"Brothers, swipe the screen with me, 666666 are approved!"

"This wave is too cool. It's perfect. It perfectly interprets the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind!"

"This is also called black sesame paste, black eat black!"

"Hahahaha, what a black eats black, yes, this is black eats black!"

"It's over, it's over, the two beer country players are here, and Nga Wang is over!"


The live broadcast room was messy, with countless barrage scrolling frantically, mixed with a lot of rewards.

It's all this time, and many big guys are still waiting to see!

Some viewers asked to know that it was not me.

It is the secretaries of the bosses who are logging in to their accounts to give rewards. This is something the bosses specifically told them to do.

For example, the secretary of Fushengju, the secretary of Xing Tianju, the secretary of Side by Side, the secretary of Fndre, and even a classmate who is said to be White Rabbit Toffee......

At this time, August had already caught up and saw Awang who was slumped to the ground.

Without saying a word, he just stepped up and kicked Ngawang, who rolled, and then pressed directly on Ngawang's body. Ngawang suddenly felt a burst of suffocation.

Immediately afterwards, Backhouse also came. He and August subdued Ngawang, and even found a vine to bind Ngawang.

Awang was captured alive!

If this is put in the Water Margin, the next step is to dig out Ngawang's heart and liver to make sober soup!

"All the supplies are gone, someone picked him up and took away our supplies!"

"It must be his teammate!"

August stomped his feet angrily.

He wanted to kill Awang directly, but he was afraid that he would be eliminated because of the violation.

"Which country is this player from?"

"Take him to the campfire first to see clearly!"

Backhouse grabbed Ngawang by the neck like a chicken.

The two beer country players are relatively strong, while Ngawang is black and thin.

When they got to the bonfire, the two looked at Ngawang up and down.

"It seems to be from the White Elephant Country?"

Backhouse felt that Ngawang was a player from the White Elephant Kingdom.

But August next to him slapped his thigh.

"I remembered, this is the Wang of Siam!"

"Before the game, we've all seen the profiles of players from other countries, you can't be wrong!"

I didn't expect August's memory to be quite good, I remember it all.

However, he couldn't remember Ngawang's name, so he only remembered the word "prosperous".

"Sawadhika does not..."

Nga Wang, who was bound, showed an embarrassed but polite smile and said hello.

On the other side, Zhang Haoran had completely disappeared into the night, carrying the supplies of the two Beer Country players, and disappeared.

Chapter 664 Real-time translation function

Ngawang was captured alive, and Zhang Haoran successfully retired with supplies.

When the matter is over, the clothes are gone, and the merit and fame are deeply hidden.

This wave, this wave is the legendary black eats the black, the legendary mantis catches the cicada and the oriole behind, and the legendary snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit!

Audiences all over the world are discussing this matter intensely, how can there be any sleepiness?

Zhang Haoran fled with the supplies, leaving only the miserable Nga Wang who was being questioned.

If any viewers who do not know the situation enter the live broadcast room, they will even think that this is a TV series, and the villain is about to torture the poor soldier!

In particular, August was holding a burning firewood in his hand, and Backhouse was holding a shovel. Both of them were tall, angry and fierce.

The flickering of the bonfire made this scene even more gloomy.

Now Ngawang is about to cry, he is anxious, angry and afraid.

What should I do!

This **** Valarillo, he didn't pull himself, he took the thing and ran away!

And what happened to the wolf, he had already knocked himself down, but didn't bite himself, which was too abnormal.

Then how should I explain it now? The language is also unintelligible. What if these two killed themselves in a fit of rage?

Ngawang was shaking all over, his legs were weak, and he couldn't stand at all.

Any normal person will not be able to regain his composure in a short period of time after being knocked down by a wolf.

Awang is no exception.

"Players from Siam, can you understand what I'm saying?"

Backhouse waved the engineer shovel in his hand and said.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, please let me go!"

Ngawang folded his hands together and prayed.

It's over, no one can understand what anyone is saying.

"yopeakenglish? (Do you speak English

August continued, this time in English.

People in the beer country generally speak good English.

But unfortunately, Ngawang does not speak English.

Seeing his stupid look, the two players from the beer country frowned.

It is indeed a language barrier, unable to communicate.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all discussing fiercely.

"I don't know the language, there is no way to communicate, what should I do now?"

"Didn't the program team consider this issue, that live bracelet doesn't have the translation function?"

"I just went to the official website of the show team to check, the live bracelet can be translated!"

"These three people are stupid, why don't you turn on this function?"

"Have you not remembered for a while?"

"Awang definitely can't remember. He's so scared now that he hasn't recovered yet."

"The two people in the beer country are similar. They just woke up and things were stolen again. It's good to wait for them to react."

The program team has long thought that in the middle and later stages of the competition, there may be situations where players meet.

So in the live bracelet, there is a real-time translation function.

It's a pity that the three of them don't remember it now.

At this point, August and Backhouse were trying to communicate with Ngawang in sign language.

The two stood beside the bonfire and danced with each other as if they were dancing gods.

Awang stared blankly, completely unable to understand what the two of them meant.

In the end, Backhouse was already angry. He shook the firewood in his hand in front of Ngawang a few times, and all the sparks fell on Ngawang's face, which made Ngawang scream.

"Everything is gone, where to find it!"

"I want to beat him up!"

Backhouse opened his mouth and said to his teammates.

However, August stopped him.

"Do not impulse."

"If you really hit him, we'll be fouled. I'll think of a way."

August said.

Backhouse, on the other hand, waved his hand impatiently.

What else are you thinking of!

What can be done?


How did you get a thief?

At this moment, when he waved his arm, the live bracelet on his wrist was revealed and was seen by August.

Suddenly, August slapped his forehead.

"How did you forget this thing!"

"The live broadcast bracelet has the function of real-time translation!"

Thankfully, August has finally figured out that the live bracelet also has this feature.

In fact, the live broadcast bracelet has many functions, which can display the time, count the number of steps, detect the health status of the players, and so on.

It's just that most players are habitually ignoring these things.

Next, August turned on the real-time translation function of the live bracelet, and chose the language of Beer and Siam to translate each other.

Then start talking.

"You're a player from Siam, right? What's your name?"

He spoke the language of the beer country, but an electronic sound immediately came from the live broadcast bracelet, which became the language of Siam.

If Ngawang is granted an amnesty, as long as he can communicate, he can beg for mercy or something.

"Yes, yes, I am Chalongwang of Siam!"

What Ngawang said was immediately translated into the language of the beer country.

The two sides can communicate normally.

"Hmph, it really is that Wang, I said it looks quite similar."

"Tell me honestly, if you dare to tell a lie, I will be eliminated, and I will also break your legs and hands!"

Backhouse immediately threatened.

Nga Wang trembled with fright, and then quickly spoke.

He was so panicked now that he was scared to death, how could he still have the heart to lie?

So, Ngawang heard the sound of the whale and went to the beach. On the way back, he found two players from the Beer Country, and followed them. Until this evening, everything was said again.

"What's the sea like?"

Buckhouse asked quickly.

The two of them originally wanted to go there to see it, but they turned back because they couldn't bear the stench halfway through.

"It's a huge whale. I don't know why it exploded, and most of its body is left on the beach. It's very smelly!"

Awang said.

He didn't understand the principle of the whale explosion, so he still didn't understand how the whale exploded.

But the two players from the beer country looked at each other and nodded.

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