Zhang Haoran squatted there to process the leopard meat, while Sirius ate it secretly.

Enjoy eating.

This is fresh meat. When Sirius picks up a piece, he chews it, not to mention how fragrant it is.

How else would you say that wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat?

It's nature.

Zhang Haoran didn't stop him. Anyway, a leopard has a lot of flesh on its body, and it's not bad for the Sirius.

On the contrary, he smiled dotingly and patted Sirius' head.

As time passed, Zhang Haoran finished processing the leopard, and then began to smoke the leopard meat.

He himself roasted a leg and gnawed it to supplement the consumption of physical strength.

The blood on the back has stopped, but recovery will take ten days and a half months anyway.

Flesh wounds, no bones are seen, but they also need to be scabbed, until the scabs are gone.

It is said that some people usually have a scab on their body. After the scab is removed, they will play with it like a baby, and they are reluctant to throw it away.

There are even boys who give their scabs to the girls they like. I don't know what kind of girls are so lucky.

As it approached two o'clock in the night, many viewers were yawning.

At this time, on Ye Han's side, the third lamb was finally born!

Chapter 596 Missing Home


This ewe was so arrogant that it actually gave birth to triplets.

As early as when Ye Han got this ewe, the audience had already shown their magical powers and looked up a lot of information.

For something like a sheep, there are only three babies born to the sky, and generally speaking, it is only one.

Now this ewe of Ye Han has been born directly to the top, which is really powerful.

If this kind of thing happens to some farmers and farmers, it can really euthanize them.

If you have one more child, you will earn one more money. This is all profit!

"I'm so greedy. My family raises sheep. If the ewes are not good enough, they will give birth to one child at a time!"

"Yeah, if each ewe has three births, the price of mutton should not be so expensive."

"It makes sense, why is mutton expensive, not because it is difficult to breed!"

"Chicken is cheap because chickens are easy to raise and breed in a modern industrial chain. In fact, it only takes about a month for a chick to go from breaking its shell to being served on the table!"

"It's cheap chicken, but there are also expensive ones. It's the kind of free-range chicken, or something like a pheasant. That's expensive!"

"Anyway, Ye Han made a lot of money this time around, three little lambs!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were constantly discussing, and they were very envious of Ye Han's little lamb.

At this time, Ye Han was standing outside the sheep pen.

"Is it all over?"

Ye Han asked.

In the sheepfold, Su Xiaoqi was wiping the third born lamb.

And the first born lamb, this will be able to stand up on its own, is learning to walk, and learn quickly.

Su Xiaoqi felt that it should be walking by tomorrow.

"Well, it should be gone."

"Boss, if you're sleepy, go to bed first. I'm going to check on the ewes."

Su Xiaoqi said.

She was not at ease. After all, the ewes had just given birth to lambs, and she wanted to take more care of them.

If something happens to the ewes, who will feed the lambs?

"It's okay, I'm here too."

"A little sleepy."

Ye Han said, and at the same time poured a cup of tea and drank it.

When you are very sleepy but you can't sleep, after a while, you will feel sleepy, but not sleepy.

This is a feeling that many staying up late parties are very familiar with.

It's not good for the body, no doubt, but no way.

There are many people with sleep disorders, and a considerable number of people have to rely on drugs to fall asleep.

The reason is also very simple. The biggest reason is that the pressure is too great now. From the time a person was born, he was involved in a war of involution, from small to big.

Talent is compared outside of school, study is compared in school, income is compared after graduation, when you have a wife and children, you are more tired than your wife and children.

Inner volume, the source of all evil.

"Shocked, the man didn't sleep late at night, it was because..."

"Ye Han gave birth to three, and finally gave birth."

"Enough is enough for you, I have to sleep, I can't stand it anymore, I have to go to work tomorrow, alas!"

"What kind of work is there? A department manager in the office glanced at me. I thought he looked down on me, and I resigned on the spot!"

"Brother is also a man of temperament. He has the same temper as me. I hit the grade director when I was in school, and the workshop director when I went to work."

"Ah? You screwed the screws in the workshop? I have a small company in my family, and I have the confidence. You should be more restrained."

