"Master Bei, have you been chased by the honey badger?"

In the official live broadcast room, some viewers asked such a question.

When Bei Ye saw this barrage, he laughed.

"I did meet honey badgers, but they weren't pursued."

"But I can tell you that this honey badger is just curious about these two players, and there is no malicious intent."

"So please don't worry so much."

Bei Ye said.

Indeed, although Di Tian and Xue Liang were nervous and helpless, they had already discovered it.

This flat-headed brother didn't have any intention of attacking them, otherwise it would have already started.

"It should be out of curiosity and followed us."

"Because it has never seen the human species."

Di Tian said.

Xue brightly nodded, and then simply ignored this guy and went directly to the stream to deal with the prey.

The two of them went out to pick up the corpse, and they haven't eaten yet, and now they're hungry.

So an interesting scene appeared, what should the two do, and Brother Flathead watched all this curiously.

When the two of them successfully made a fire and started roasting meat, Brother Flathead was even more stunned.

What is this? !

It wasn't polite to the two of them either, and just watched from the side, smelling the barbecue, it was already greedy.

Even after eating a king cobra, it can't resist the aroma from the barbecue.

"What's up with this familiar feeling?"

"Brother Pingtou will not join this team voluntarily, just like Da Huang, bent over for a bone!"

"Brother Pingtou should not be as humble as rhubarb. At least he has to eat meat, not bones, and he will definitely not help with work."

"Speaking of which, the animals on the island are really spiritual!"

"Yes, yes, I went to the zoo and felt that the animals in the zoo were not as spiritual as the animals on the island."

"The animals in the zoo will make some moves to please humans in exchange for food, but that is just a conditioned reflex, far inferior to these animals on the island."


The audience is discussing, and now more and more people have discovered that the animals on the island are really spiritual.

It's weird and I don't know why!

But this is also a good thing, at least this flat-headed brother will not threaten the Datang team.

Peace of mind with each other.

Next, after the barbecue was ready, Di Tian and Xue Liang also gave Brother Pingtou a piece of barbecue to taste.

After eating barbecued meat, Brother Flathead fell in love with this kind of food completely.

It's not much better than that king cobra!

In contrast, king cobras are junk food!

Having said that, spicy strips are indeed a kind of junk food.

This magical scene immediately made headlines, and the fierce Pingtou brother was conquered by barbecue!

The players of China Kingdom seem to have the ability to subdue pets!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the New Year red envelopes in Xiaoyao Juju, thank you for your support!

Chapter 706 Bill Danger

At present, among all the players on the island, only the players from Shenzhou Kingdom are accompanied by animals.

Ye Han, the director of the zoo, needless to say.

Taming eagles and playing monkeys is omnipotent.

Zhang Haoran has a Sirius who is his right-hand man. Many viewers said that Sirius and Zhang Haoran are much stronger than Zhu Chuanqi.

Now there are more Datang teams and a fierce flat-headed brother!

Although this is just the beginning, no one knows what will happen to Brother Pingtou in the future.

But since the barbecue has been eaten, it is estimated that Brother Pingtou will probably stay.

How strange!

Players from other countries, no one can get any animal to follow!

Is it the per capita animal master in Shenzhou?

A large number of foreign audiences are puzzled.

In the end, it could only be considered a coincidence.

As time passed, Di Tian and Xue Liang became more at ease.

So far, this flat-headed brother has not made any dangerous actions. Instead, he looks very well-behaved, which is completely inconsistent with its fierce name.

On the other hand, the audience saw that Bill was continuing his plan.

The big hole has been dug completely, just near the wooden house.

There is also a lot of attention to this. Bill calculated and guessed, and found a position that was most likely to be stepped on.

In fact, he does have two brushes, and if Leng Feng and Li Guang return, this trap will be on their way!

Next, Bill added some sharp wooden thorns to the trap!

This made many audiences in China feel worried.

In case, if Leng Feng and Li Guang accidentally fall into it, they will be stabbed by the wooden thorn!

This Bill is really cruel!

Now some people have begun to constantly condemn Bill and ordered the show team to come forward to solve this matter.

This is to entrap other players, is it already a violation?

But the people of the beautiful country have even made excuses.

Bill did this to deal with the beast!

How can this be done?

There was absolutely no other way but to pray that Leng Feng and Li Guang would not fall into the trap.

In the end, Bill made some disguise on the trap, and after confirming that there was no problem, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to rest.

After a trap was settled, more than half a day had passed, and his physical strength was not as good as before.

As Bill sat there to rest, he couldn't help but feel a sadness in his heart.

His own skills, but he didn't show much on the island, and now he's not far from retirement.

He felt sorry for himself.

But in fact, he is inseparable from some of his actions today.

If he didn't pay attention, how could he get sick?

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, who eat cooked food and drink boiled water, will not get this disease.

It's his own problem.

After a short break, Bill began to engage in other traps.

He had already thought about it in his mind. After getting these traps, he set fire to the house again, and then retired.

And he also set himself a goal.

That is to persist for more than a hundred days no matter what.

Otherwise, it would be too unpleasant to say it out.

His Bill was Lord Bei's apprentice, and he came to participate in this competition. He didn't last for a hundred days, so he withdrew from the competition.

So, be sure to stick to it for a hundred days.

At least it won't be too embarrassing to say it out, and it's generally embarrassing...

At the same time, Leng Feng was leading Li Guang forward.

They didn't even know that someone had stolen the house and set up traps there.

I have to say that the scenery CP group and Bill Thomas are really destined.

The cold wind first killed Thomas, and later found Bill Gai's house and used it as his second base.

And now, Bill lives in Lengfeng's hometown, and he has begun to set up traps to trap Lengfeng.

These two teams really hurt each other!

"Brother Feng, I think it's almost time, let's stop."

Li Guang saw a nice place to camp.

But Leng Feng shook his head and rejected him.

"Guang, it's still early, I think it's totally possible to walk for a few more hours."

"If you're tired, I can carry you on my back."

What Leng Feng said made a large group of people who kowtowed directly to the top!

"Ahhhh, I'm dead!"

"In ancient times, Zhu Bajie carried his daughter-in-law, but now Feng Ge carries Aguang!"

"Hahahaha! Lengfeng has inexhaustible strength, Aguang, are you afraid of loving me?"

"Be serious! But why doesn't Lengfeng want to stop, does he know that there is someone at home?"

"Impossible, Lengfeng has no clairvoyance, and Shunfeng's ears, how could he know that something happened at home."

"Intuition, maybe because he has an intuition and can feel it!"


The audience joked and speculated.

In fact, the reason why Leng Feng doesn't want to stop is very simple, because he is quite excited now.

He killed a lynx in the morning and killed the lynx with his bare hands. He was very happy and excited, and the excitement has not passed yet!

It has nothing to do with any intuition or any hunch.

Lengfeng is eager to fight and does not like the ordinary life.

If he knew that someone was digging a trap at home, his first reaction would definitely not be anger, but excitement.

"Without Brother Feng, I can still go."

"My stamina is no worse than yours."

Li Guang waved his hand and said.

He didn't forget that the game was live broadcast all the time.

Now he is not injured, nor is he missing any arms or legs. If Leng Feng carries him on his back, wouldn't it make the audience all over the world laugh at him?

How can a man say he can't do it?

Hearing Li Guang's words, Leng Feng raised his brows.

"Are you more stamina than me?"

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