"Burn the shack and burn them both!"

Ava said through gritted teeth.

In these two days, he has shown his excellent IQ many times.

A lot of bad China audiences have changed his name.

Ava's original name was Valarillo, and now many people call him "Wow, I'm pulling my pants", or simply pulling my pants.

The name quickly became popular, and few people called him Ava, they all called him to pull his pants.

"Are you crazy?"

"It's against the rules. We don't violate the rules by stealing things, but if you do something that hurts other players, you'll be disqualified from the competition!"

Ah Wang patted his forehead, he felt that he was too difficult.

This pig teammate, can't take it!

Chapter 660 I met my peers

Hearing what Ngawang said, Ava was completely annoyed.

"Why so many rules!"

"It doesn't work either, that doesn't work either!"

"What's the competition!"

Ava was terribly annoying. For the past two days, he felt uncomfortable all over his body and didn't dare to fart, just to steal something.

Is it easy for him?

He felt that it was too difficult for him.

Now his buttocks are still itchy, and he doesn't know if he was bitten by something.

Anyway, the mosquitoes in this tropical rain forest are quite poisonous, and other kinds of insects are not vegetarian.

A lump came out from the bite, which was painful and itchy, and it took at least a few days to recover.

Now he can't stand it anymore.

"If you want to continue, just wait here by yourself, I'm going back."

Speaking of which, Ava's voice couldn't be suppressed, it was a little louder.

Frightened, Ngawang quickly looked at the movement inside the shack.

Fortunately, the two people in the shack were not awakened, otherwise they would have been exposed directly.

He gave Ava a fierce look.

"You go, I'm here waiting to steal things myself!"

"You can't do anything, this team depends on me!"

Awang gritted his teeth and said.

Saying such words, Ava's heart became even more angry, he turned around without hesitation, and left in a huff.

Audiences all over the world are watching their jokes.

"Hahahaha, these two are quarreling!"

"If you say a few more words, maybe you can fight on the spot here."

"Let me summarize, pull the pants, that is Ava, he is indeed not stable enough, and his work is not as good as Nga Wang, but Nga Wang said that the team relies on him, which is too much, and the two have already created a gap."

"This team has not yet succeeded in stealing their home, but instead started internal strife first."

"The two beer country players are still snoring in the shack. They don't know anything. They are too careless, and they don't keep a vigil."

"It's mainly because they didn't expect that they were stalked. Who would have thought of this?"

"Why hasn't Zhang Haoran come yet? I'm thankful for the flowers I've been waiting for."

"Be patient, Zhang Haoran can't teleport, and he has to be careful."


The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited, and there was no sleepiness at all at night.

Of course, in some areas, due to the time difference, it is still daytime, so you don't need to sleep, you can watch the live broadcast.

At this time, Zhang Haoran estimated that he was already closer to where the bonfire was.

So he consciously slowed down.

At this time, he suddenly saw a person walking in front of him.

In addition, the man was holding a branch in his hand, slamming the shrubs along the way, smashing some leaves, and the air was full of the smell of plants.

Who is this?

Zhang Haoran immediately squatted down, hid behind a tree, grabbed Sirius, and covered Sirius' mouth.

Sirius was very smart, he didn't struggle, and he didn't bark.

"Damn, **** it!"

"Zhalunwang actually looks down on me!"

"If he doesn't have me, he can't stick to it himself. This team can't do without me. He is a self-righteous guy!"

Ava was full of anger, and was constantly venting, chanting words in his mouth.

Hearing his words, Zhang Haoran was at a loss.

Which country's language is this special girl speaking?

Anyway, it is definitely not from China.

However, why is he the only one?

What about his teammates?

Is he scolding his teammates?

Because Zhang Haoran is a solo player, he thought for the first time, did this person split with his teammates?

This is also very possible.

When two people live together for a long time, all kinds of friction will occur.

For example, many couples are like glue at the beginning, and they are very affectionate.

But when they live together, or after they get married, and live together every day, they will find out that the other party also has so many shortcomings!

Then it is easy to have quarrels, and even lead to breakups and divorces.

The same principle applies to the players of the competition.

Therefore, it is necessary to be more tolerant when getting along with people, because no one is perfect, as long as they are human, they will have shortcomings.

Unless this person is a saint, but where in the world are there any saints?

"Zhang Haoran discovered Ava!"

"You said, if Zhang Haoran stood up at this time, would Ava be scared to pee?"

"It's possible, but Zhang Haoran will definitely not reveal it. He is very cautious."

"Yes, Zhang Haoran will definitely find out the situation first, and then find an opportunity to do it. When it comes to stealing and burning houses, he is the ancestor of the island."

"Will it appear in future history textbooks, who was the first person to burn down the house in the original 365-day survival game?"

"It's really possible. Thousands of years later, in the language class, the ancient poems learned are actually called Mai Culture. I drink and get drunk, and when I get drunk, the beautiful woman becomes a pair!"

"Is it possible that Li Bai in ancient times was actually a rock singer?"

"Hahahaha, it's really interesting to hear what you guys say!"

The audience's thinking has always been so divergent, and they wandered off while chatting.

At this time, Zhang Haoran was hesitating.

Now, should we keep up with this chattering guy, or should we continue to the direction of the campfire?

For a while, I didn't know how to choose.

Ava walked very fast, the sky was dark, but he was so angry, how could he care about other things?

He stumbled and quickly disappeared from Zhang Haoran's sight.

At this time, Zhang Haoran also made a decision and continued to go to the campfire.

He moved on with Sirius.

In fact, at this time, he was already very close to the location of the bonfire, and after walking a few steps, he saw the fire in the distance.

Every now and then there was a crackling sound from the firewood in the bonfire.

A faint snoring could even be heard.

"There seem to be two snores..."

Zhang Haoran got a little closer, and he heard two grunts one after another, quite rhythmic.


For a moment, Zhang Haoran wondered if he was hallucinating.

I saw one person just now, why are there two more people now?

Are these people teaming up?

No way, the rules of the game don't allow it.

And there is no illegal team formation. As long as the players secretly form a team in violation of regulations, even if the live broadcast is turned off, the program team can monitor it.

This point has been emphasized before the competition.

Then there is only one possibility.

Zhang Haoran is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart, he has already guessed the answer.

There should be at least three players here, from two teams.

The two snoring together were obviously a group.

The player who just left was from another team, and perhaps there was another person from the team.

Their goal is the snoring group!

Zhang Haoran knew it in his heart, good guy, this is the time to meet a colleague!

He stole the devil's house and burned the devil's house.

Now he has not forgotten that there are two stick houses by the sea, and he will go over to take a look when the stench dissipates.

But now, they have met their peers, and the two who are snoring must be targeted, and they don't know anything!

Chapter 661

Thinking of this, Zhang Haoran carefully concealed himself and continued to observe the situation ahead.

Intuition told him that in addition to the two snoring people and himself, there was probably a fourth person here.

That is, the teammate of the person who just left!

Because Zhang Haoran was able to analyze it, the person who left just now was very angry, and the words in his mouth should be cursing.

Therefore, there should be a disagreement between the two, causing this person to leave alone and the other person to stay here!

I have to say that Zhang Haoran's reasoning ability is also quite good.

At this time, if someone praised him face to face, he would attribute it to an animation of Neon Country, Detective Conan.

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Haoran likes to watch the animation of Neon Kingdom, and naturally he has also watched this masterpiece.

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