"It's already the eighty-eighth day in a blink of an eye, time flies so fast!"

"Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, the eighty-eighth day is here!"

"The eighty-eighth day is here, and the little swallow flew back from the south!"

"Why do you write essays for elementary school students? I asked Yanzi where are you going, and Yanzi said I would pay you back!"

"Hahaha, Yanzi, how can I live without you, Yanzi!"

"Why can you make a voice?!"

The stalk of Yanzi makes people uncomfortable. This is the plot in a movie, and only those who have seen it can understand it.

To put it simply, Xiaoyueyue's girlfriend Yanzi dumped him, and said that I will pay you back for all the money you have spent over the years. In the end, Yanzi took the car and left, and Xiaoyueyue ran behind and cried.

So what does it say?

Lick the dog for nothing.

Amidst the laughter of the audience, the eighty-eighth day officially began, and Ye Han also woke up and started a new day.

Today is so auspicious, can Ye Han have nothing to gain?

Everyone looked expectantly.

Chapter 622 Start burning charcoal

The audience's thinking is very simple.

Ye Han is known as the father of the goddess of luck, and he is lucky on weekdays.

And now it's the eighty-eighth day, such an auspicious number of days.

If Ye Han didn't have any big gains, he would feel a little sorry for the audience.

In fact, Ye Han also thought so at this time.

"Today is the eighty-eighth day, Xiao Qi, we've all been on the island for eighty-eight days before you know it."

"This number is very auspicious, I think there will be a big harvest today!"

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

He's just finished his regular job this morning caring for animals.

In the kitchen now, Su Xiaoqi is making breakfast.

In addition to the smell of food, there are also bursts of ambergris in the kitchen, looming, and the fragrance is really long-lasting.

"Are you going out today?"

"How can there be a harvest if you don't go out?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

Ye Han was stunned for a moment.

He really has no plans to go out today.

He thought about it before going to bed yesterday, and made some bricks and tiles at home in the morning, and by the way, he had already started burning charcoal.

Burning charcoal can be done around the clock.

In the afternoon, you can also start to build an iron furnace.

Or engage in the blower used in iron smelting, it depends on the mood.

Anyway, not planning to go out.

So if you don't go out, where will the big harvest come from?

"Not always."

"You remember the time when a pot came flying, the chickens and sheep that got into the earthen kiln, and we went home a few days ago. A sheep died in our house, and it wasn't dead yet. These were all delivered to the door. great harvest.”

Ye Han said.

This time it was Su Xiaoqi's turn to be speechless.

It's true that you can gain a lot without going out.

Hearing Ye Han say this, the audience was even more excited.

"That's right! I boldly predicted a wave, this time a cow will die in front of Ye Han!"

"You mean Xiaohanhan? It's estimated that only he can do this kind of thing."

"No, no, I think it's a green anaconda! It will die in front of Ye Han!"

"Blow, blow one by one, I just love watching you talk nonsense."

"Just wait and see, in fact, I don't think it will be a big gain."

"The eighty-eighth day is auspicious, but I fell when I went out in the morning, alas, my **** hurts!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

In fact, there are also many viewers who feel that it is random, and it does not mean that the 88th day is an auspicious number, and something good will happen.

Ye Han didn't have much hope either, he was just joking.

It’s better to have a gain, and it’s okay to have no gain. Anyway, it’s not bad now.

What he wants most is saltpeter, can't let saltpeter appear in front of him out of thin air?

That's not realistic.

After breakfast, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi came to the earth kiln and started collecting bricks and tiles.

This batch is generally fired and damaged more than before.

Ye Han deduced that it might be caused by the rain in the middle.

It rained when the adobe and tile were dry in the shade, which might affect their strength and burn out during the firing process.

But the impact is not that big.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi carried the fired bricks to the place where the cowshed was to be built, and then returned to the surrounding area of ​​the earth kiln.

If you look closely, you will find that the ground in this area is obviously lower.

Because Ye Han often digs soil here!

The clay for making pottery, bricks, and even building earthen kilns is all dug here.

The terrain here is going to get lower.

Ye Han felt that he couldn't do this for a long time.

It would be more convenient to make adobe tiles here.

But if it goes on like this, it may have bad consequences.

The terrain changes, and the earthen kiln may collapse during a certain rainstorm.

If soil erosion is particularly severe, mudslides can occur.

Of course, the mudslides are exaggerated, but not so much.

"There is no problem in a short time, so let's continue digging here."

"Xiao Qi, you dig here, I'll dig elsewhere."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi raised her head and glanced at Ye Han, her mind full of question marks.

"Where are you going?"

"Why not dig here?"

The audience is also more puzzled, what is Ye Han doing?

But soon, Ye Han answered everyone's doubts.

"The soil here has been consumed a lot, so stop digging for a while."

"I'm going to dig elsewhere, and now I have to dig soil to prepare for burning charcoal, and here I have to dry the bricks and tiles, which is not suitable for burning charcoal here."

Ye Han said.

After he explained this, Su Xiaoqi immediately understood.

So this is ah.

"Oh, then you go, don't go too far."

Su Xiaoqi said.

If you can't see Ye Han for a long time, that's not good.

Ye Han looked around and was choosing a suitable place to dig soil.

If you go further, that's fine.

No, no!

Absolutely not!

That place is Ye Han's favorite place to go to the toilet, so the soil must not be used!

Ye Han looked again, and finally pointed to a clearing in the direction of the stream.

"That's it, it's not far from you."

"I'll dig there."

Ye Han said, and walked over with the engineer shovel.

As for why he used earth to make charcoal?

This question has already been asked by the audience.

Someone who knows how to explain it.

Burning charcoal is actually an industry. Otherwise, where does the charcoal that people usually use come from?

Those are all professional people to burn and sell them for money.

Some people do this, and they specialize in burning charcoal. They need to use a stove for burning charcoal. There is a whole set of procedures, which should be kept in mind.

However, there are also many local methods for burning charcoal, which are not suitable for large-scale production. Ye Han should use one of these methods.

"Ye Han's progress is actually very fast. He is about to start burning charcoal."

"Charcoal is a good thing, I do dry grilling and need a lot of charcoal every day."

"Barbecue has to be grilled with charcoal. What kind of electric oven has no soul!"

"I read a book before, the name is charcoal, it tells the story of a soul in a piece of charcoal, it's very bizarre!"

"I've also seen that one. It's one of the Wesleyan series written by Mr. Ni. He is my favorite writer."

"It's started, it's started, and both of them started digging."


The audience in the live broadcast room were all chatting, and there were many topics and strong extensibility.

Always talk.

As for the other teams, Zhang Haoran continued to advance with Sirius, and Leng Feng continued to advance with Li Guang.

On the side of the alcoholic team, continue to deal with the tequila.

Bill didn't look very good, but he went out again to prepare for the trap.

Everyone has their own things to do.

In addition to Ye Han, many players also paid special attention to it. Today is the eighty-eighth day, and they are looking forward to some good luck.

However, no player has encountered particularly good things.

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