"I suggest bringing Zhang Haoran back. This is the safest way to ensure his safety."

An expert said.

I have to say, this is the safest.

Just let the people in the show team take Zhang Haoran away.

After getting on the helicopter, inhaling oxygen first, then taking two injections, with Zhang Haoran's physique, he will be absolutely fine.

But there are also people who hold the opposite opinion.

Zhang Haoran is obviously still insisting, and no one can make the decision to retire for him.

Viewers online have also formed two factions that are arguing.

At this time, the Shenzhouguo program team urgently began to contact the cat detective.

The program team has always had the contact information of the cat detective, and also invited the cat detective as a commentator, but was rejected by the cat detective.

After the call was connected, Detective Cat didn't say much, but just conveyed a signal to the Shenzhouguo program team.

That is, don't interfere in Zhang Haoran's game.

Because, according to Detective Cat's calculations, he has determined that Zhang Haoran will be fine.

On the side of the show team in China, they also chose to believe in the cat detective.

As it turns out, the cat detective's extrapolation never misses.

Before, the cat detective was really wrong about the cosmetic surgery player, Zhang Haoran.

But that was due to lack of information, he didn't know there was a humpback whale here.

And just now, when everyone was shocked and exclaimed, the cat detective was always calculating, and his brain told the operation.

In the end, he determined that Zhang Haoran would be fine.

As long as you walk out of a certain distance and go farther and farther, the poisonous gas will become less and less, and the impact on Zhang Haoran will become less and less.

This is a tropical rain forest with lush vegetation, and the plants themselves have a powerful air purification effect.

And it was windy at the seaside today, and the direction of the wind was completely opposite to the direction Zhang Haoran was heading!

Zhang Haoran is also very smart. He walks against the wind, so that he can inhale a lot less poisonous gas. If he keeps moving forward, he will completely get rid of the influence of poisonous gas!

At this time, the rescuers also received instructions.

Don't worry about Zhang Haoran, just go and take away Jin Geun Suk's body.

So they hurry up and take away Jin Geun Suk's body as fast as they can, and then run away.

It's slow to say, but the whole thing happened very fast.

From Zhang Haoran coming to the beach, to his departure, hiding on the top of the hill, to the arrival of two plastic surgery players, and then to the whale explosion, rescuers arrived.

This whole process takes less than an hour.

Ye Han is still making iron, Su Xiaoqi just came to help after taking a shower, because they are far away, they don't know anything!

As for the players who were not too far away, they all heard an explosion more or less and wondered in their hearts.

The whole network was having crazy discussions, and a lot of attention was focused on Zhang Haoran.

Because Jin Geun Suk was already dead, Han Jun Hao was seriously injured and unconscious, and Zhang Haoran was the only one still on the island.

At this time, Zhang Haoran was still moving forward with gritted teeth. He ran against the wind, breathing air and supplementing oxygen.

Now his speed is a lot worse than the speed at his peak, but it is still not slow. This is the advantage brought by his strong physical fitness.

As he kept moving forward, the stench in the air became weaker and lighter, and it was also filled with the smell of a large number of plants, which made Zhang Haoran feel extremely pleasant.

In the end, Zhang Haoran couldn't run anymore. He fell down and lay down in a stream, letting the cool water wash over his body.

He also probed the breath of Sirius with his hand, and after confirming that Sirius was not dead, he was finally relieved.

Lying down with his head up, Zhang Haoran felt alive.

Escape for heaven!

[The author has something to say]

Five more. Thanks to Panyucai drivers for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, and thanks to the two tigers who gave the prize to Fusheng Ju! The Floating Giant is worthy of being a Floating Giant. If you don't make a move, it's already a big deal! I'm going to write another chapter to add more to the Floating Life!

Chapter 642 The Results of Ironmaking

Seeing that Zhang Haoran was all right, the audience of Shenzhou Kingdom all breathed a sigh of relief.

On the cat detective's side, he was also relieved that his calculations were correct.

In the case of sufficient information, after various calculations, the conclusion obtained must be correct.

Brain power is there, no joke.

"The plastic surgery country eliminated two more people, and Zhang Haoran was only slightly injured."

"The result is not bad."

The cat detective muttered to himself.

He looked at the time, and then remembered that he hadn't gone to accompany Xuan Ling to speak today.

But he glanced at the screen again, tangled in his heart.

If his inference is correct, Ye Han's iron is about to be released, and he doesn't want to miss this picture.

"After watching Ye Han make iron, go to accompany Xuanling."

