Now, Ava is taking a bath in a stream, with only a pair of pants off.

From Zhang Haoran's perspective, many viewers frowned.

Men want to watch beautiful women take a bath. For example, Anna from the beautiful country often broadcasted baths and gave benefits. This is human nature.

Women actually like to watch men take a bath!

Of course, this definitely requires handsome guys and beauties.

Otherwise, who likes to watch it!

When Zhang Haoran took a bath, many girls would scream. This little wolf dog is indeed good looking, and he has a whole body of tendon.

As for Ava, it's a bit difficult to describe.

He's dark and ugly, and he's still dry. Who likes to watch him take a bath?

At this time, Ava didn't know that he had been despised.

While scrubbing the ashes from his body, he was humming a song from his hometown, and he was in a good mood.

"Humph, that idiot Zhalunwang is still staring there, and he has to suffer."

"I'm still smart and leave early."

"It won't be long before Charunwang will give up and come to me."

Ava thought while rubbing ashes.

The thick and long ash roll was rubbed off by him, fell into the stream and was washed away.

Many viewers found it distasteful.

This guy is so dirty!

At this time, his eyes were to see a person walking out of the bushes not far away.

With his hands on his back and his eyes glowing at himself, isn't it his teammate Zhalunwang!


I was thinking of him just now, and here he is!

"Zhalunwang, you are finally here!"

Ava shouted.

Anyway, you can't tear your face off with your teammates, right?

In Ava's heart, he had already decided to give up on stealing his home. He suffered too much.

It's good to develop slowly on your own.

He continued to take a bath, but he didn't notice that Nga Wang didn't speak, but walked over quickly.

"why do not you talk?"

Ava squatted down, picked up the stream and slapped it on him, and asked.

At this time, Nga Wang finally walked in front of him.

Without further ado, he just kicked down and kicked Ava in the face!

This time it took a deadly effort!

The moment he saw Ava, he hurried over to deal with Ava before he had time for the two Beer Country players to untie the ropes that tied his hands!

It can be seen how deep the hatred in his heart is!


As soon as he stepped down, a shoe print appeared on Ava's face, and his nose was bleeding. He even felt that his front teeth were loose!

"What are you crazy about!"

The pain stimulated Ava, he immediately became angry, stood up and punched Ava!

Two Siamese players fight in the stream!

It was the first time that the same group of players had fought each other.

It was true that Sean beat Vasily before, but that was actually Vasily being beaten unilaterally, not a mutual beating between them.

But now, Ngawang and Ava are fighting each other.

"There is a big misunderstanding between the two Siamese players..."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye took a deep breath and said.

On the side, Master De also nodded, with a smile on his face.

These four people were all led by Zhang Haoran's nose, this werewolf of Shenzhou Kingdom.... What a werewolf!

Some viewers have already said that these people are like playing werewolves, trying to find werewolves and kill them.

But now in this posture, the real werewolf is watching jokes in the tree, and the two foolish people below are fighting each other.

This game is understood by Zhang Haoran!

At this time, the two beer country players also looked stupid. They walked to the stream and tried to persuade them to fight, but they couldn't hold them back at all.

In the chaos, Backhouse was also punched by Ava.

This time, Buckhouse's temper also came up. He was much stronger than Ava, and he even grabbed Ava's neck and lifted him up!

His palm exerted force, and Ava's face turned purple!

If it goes on like this, it will kill people!

Chapter 669 Killing Heart Backhouse Is Dying

Four people scuffle together!

Ngawang was beaten badly because his hands were tied behind his back and he could not move easily.

Except for kicking Ava at the beginning, he was basically hanged and beaten in the later period.

At this time, Ngawang was lying in the stream, his face was covered in blood, but his eyes were very fierce. He saw Backhouse grabbing Ngawang's neck and suddenly shouted.

"Strangle him, break his neck!"

"Kill him!"

Ngawang can't get up now, otherwise he will have to kill this Valarillo himself.

This guy is simply not human!

He agreed to steal things together, but he could not bear the pain and left first.

Let's go, let's go, I steal it by myself!

But when Lao Tzu succeeded, you came out again, took away the supplies, and didn't know how to give me a hand?

Sure enough, that sentence is exactly what the teammates are for betrayal!

At that time, you **** pulled me, can I be caught?

I got caught, **** and suffered, and you're still here singing and bathing!

Wash your mother!

This is Ngawang's mental activity.

He had been carried away by hatred, and he didn't think about the details of this matter at all.

And Ava, Valarillo, he was at a loss.

Before I could figure out the situation, I was kicked!

His head is buzzing now, where does he have time to think about what is going on?

If you hit me, I will hit you too!

As for the two beer country players who jumped out from the back, they are even more enemies and fight!

To say that among these four people, the only one who is still awake is August.

He has felt something wrong now.

There seems to be a huge loophole in the whole thing!

But now, he didn't even have time to think.

The top priority is to stop Backhouse from making him a murderer.

It is illegal to even fight each other among players on the island, let alone murder.

Murder is a crime no matter where you are!

The island is not out of law!

"Backhouse, let go, do you want to become a murderer!"

"Put him down!"

cried Augusta, taking Backhouse's arm.

But Backhouse was on top now, and he couldn't listen.

This black guy dared to beat himself!

How dare you!

To die!

Backhouse was furious, and the strength in his hand increased a little bit.

Seeing that Ava was dying, he couldn't breathe at all. He had been kicking his legs all the time, but now he didn't have the strength to kick his legs.

At the critical moment, August had to punch Backhouse hard, knocking him to the ground.

Ava was then released. He clutched his neck and coughed continuously, panting heavily, making a sound like a broken bellows.

This incident happened so suddenly, the battle came unexpectedly, and the audience couldn't react!

Until now, the live broadcast room has only begun to be hotly debated.

The entire network has also exploded.

When something like this happened, both groups of players hung up.

It's hard to imagine that Zhang Haoran caused all this, and these four people still don't know it at all!


"The werewolf won, the werewolf won."

"Please close your eyes when it's dark! Suddenly I really want to play a werewolf kill, hahahaha!"

"Boldly predict that both groups will be eliminated."

"Their materials, as well as the materials for the seaside sticks, are all Zhang Haoran's. Zhang Haoran can't justify this wave in the atmosphere!"

"It's not just the atmosphere, it's already in outer space, overlooking all living beings!"

"Zhang Haoran: Haha, stupid human."


The discussion about this matter immediately exploded.

The whole network is boiling!

Zhang Haoran directly pitted two groups of four players!

These four are

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye and De Ye didn't know what to say anymore.

In the end, Bei Ye spoke first.

"Cough cough!"

"Sorry, I choked on my saliva."

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