But only some relevant industry workers, as well as the senior members of the program group, can detect something wrong.

For example, the high-level officials of Shenzhou Kingdom have already contacted the high-level officials of Beautiful Country to discuss this issue.

Although the two countries do not deal with each other, it is impossible for them to have no exchanges.

There's a lot of speculation about this right now, and if it's true, it'd be fun.

There may be surprising discoveries in the area where Sean was just now!

Of course, no matter what the discovery is, no country in the world can intervene now.

The ownership of this island can only be the country where the final champion is located. At present, it is most likely to belong to China.

For the audience, this is a small episode.

But all countries in the world, especially the big ones, have already held meetings and listed various possibilities.

For example, some kind of meteorite, some kind of radioactive source, etc. There is no doubt that it is absolutely a very precious resource that can affect the signal of the live bracelet!

It can be said to be a must!

There are many people who are in a hurry, but cannot interfere in this game.

At present, we can only pray that our players finally win the championship.



On Sean's side, he went back the same way, changed directions, and continued to explore, looking for possible gains.

On the other side, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had lunch, packed their things, and started to leave.

Aim for the durian tree!

The mighty team, in the same configuration as yesterday, successfully arrived at the durian tree.

There was no other harvest on the way, but it didn't matter, this time it was mainly for the durian tree.

Under the tree, Ye Han carried two backpacks and began to climb the tree.

Instead of climbing directly, he walked a few laps under the tree to check the situation.

Then, he picked a spot and started climbing.

After going to the island, Ye Han climbed trees a lot, and everyone knew that he was a master at climbing trees.

But this time, it was a little different.

In the eyes of ordinary viewers, Ye Han's climbing speed was slightly slower and his movements were more gentle.

Everyone can understand that this is to avoid the vibration caused by large movements, which will cause the ripe durian on the tree to fall and hit Ye Han.

But in the eyes of some professionals, it is completely different.

"The case has been solved! I have long said that Ye Han's ability to climb trees is not ordinary!"

"Looking now, Ye Han may have professional-level freehand rock climbing skills!"

"I can see it too, how many other skills does Ye Han have?"

"What are you talking about, isn't it just climbing trees, I can do it too, isn't it enough to have hands?"

"It's different. From a professional point of view, Ye Han is climbing trees on the surface, but he uses professional skills in the field of free-hand rock climbing. Logically speaking, he can't be unknown in the field of free-hand rock climbing!"

"This guy, I've been rock climbing all my life, but I feel like I'm not his opponent!"


This wave has brought out many figures in the field of freehand rock climbing.

Some viewers found that many of the speakers have won awards in this field and have been on the news.

Is Ye Han's freehand rock climbing so good?

Even the professionals are highly respected?

Can you tell from him climbing a tree?

Many people do not quite believe it and feel doubtful.

What they didn't know was that Ye Han was the first person in the field of extreme sports in his previous life, a level that shocked the world.

At this time, Ye Han had successfully climbed the tree.

This brought a smile to Ye Han's face, it seems that his sword is not old!

Next, Ye Han took out his Swiss Army knife and started harvesting the durians on the tree.

Then put it in a backpack.

In fact, if you want to pick durians more efficiently, this is not the way to pick them.

It was the man from the tree who threw the durian down,

As long as one is not careful, the person under the tree is hit by the durian, it will be miserable.

So it makes sense that durians are expensive.

Ye Han definitely couldn't use this method to collect durians, so he put the durians in his backpack and ran them down with a rope after a while.

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