But there is more room for that cave!

This time Ye Han planned to take a good look.

There might be some nice discoveries.

"Ye Han is going to mine iron ore?"

"There is no player on the island who can get something like iron ore, and Ye Han is about to set a new record again."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

Yes, he and Lord De are back.

After this period of rest, the two were in full spirits and were warmly welcomed by the audience.

To explain survival in the wilderness, you have to be an expert.

"I think it's not just as simple as mining iron ore. With Ye Han's good luck, he may have even greater gains."

"How exactly should Ye Han kill that green anaconda? I think the biggest possibility is in this small volcano."

Dean added.

Some derivatives of volcanoes can be used to make gunpowder!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you Qian Xiaoye for the three Chinese New Year red envelopes, thank you fndre for the New Year red envelopes, and thank you two for your great support! In this chapter, the two great friends also made a cameo appearance.

Chapter 579 Vasily's Death

If you want to deal with monsters like green anaconda, cold weapons are of little use, and hot weapons are still used.

This is also the conclusion that many people on the Internet have come to after discussing it.

Some big hands also substituted themselves into it and gave some plans.

There is a post on the Internet that is very popular. Many domestic bigwigs chat in it, and there are even some foreign god-level figures.

This post is called "If I were Ye Han, how would I kill the green anaconda".

In this post, the big guys from all walks of life speak freely.

Some people say poisoning, collecting poisonous things on the island, such as the venom of poison dart frogs, this is a thing that seals the throat with blood, even if the green anaconda is huge, but as long as a certain dose is enough, it can also be used. kill.

Some people say that by smelting iron, a barbed iron net is made to trap the green anaconda and then kill it.

The most popular is to make gunpowder and use gunpowder to blow up green anaconda.

In addition, there are some sand sculpture netizens who come to make trouble. Some people say that Ye Han will be transformed into Ultraman, some people will say that Ye Han will be transformed into a Super Saiyan, and some people will say that Xiao Qi will be transformed into Saiyan Moon.

The most outrageous thing is that someone asked Rhubarb to take out a golden hoop stick and kill the green anaconda with one stick...

In fact, Ye Han has also thought about all the methods proposed by these people on the Internet.

He never gave up trying to kill the green anaconda.

There is such a thing more than an hour away from home, if you are a little timid, it is estimated that you would have moved.

Or kill it as soon as possible.

In this regard, Ye Han's idea was to use firearms, especially gunpowder. If gunpowder could be made, that would be great.

Of course, nothing can be said yet.

This trip to the small volcano, the first is to dig iron ore, and the second is to continue to explore and find the raw materials for making gunpowder.

The mighty team left the bamboo building and rushed to the small volcano.


Xiao Hanhan was very excited and howled twice.

Rhubarb sits on its back, and it's used to it now, because it's all familiar.

The goshawk was flying above their heads for nine days, with very sharp eyes. Once it found the prey, it would dive down to capture it as soon as possible.

Ye Han dared to say that there is probably no better falcon in the world.

Just because of the nine days, many fans of boiled eagle are crying.

I have played eagle all my life. If I could have such an eagle, I would die without regret.

Nothing happened along the way, Jiutian caught a rabbit, which was a gain.

When it was noon, Ye Han led the team and saw the cashew tree.

Haven't been here since the last time I got the cashews down.

Ye Han looked at the cashew tree, the same as last time.

Continue to move forward, it is the cave of the small volcano.

"Da Huang, have you been here before?"

"Did you steal the dried cashew nuts I put in the cave last time?"

Ye Han stared at Da Huang and asked.

Da Huang couldn't understand, but he could feel Ye Han's tone was not good.

It jumped off Xiaohanhan's back, and reached out and scratched its head.

"It's really possible that it's dried rhubarb. You can see it's quirky."

Su Xiaoqi also came to help.

These two people are purely bullying Rhubarb and can't speak.

If you don't speak, isn't that the default?

He even saved the trick, and just put the dung pot on Rhubarb's head.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.


"Stone hammer, this wave is stone hammer, it is rhubarb, it has no sophistry!"

"Rhubarb stole cashew nuts to do this thing, so it's settled, signed and signed, and beheaded in the vegetable market."

"The next sentence that arrives at three o'clock in the afternoon is always to keep people under the knife."

"No no no, this time I'm going to be a monkey under the knife!"

"Rhubarb: Stealing dried cashew nuts is punishable by death?"

"Do you still remember that the weasel who stole the rabbit was sentenced to death by Ye Han!"

"How could I not remember, I laughed at that time!"


A large number of viewers gathered in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Along the way, some viewers left temporarily to surf the web and wait for the latest news from Vasily.

Now that Ye Han has reached his destination, everyone hurried back.

To say the busiest, or melon-eating audience.

There is a lot to look at every day.

However, when everyone just gathered in Ye Han's live broadcast room, the latest news of Vasily came out on the Internet.

This time, everyone hurried to eat the first-hand melon.

For the news of Vasily's death, they were looking forward to the stars and the moon.

There is a video on the Internet.

It has spread from abroad, and now it has spread to China.

The first time I saw the video, it must have been saved as soon as possible, and it was gone for a while.

Sure enough, many people with quick hands have just saved it and found that the link is invalid.

Some people who didn't have time to save them jumped in a hurry.

"Who has Vasily's video, can you share it with me?"

"I didn't have time to save it, it was deleted too quickly!"

"My internet speed is not good, I'm mad at me!"

"I have it, I have it, two yuan a share, the old man has no deception, the Shenzhou people don't lie to the Shenzhou people!"

"Why do you have to sell it for money? I'll give it to you for nothing. Add me as a friend, and I'll give it to you."

"Good people have a safe life, praise me!"


Some people want to take the opportunity to make some money, and some people are willing to share the video without paying a penny.

But it also takes time. The friend who gave it away for free has already been added to the explosion.

Some people can't wait and go to the person who sells the video.

Immediately, a large number of scammers appeared.

After someone paid the money, they were blocked directly!

Someone paid step by step, and kept paying hundreds of them, and finally sent a gourd baby.

Is this what people do?

But in the end, everyone got their wish and saw the video.

At the beginning of the video, the picture displayed should be in a room with Vasily tied to a chair and sitting.

"No, how can this still make him sit?"

"That's right, it's good for Vasily, isn't it?"

"Why is the video so long, half an hour?"

"Fast forward to the end and see if Vasily is dead."

"Damn it, I suggest everyone not to watch it, it's disgusting!"

"It's terrible abroad. This method is really cruel. I dare not watch it."


Many people who have watched the video have expressed regret, and I am afraid they will have nightmares at night.

The content of the video is very simple, it is to torture Vasily and use various means to be inhumane.

Vasily's cry was also very miserable, and it was not like this when killing pigs during the New Year.

Some people vomited directly, so many people who didn't watch it didn't dare to watch it.

At the end of the video, Vasily is indeed dead, but no one wants to discuss this matter anymore.

Those things that Vasily did are indeed damnable, but the underground forces on the beautiful country's side used lynching, which has always been one of the topics that has caused widespread discussion.

The law does not punish some damned people, so should someone stand up and use lynching?

Some people continue to discuss this issue, some people don't want to mention it at all, just let this matter pass quickly, it will definitely be a nightmare tonight.

Chapter 580 Suggestions on Occupation

The dust has settled.

Vasily died.

For this matter, the follow-up will definitely ferment for a period of time.

For example, the program team issued a statement condemning these inhumane executioners and ignoring the law.

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