The distance between the two sides is so far that it is almost impossible to meet on the island.

A series of discussions have also been launched on the Internet for these three roster players.

The most comfortable is Zhang Haoran. He is accompanied by Sirius and is not afraid of loneliness.

In Bill's words, in the words of Shenzhou Kingdom, he was equivalent to experiencing a Nirvana before, and there is no danger of being eliminated in a short time.

On the other hand, Sean, he has just become his own state, I don't know if he can bear that kind of loneliness.

Then again, Bill is trying to deal with natural latex.

He took a portion of the natural latex, poured it into a pot, and heated it on the fire.

However, the natural latex exploded directly, and there was still a bit of it on his face, which made him scream.

This scene amused the audience.

"Natural latex is really difficult to handle, and it is now processed in modern factories."

"It is not easy to deal with natural latex on the island."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

Bill was his apprentice, and of course he wanted to say something nice.

Now everyone knows that, Lord Bei protects the short!

He basically never said bad things about Bill, only good things about Bill.

But what he is saying now is the truth, even if Bill fails completely in the end, it is reasonable.

The first attempt failed, but Bill was not discouraged. He added grass ash to the natural latex for a second attempt.

Plant ash is very useful, this thing is a panacea, and it has many uses.

However, it is not enough to stabilize the properties of natural latex.

Then try adding grass ash and heating it.

This time it worked better, but also fell short of Bill's request.

Keep experimenting!

Bill tried again and again, and everyone seemed to have a feeling of making potions.

Like a wizard in a movie or TV series, making some horrible potion, that's the kind of picture.

Not to mention the excited and anticipatory smile on Bill's face, it would be more like that.

"Hmph, you Muggles don't understand, Bill has joined Hogwarts."

"This wave of dream linkage has shocked me for a hundred years!"

"Good guy, Harry Potter is out?"

"One thing to say, Bill is indeed like a magician, a wizard or other profession now. You see, he is stirring in a pot with a wooden stick."

"It's over, the natural latex is out!"

The audience in the live broadcast room discussed.

At this time, it was discovered that Bill's natural latex was used up.

He brought some back, but he couldn't bear the wear and tear of the test!

If the test fails, then this share is wasted and abolished.

Bill has tried so many times that he has now run out of natural latex.

He found this too and could only shake his head.

I'm having fun, but if I say no, it's gone!

But now, Bill feels in a good mood, and he treats the series of experiments on natural latex as a game.

It can also be regarded as a remedy for the boring life on the island.

There was even a faint hope in his heart that he would not succeed so quickly, so that he could play for a while longer.

"It's only noon now, so I'll set off to eat something, and then go back to collect some natural latex."

Bill looked at the time and made a decision.

He started washing the pot, intending to make a broth for lunch.

At this time, he realized that he had done something stupid.

Good guy, this pot is so hard to wash, it makes him doubt his life!

A lot of natural latex sticks to the pot, which is very stubborn and has to be shoveled with brute force.

That kind of feeling is like the pot at home is burnt and left there for a few days, and then I go to brush the pot.

You have to use a wire brush with a lot of force to brush it clean.

Bill squatted by the stream, grabbed a handful of sand into the pot and stirred it, rubbing it constantly.

His hands were stained with a lot of natural latex, and in the end, he was sweating, and he finally washed the pot.

"How can I do this? You can't use a pot to experiment, so what container should you use?"

"If only there were two pots."

Bill thought to himself.

But then he shook his head, how could a player have two pots?

Each group of players has only one pot.

What he didn't know was that Ye Han had three pots.

And also passed the fourth pot once.

After watching him happily work for such a long time, the audience finally realized that Ye Han had resumed the live broadcast.

The people with quick hands have already rushed over, and when they entered the live broadcast room, they saw that the faces of both of them were red, and they should have been soaking in hot springs.

But looking at Ye Han's refreshing appearance, everyone always felt that he had done something.

Coupled with the shy look on Su Xiaoqi's face, it was almost a stone hammer.

It's a pity that the live broadcast has been closed, and no matter how much everyone guesses, it can't be verified.

"Comfortable, really comfortable!"

"My good little Qi, let's go inside together, and I'll get a torch."

Ye Han said with a grin, his brows were ecstatic, and he put the word "cool" on his face.


Su Xiaoqi hummed softly, as fine as a gnat.

The live broadcast room was about to explode, and everyone was condemning Ye Han.

How could Ye Han know this, and he wouldn't care if he knew it.

He walked out of the cave, made two simple torches using tree branches and resin, and after igniting them, he took Su Xiaoqi to the depths of the cave.

The air was filled with the smell of sulphur, which was not pleasant. Ye Han's footsteps were also very fast. It was not good to inhale too much of these gases.

Soon they came to the location of the limonite, but instead of stopping, they kept going.

This picture is what the audience is most looking forward to.

What kind of discoveries and harvests will this time?

[The author has something to say]

Five more.

Chapter 582 Natural Sulphur

In the cave, the flames flickered, reflecting three shadows.

They are Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's, and Da Huang's.

This kind of thing, Da Huang naturally wants to join in the fun.

As for the two water buffaloes, they were placed by Ye Han at the entrance of the cave, and he specially **** Xiao Hanhan to prevent the idiot from getting lost by himself.

"I have a feeling that I'm in a horror movie. Boss, your shadow is shaking like a ghost!"

Su Xiaoqi pulled Ye Han's arm and said.

Ye Han turned his head and made a face at Su Xiaoqi, making her take two steps back in fright.

Almost screamed.

After reacting, Su Xiaoqi glared at Ye Han fiercely, and rushed over to pinch Ye Han.

Rhubarb was having a great time, it was making various movements, and then looked at its own shadow.

"These two people can really make trouble."

"It's fun to watch Rhubarb play."

"It would be fun if there was a ghost in the cave."

"Don't think about it, there are no ghosts in this world, but in this environment, it is possible that some kind of strange beast like a fire unicorn will come out!"

"It's up to you, come out, Overlord Salamander!"

"Edit, then edit, why don't you say fire-breathing dragon?"

"I still have to hurry up. I've been to volcanoes, and I can smell the smell through the screen. It's unhealthy to inhale too much."


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

Near the volcano, as well as inside the volcano, the air will contain a certain amount of sulfur dioxide, which is a poisonous gas.

For example, some special volcanoes will also produce other poisons, such as cyanide, a highly toxic chemical.

"This taste, this temperature, is simply not a place for people to stay."

Ye Han couldn't help shaking his head, pulled up his collar, and covered his mouth and nose.

There is a pungent smell in the air, which belongs to the smell of sulfur dioxide, and there is also a smell of rotten eggs, which belongs to the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

Both gases are poisonous, and inhaling too much can be unhealthy or even fatal.

"Little Qi, how do you feel?"

"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

Ye Han asked.

Su Xiaoqi shook her head and rubbed her eyes again.

"It's not very comfortable, but I don't think it's a big problem."

"You can go further."

Su Xiaoqi was also constantly observing her surroundings, wanting to see if she found anything.

It was already very hot here, Ye Han began to sweat, and he frowned.

"Xiao Qi, you take Da Huang back first, I'll come in a while."

"I run fast by myself, and I go back after a quick look."

Ye Han made a decision, he wanted Su Xiaoqi and Da Huang to leave first.

However, Su Xiaoqi quickly shook her head.

"No, what if you fainted from poisoning?"

"I have to go with you and let Da Huang go back by himself."

Su Xiaoqi did not feel relieved to let Ye Han explore this terrifying cave by himself.

There must be a large number of caves on this island, but the danger level of this cave in front of you can definitely be ranked first.

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