"Hahahaha, if someone dares to resign, it means they have money at home, and they come to work to experience life. You can have a snack!"

"It's over, I can't sleep anymore, I'm so angry!"


Ye Han's live broadcast room was still lively. Tonight, for the audience, they were very entertained and excited.

Better than drinking coffee.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi continued to accompany the ewe, and also took a look at the little lamb.

"If only I had a mobile phone, I could take a picture of the lamb and send it to a circle of friends."

Su Xiaoqi wiped the little lamb's body and said suddenly.

Ye Han raised his eyebrows.

He himself rarely posts on Moments, Su Xiaoqi loves to post.

The pinnacle of her life was to post a circle of friends who was selected by the program group to participate in the competition. At that time, there seemed to be more than 1,000 likes.

The comments even exploded, Su Xiaoqi happily replied one by one.

In fact, there should be more than this number of likes, but that's all Su Xiaoqi's friends are.

If it is 5,000 people with a friend limit, it is estimated that there will be close to 5,000 likes.

"Why do you suddenly want to post a circle of friends?"

"Want to play with your phone?"

Ye Han asked with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue and nodded.

Counting the time, it's already the eighty-second day!

It is cruel for a modern person to have not played with a mobile phone for 82 days.

People nowadays feel uncomfortable without looking at their phone for more than three minutes.

If the phone is dead, it's like sitting on pins and needles.

Many people's little fingers are deformed, that is, they are pressed by the mobile phone when playing with the mobile phone.

Like Su Xiaoqi, there are many players on the island who actually want to play with their mobile phones.

If you have played games, you haven't played for so long, so how many activities should you miss?

Yes, I haven't read it for so long, and I don't know how much the author wrote?

There are also chasing dramas, chasing fans, and so on.

But when I think about it, my heart pierces.

However, Ye Han does not rely on mobile phones. In his previous life, he was keen on extreme sports. He usually lived a full life, but he didn't actually surf the Internet much.

Now he feels okay, mainly because he was reborn into this world, and he doesn't have any relatives and friends to worry about.

And like Su Xiaoqi, sometimes he misses his family and friends.

We don't necessarily meet every day, but if you want to, you can make a phone call with your mobile phone, make a video, and you can see it immediately.

But now on the island, there is really no way.

"It's already the eighty-second day. In fact, time flies by quickly."

"The race is almost over a quarter of the way."

Ye Han comforted.

Su Xiaoqi also nodded.

"It's okay boss, I just suddenly feel homesick and miss my parents."

"But they must have seen me on live broadcasts a lot. Thinking about it this way, it doesn't matter."

Su Xiaoqi said with a smile.

She was right. At her house, Su Xingzhi and Zhou Qingyi didn't sleep either and were watching the live broadcast.

"This girl, you know she misses us both!"

Su Xingzhi smiled and took a sip of tea.

Zhou Qingyi on the side was a little arrogant.

"I'll just talk about it, I don't see what she's thinking, I see, her soul flew away with the little boss Ye Han."

"Hahaha, my daughter grows up and will marry sooner or later."

"I forget it. In the past 80 days, Ye Han has bullied Xiao Qi at least three or four times. The live broadcast was closed when he was in the hot spring last time. Who knows what he did?"

"Oh, let's do it, Xiaoqi is an adult. She has the confidence and sense of proportion. Besides, aren't we both very optimistic about this Ye Han? Xiaoqi won't endure hardship with him."

"Sleep, sleep, hum!"


The two of them couldn't stand it anymore, after all, they were not young anymore.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were here, guarding the ewe and lamb, until three o'clock in the middle of the night, after making sure there was nothing to do, they went back to sleep.

On the other side, Zhang Haoran also ate a big meal of barbecue, then lay sideways beside the campfire and fell asleep.

At this time, all the players on the island fell asleep, and the audience suddenly dropped a lot and went to sleep.

Ye Han slept directly until ten o'clock in the morning the next day, and then woke up.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Xing Tianju for the three consecutive New Year red envelopes!

Chapter 597 Preparations for Ironmaking

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