The cat detective makes a decision.

Then, he multitasked again and began to check the dynamics on the Internet.

All major platforms have basically exploded, domestic and foreign, all the same, completely exploded.

Everyone is talking about the whale explosion.

This is one of the biggest events since the start of the game.

Still a very intense event.

Except for Ye Han, the other players in the live broadcast room were basically empty.

They all ran away just now and went to see Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room and the plastic surgery country's live broadcast room.

The number of people in Ye Han's live broadcast room has also shrunk greatly, and now he is slowly recovering.

Many people shifted positions and came to Ye Han's live broadcast room to discuss this matter.

"The whale explosion was terrible. I was in the live broadcast room and turned up the volume. When the explosion happened, my mother asked me if I was shooting cannons in the house."

"You're good, I'm wearing headphones, and now my head is buzzing."

"It turns out that this is the whale explosion, that scene is too spectacular!"

"Zhang Haoran is lucky. If there is an explosion when he is next to a humpback whale, he will surely die."

"It was the protector of the wolf who saved Zhang Haoran's life, because Zhang Haoran didn't understand the whale explosion."

"It's normal that Zhang Haoran doesn't understand it. It's normal that the two sticks don't know. How many of our audience know about the whale explosion? I'm afraid it's less than one-tenth of it!"

"The stick just died like this? That Kim Keun Suk died so miserably!"

"This thing is really terrifying. I'm going to have a nightmare tonight. I really didn't expect the whale explosion to be so scary, I can't imagine it!"

"Today's live broadcast is so enjoyable to watch, there is a whale explosion, and Ye Han's iron refining will have results later!"

"It is estimated that this matter will continue to ferment. Wait for the follow-up. There must be other players around this area who will hear the explosion, right?"

"Look at what the official program team has to say, look at what the plastic surgery country has to say, wait and eat melons!"


A large number of discussions appeared in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Everyone spoke freely and discussed their opinions.

There are some timid viewers who dare not watch the live broadcast for the time being, and quickly drink to restore their mood.

The scene of Kim Keun Suk's death seems to be still in front of him.

All over the world, there are sure to be a lot of people having nightmares tonight.

After half an hour.

The program team issued a statement here.

"We deeply regret the death of plastic surgery country player Kim Keun Suk. At present, player Han Junhao has been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. We will inform you of the specific information as soon as possible."


Whether Han Junhao can survive is still unknown.

But on the cat detective side, he has already made his own judgment.

The probability of Han Junhao being rescued is very low, no more than 1 in 10.

It can be said that there is a high probability that it will be cold.

Sure enough, after another half an hour, the program team sent a message.

Han Junhao died in the hospital.

Two plastic surgery country players, all dead!

They were too close when the whale explosion happened.

If it is a little further away, it may not be the case.

It can only be said that they both had bad luck.

As for Zhang Haoran, his life should not end.

However, there are many people in the plastic surgery country who are dissatisfied and are constantly reporting.

Those things are still said, which makes the program team very annoying.

They didn't believe it was such a coincidence that when Zhang Haoran was there, it didn't explode, but when Zhang Haoran left, it exploded, and when the two plastic surgery players approached, it exploded.

In fact, around the world, there are also many people who support a conspiracy theory.

That is, the program team secretly shot, using some kind of high-tech equipment, detonated the whale and killed two plastic surgery country players.

Although this statement is very unreasonable, it has been supported by many people.

This has led to one after another scolding war, happening in every corner of the Internet.

In addition, various media people have also been dispatched to report this matter.

Some people came forward to explain the whale explosion in detail, some people cited some cases in history, and some people edited videos......

Now is the best time to use the whale explosion to attract a wave of traffic, and then realize it and make money!

The whole world is talking about the whale explosion.

Boiling anti-Yingtian, very lively.

There are also staff members who participated in this rescue, saying that they are particularly smelly now and have toilet paper stuck in their noses, but they still can't.

The whole person is like taking a bath in a dung heap.

"I'm Dirty".

That smell is hard to wash off, especially scary.

Someone from the hospital also came out to speak, saying that the hospital's morgue was no longer accessible, it was too smelly.

Frozen can not freeze the taste!

The bodies of Han Junho and Kim Keun Suk were turned into chemical weapons!

It's hard to imagine how stinky Zhang Haoran must be now.

He was baptized from start to finish by the whale-bursting rain, all over his body and face!

Now Zhang Haoran is still lying in the stream, but he has already taken off his clothes and put them aside, soaking in the water.

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