He carefully took out a little powder from it, threw it into the stove, and set it on fire.

A blue flame came out of the stove.

Suddenly, a strange smell filled the kitchen.

"The kitchen smells good!"

"But it still smells like..."

Su Xiaoqi took a deep breath of the aroma of burning ambergris.

But soon she realized something was wrong.

The incense is really fragrant, but the stench created by the four animals who stayed in the kitchen all night has not been completely dispelled.

This results in a fragrant smell in the kitchen.

That kind of taste is very...indescribable.

"Boss, you are really smart."

"This smell won't linger in the kitchen for a long time, will it?"

Su Xiaoqi had a terrible guess in her heart.

Ye Han was also a little restless.

You know, ambergris is a perfect fixative, which means that not only does it fragrant, but it can also keep other flavors for a long time.

If this is the case, how can this kitchen stay in the future?

"Cough, it shouldn't be."

"Rhubarb, where did you go?"

Ye Han greeted, and Da Huang quickly appeared at the door of the kitchen.

However, it could sense that Ye Han was not in a beautiful mood right now, so it was very cautious, only sticking out a monkey head at the door.

"Come in, control the range hood to work, and keep the maximum speed."

Ye Han gave orders.

Rhubarb understood, and then he entered the kitchen and started to turn the wheel, making the ventilation fan spin wildly.

The air in the kitchen is drawn out, speeding up the air circulation.

After about ten minutes, the smell in the kitchen finally smelled much better.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi finally felt relieved.

"Okay, okay, then you can cook. I'll go for a walk and see the situation."

"Maybe some animal sheltering from the rain will enter the earthen kiln."

Ye Han said.

This kind of thing happened twice.

Once got a pheasant, once got a pregnant ewe.

Chickens lay eggs, and sheep give birth.

These are all good big gains.

But for other players, this has never happened.

Not only Ye Han is firing pottery, but many other players have already fired pottery, and they naturally have such things as earth kilns.

But no animal has ever run into their earthen kiln to be caught in a snare.

This made people feel that Ye Han's luck was really awesome.

At this time, the two have also started the live broadcast.

The benefits of staying up late party are here again.

The time is now more than four in the morning, and many people who are used to staying up late until dawn certainly haven't slept yet.

In addition to this, some people will wake up at this time.

For example, those who sell breakfast must get up and prepare at this time, and those who sell vegetables, meat, and flowers.

They all need to get up early to start a hard day's work.

"Ye Han is live!"

"Hahaha, I guessed right, Ye Han went to bed early yesterday, he must get up early today."

"It's only four o'clock when Ye Han got up."

"It's about to dawn on the island, it's so early!"

"Ye Han is checking the earth kiln. I wonder if there will be any animals in the earth kiln to take shelter from the rain?"

"With Ye Han's luck, this is still very likely to happen."

"Other players also woke up one after another, Leng Feng also woke up, and Zhang Haoran also woke up."


A large number of viewers began to pour into each live broadcast room.

The time around the world is also different, and the difference is not much.

In some countries it is noon, in others it is night.

At this time, Ye Han was checking the conditions of the earthen kilns one by one.

To be honest, he's feeling a little conflicted right now.

On the one hand, he hoped that some animals would enter the kiln to take shelter from the rain, so that the prey could be harvested.

On the other hand, if an animal does hide in the earthen kiln, it will undoubtedly destroy the bricks and tiles inside, causing losses.

After checking all the five earthen kilns, Ye Han was relieved.

No animals entered the earthen kiln, and there were no traces of the surrounding area, and the bricks and tiles in the earthen kiln were all intact.

You can start firing this batch of adobes and tiles tonight to get bricks and tiles.

This is all in preparation for the construction of the bullpen.

Next, Ye Han left the kiln and came all the way to the sheep pen and rabbit den.

In fact, the current sheepfold is already a bit crowded, because the birth of three little lambs makes the area of ​​the sheepfold not so big.

Of course, it wasn't big in the first place, and it was built casually by Ye Han.

After cleaning up the sheepfold and rabbit den, and adding food and water to them, Ye Han left and went to the potato field.

"The potatoes at home are almost finished. Although they are saved, they are still not enough."

"Neither of these two batches are fully grown yet, and new ones have to be planted."

Ye Han shook his head.

There is a gap between the harvest and consumption of potatoes, and if things go on like this, there will be no potatoes to eat in the future.

This was not what Ye Han wanted to see.

He came to the chicken coop and the duck coop again to see if the two guys had laid eggs.

Good, no eggs.

Ye Han threatened the two of them, and finally returned to the kitchen.

"Didn't the chickens and ducks lay eggs?"

When Su Xiaoqi saw Ye Hankong came back with his hands, he knew it immediately.

Ye Han nodded, but now he is more concerned about another issue.

"The speed at which we eat potatoes is not the same as my budget."

"Now I feel that the growth rate of potatoes is a little bit slower, and I have to plant more."

Ye Han came up with this idea.

Su Xiaoqi basically would not object to what Ye Han decided.

"That's it, you can arrange the time."

"There should be some places where potatoes are grown that we found, right?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

She had the impression that she still had it, but she wasn't sure.

"Yes, and I will go out and take a look later."

Ye Han sat down and took a sip of water.

This will be a lot of work, and breakfast is almost done. Add some meat to shredded kelp, and add some square beans to make a soup.

There is also milk, steamed a salted duck egg, and then the root tuber of the steamed square bean.

Ye Han felt that this thing was more delicious than cassava. After the roots and tubers of quadrangular beans were obtained, cassava had been put into the cold palace.

There's still cassava in the kitchen, but it's been there.

As for the salted duck eggs, because there are not many stocks, it is very economical now. I eat one occasionally, or two people eat it.

After eating this breakfast, Ye Han packed up and led the team to the wild potato field.

The other players were basically all dispatched.

Someone went out and started picking up dead bodies to see if they could find any animal carcasses.

Some people move on, such as Zhang Haoran.

Leng Feng is also here. He excitedly started to pack his things, and then set off again with Li Guang, acting for his idea of ​​building a second base.

Chapter 618 Oppa Picking Up Shells

Ye Han hadn't visited the wild potato field for a while.

This road is the road to the swamp lake!

Since discovering the threat of the green anaconda, Ye Han has not walked this way.

And now, he came to the potato field again and started digging potatoes.

This time, Ye Han intends to dig out all the potatoes once and for all and take them away!

Ye Han's movements were fast, because he still had to chop wood today.

He and Su Xiaoqi started to dig potatoes together.

"There is still a certain distance from where the green anaconda is, so don't worry about it coming over."

"I also looked nearby, and there is no trace of green anaconda activity."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoqi felt relieved.

Ye Han always considers things comprehensively, and there is basically no omission, which can give her a sense of security.

In the live broadcast room, the audience is also discussing.

"Why can't this place be dug out, what else?"

"There are still a lot of potatoes left. Actually, Ye Han doesn't have to worry about running out of potatoes."

"It's quite a lot. If Xiaohanhan was carrying it by himself, he would probably be tired."

"It's okay, Xiaohanhan is here too."

"Why do I think you're scolding Xiaohanhan?"

"It's okay to say big girl, it's not that she doesn't have a name, you have to say Xiaohanhan's mother, what's the matter, how many more words can you say?"


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