The two Siamese idiots must be eliminated.

The only person present who wasn't injured much was August.

But how does he keep playing on his own?

I'm afraid I won't be able to last long by myself.

Now how to do?

Quit together, or stick with it for a while?

August was distraught.

And just as he kept thinking about it, the roar of a helicopter finally came from a distance.

It's the staff of the show team who arrived!

"Save him first, his situation is the most dangerous!"

August shouted, waving his arms, while pointing to Backhouse beside him.

Needless to say, the medical staff of the show group had already made plans.

You must save the dying first, and the others can put it away.

Seeing that the people from the show group finally came, many viewers were relieved.

Paramedics immediately began to take a closer look at Backhouse and gave him a shot.

"Don't worry, he won't die."

A medical staff spoke to August in the language of the beer country.

This made August also relieved.

Backhouse is more irritable and impulsive, but he is also his teammate, and he does not want to see his teammates die.

This was followed by two players from Siam, Ngawang and Ava.

Neither of them were life-threatening and were carried directly into the helicopter.

Awang was injured more seriously, and there was a slight concussion, but not life-threatening.

So, of the four, only August was left.

The helicopter did not leave in a hurry, but was waiting for August to make a decision.

Go or stay?

Chapter 671 August's Choice

At this moment, audiences around the world are also waiting for August to make a decision.

To say that Buckhouse, Chalenwang, and Valarillo are all fools, then the only person with a brain is August.

At least he always felt that something was wrong, and in the face of such a chaotic situation, he still remained sane.

This is still rare.

Now, everyone else got on the helicopter, only August was left standing below.

The helicopter's propeller roared and the wind howled, pushing down the grass below, making Auguste's clothes rattling.

At this time, he was very confused, what should he do?

"Now two Siamese players and one Beer player have already boarded the helicopter."

"Only beer country player August is left. In fact, it doesn't make much sense for him to stay."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

He can't last long alone.

In fact, apart from Zhang Haoran, the other two players on the island are not favored.

Zhang Haoran, Sean, Bill, all three of them are solo players.

Among them, Zhang Haoran was in the best position, and he was accompanied by at least one wolf.

Sean also made do. He had been in prison and was locked in a small dark room for a long time, and he was able to resist the loneliness of a person.

The worst thing is Bill, who doesn't seem to have a good time on the island, and has been unlucky.

And if August stayed, as a solo player, if he continued to play by himself, he should not last long.

Staying or suffering in vain, it is better to go home directly.

Even some viewers in Beer Country couldn't stand it anymore.

"Alas! August, let's go home."

"Let him come back directly. It's not much fun to have only one person left to suffer on the island."

"Since there is no way to win the championship no matter what, there is no need to support it."

"We know more about the situation, but August doesn't know. From what he looks like, he should want to stay."

"The cunning Zhang Haoran will definitely not let him go. If he stays, Zhang Haoran will definitely shoot at him."

"This Zhang Haoran of China, didn't he judge him to violate the rules? What are the people in the program group doing? Quickly eliminate him and get him out of this island on this plane!"

"Bagayalu! Zhang Haoran is dead!"


Viewers all over the world are discussing the current picture.

In countries such as Neon Country, many people jumped out and abused.

On the island, Zhang Haoran was also staring at August from the tree.

In Zhang Haoran's opinion, August had better retire directly, so that he could go down and collect all the supplies in a grand manner.

On the side of China, there are also a large number of spectators looking forward to it, looking forward to August leaving as soon as possible and retire as soon as possible.

It's a pity that God didn't want it!

Ultimately, August made a decision.

He wants to stay!

"Let's go, I want to continue the game!"

August said.

Hearing this, the staff on the helicopter were a little surprised.

That's it, you still want to continue the game?

"August player, are you sure you want to continue the game?"

A staff member asked.

August nodded, he had already thought about it.

Seeing this, the staff didn't have much to say.

You can't persuade him to retire!

According to the rules, the staff is not allowed to do this, even if it is a meddling in the game, it is a serious violation.

As a result, the helicopter had to take the time to leave here carrying the three injured players.

This scene also caused audiences all over the world to debate fiercely once again.

"August actually chose to stay!"

"This son can't stay!"

"This time, Zhang Haoran, the mastermind behind the scenes, can't get anything!"

"It's almost, all the equipment and all the supplies belong to Zhang Haoran!"

"Don't worry, Zhang Haoran definitely has a way to deal with August."

"Yo Xi! The beer country player did a great job. He can find Zhang Haoran soon and kill Zhang Haoran."

"Stupid devil, get away, it's really bad luck!"


There are heated discussions and scolding wars on the Internet.

On the island, Zhang Haoran frowned when he saw this scene.

For him, the best result is of course these two groups, with a total of four players withdrawing from the competition.

But now, there is an August left.

But this is not a big problem, four people can deal with it before, not to mention that there is only one person left now.

Zhang Haoran already had an idea in his heart.

Since they are all rivals, I can only say sorry!

Zhang Haoran stood on the tree and continued to observe August's every move.

"August actually stayed?"

In a hospital in Beer Country, Jackson and Schmidt were also watching the live broadcast.

The scene just now was so intense that both of them forgot to speak.

Almost died!

At Zou Ming's home, Zhu Chuan slapped his thigh straight.

"This guy from the beer country, what is he doing here!"

"Originally, everything belonged to Zhang Haoran, why did he join in the fun!"

Zhu Chuan is of course on Zhang Haoran's side now.

So seeing that August chose to stay, he thumped his chest.

"Take it easy, you haven't done it well yet."

"Just keep watching. I believe that Zhang Haoran can definitely get everything. After all, good things take a long time."

Zhang Yun came over to stop Zhu Chuan Chuan and said.

He suspected that Zhu Chuanchuan wanted to break his leg because it was too hard.

In fact, there are not a few people who do the same thing as Zhu Chuan.

Especially the audience in China.

Everyone is eager to see Zhang Haoran get all the supplies. After all, this is his own player. The better his life, the happier they are.

But now August chooses to stay, and this matter is left in vain.

Can this be a pity?

Some people even smashed the TV at home in anger.

"August of Beer Country has made his choice and he's decided to stay."

"Then the materials for the Siamese players have also arrived in his hands, and Zhang Haoran is temporarily unable to obtain them!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

There are also audiences on the Internet.

So far, August has two sappers, a pot, and a backpack.

His own shovel was always in his hand and was not stolen, and the rest were all the materials of the Siamese players.

And don't forget, there are also the materials obtained in the lucky draw.

What the two Siamese players got in the lottery was a water bottle.

In this case, it is similar to Asan. Asan's kettle is now in Ye Han's hands.

On August's side, the material obtained by the lottery was a bag of salt, which has now been eaten by him and Backhouse.

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