"Damn, the program team quickly announce the positions of all the contestants, or I will fly over and blow up the program team!"


The audience is very eager to know the distribution map of the players in each group, so that everyone can easily know which players are close to each other.

But the program team just refused to speak out, and everyone had no choice.

I can only put my hope on the cat detective.

However, the cat detective at this time was not watching the live broadcast.

He went out this morning, went to buy a lot of things, and then came to the orphanage.

During this time, he did not come to see these hard-working children.

Now that he has almost adjusted his state, Xuanling has also been taken home, and he hastened to the orphanage.

Parking the car at the door, the doorman saw that the cat detective was coming, and quickly got up to greet him.

"Ouch, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"How is your health recently?"

The doorman was very enthusiastic and said to the cat detective.

The cat detective smiled, took out a cigarette from the bag he was carrying, and gave it to the doorman.

"I'm fine, and you should pay more attention to your body."

"Smoke less."

said the cat detective.

While giving away cigarettes, he persuaded others to stop smoking.

It may seem contradictory on the surface, but it is not.

He knew that it was impossible for the doorman to quit smoking, and he would buy cigarettes for the rest of his life.

It's better to give him some good cigarettes and let him smoke slowly, two or three cigarettes a day is fine, there is no big problem.

"I made you spend money again. Don't buy it next time. This cigarette is very expensive. I'll just smoke a pack of five yuan."

The doorman said so, but he had already put down the cigarette.

Smokers see good smoke, who is not happy?

The cat detective walked into the orphanage with a large bag and a small bag.


Sunja had already run over, instead of looking at those snacks and gifts, he plunged into the arms of the cat detective.

"Sunja, you've grown a lot taller!"

Detective Cat rubbed his head, only to find that Sunja was already crying.

"I thought you didn't want me anymore, I haven't come for so long."

Sunja cried.

"Why, I've been a little busy recently."

"I'm free now, I'll be here right away."

"Well, let's share these with the friends."

The cat detective gave Sunja all the snacks and gifts in his hand.

Then he met the director of the orphanage and took out another sum of money, which was for the children's nutrition.

Not that kids can't live without cat detectives.

But with Cat Detective, kids are better off.

After staying in the orphanage all morning and having a meal with the children at noon, the cat detective left.

Back home, the cat detective is content.

Doing good deeds will make people feel comfortable, how about helping others?

Detective Cat starts watching live.

The first thing to watch is Ye Han's live broadcast room, which has always been the most conspicuous place on the detective cat's desk.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were already eating seafood by the sea.

One word, that is comfort!

After arriving at the seaside, Ye Han went to the sea to catch seafood, and harvested a lot.

"Let's be extravagant today!"

“Boiled seafood in coconut milk!”

Ye Han went up to the tree to pick a lot of coconuts and poured the coconut milk into the pot to cook seafood.

Many people have eaten coconut chicken, that is, boiled chicken in coconut milk, which is unique.

And coconut milk boiled seafood, but no one has eaten, but the taste is also very good.

And this seafood meal is not just as simple as cooking the seafood.

For example, Su Xiaoqi also dug up some clams and clams, and fry them in another pot. After adding enough seasoning, they were spicy and fragrant.

There are also a few fish, which are directly made into barbecue, grilled fish.

The two had a big meal, and the rhubarb was also full of food, which was very enjoyable.

I didn't leave in a hurry after the meal, but continued to play at the beach.

Generally speaking, when digging sand on the beach, it is possible to dig up some glass fragments, and some bottles, floats and the like may also be washed over by the tide on the shore.

But the beach on this island is very clean, and no one has ever discovered these things.

This proves that there is no trace of human activity in the nearby waters.

At the sea base near the island, the staff inside are prohibited from throwing things into the sea. If they are caught, there will be serious triggers.

But at this time, Ye Han seemed to see something, on the beach not far away, which seemed a bit abrupt.

Chapter 607 Ambergris Worth Two Million

What it is?

Ye Han narrowed his eyes and looked over.

If you don't look carefully, it's really not easy to find.

Because it seems to be a gray-white stone lying quietly on the beach, which is very close to the color of the beach.

In addition, the sun was dazzling, so Ye Han had never noticed it before.

It wasn't until now that he saw it.

"Boss, what are you looking at?"

Su Xiaoqi came over and asked.

She followed Ye Han's gaze and saw nothing.

"I'm not sure either, I went to take a look."

Ye Han said, and walked over.

Su Xiaoqi also followed behind him and walked over together.

Why is there so little rhubarb at this time?

Big Yellow Pidianpidian followed behind the two of them.

This scene also aroused the curiosity of the audience.

"Come on here, Ye Han expects to make a big discovery!"

"Found a fart, why didn't I see anything?"

"Look closely, there's something that looks like a stone there."

"Hey, it seems to be true, but what value can a stone have? Is it possible that there is an emperor green in it?"

"Gambling stones? Everyone, don't touch this thing. I have a friend who went bankrupt because of gambling stones, and his wife ran away with others."

"Is this your friend yourself?"

"The pattern is to be opened, what gambling stone? Let me tell you, this is a spiritual stone, which contains spiritual energy."


The audience started talking nonsense, nonsense.

As they approached, Su Xiaoqi also saw clearly.

It is indeed a gray-white stone. It is very strange. Why does a stone appear on the edge of the beach?

Is it a meteorite?

But it's not like it. If a meteorite falls, there must be a big crater, right?

Could it be that the scouring of the waves brought sand to fill the hole?

That's not right, in that case, the meteorite will definitely be buried, and it is impossible to expose it.

When Su Xiaoqi was wondering, she found that Ye Han suddenly quickened his pace and his breathing became a little faster.

"Boss, wait for me."

Su Xiaoqi took two quick steps to keep up with Ye Han's rhythm.

No way, who gave Ye Han a pair of long legs?

Ye Han takes one step, and he can top Su Xiaoqi by at least one and a half steps.

"Xiao Qi, hurry up, this might be a good thing!"

Ye Han said excitedly.

"What is it, tell me now!"

"Or I won't leave."

Su Xiaoqi pulled Ye Han's arm and acted as a rogue.

"I'm not sure about this, aren't I?"

"That's why I was in a hurry to check, come and come, I'm carrying you."

Ye Han said, his legs slightly bent, and he greeted Su Xiaoqi to come up.

Su Xiaoqi got on Ye Han's back and hooked his arms around Ye Han's neck.

This scene caused many viewers to complain again.

"Sprinkle dog food again!!"

"What does it feel like to carry a **** your back? When can I experience it?"

"Girls, are they all fragrant and soft?"

"No, I can tell you responsibly, because my girlfriend can kill me with one punch."

"So what is that?"

"Isn't there anyone who knows how to see it?"

"Okay: it seems to be ambergris, but I'm not sure, let's take a look when Ye Han gets closer."

The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Among them, one of the big guys whose id is Haoye proposed a possibility.

This big guy is familiar to many viewers because he often rewards Ye Han.

At this time, Ye Han had already brought Su Xiaoqi and quickly approached the gray-white stone.

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