Jon and Emily of Kangaroo Nation also used it against Komodo dragons.

Bill is even more adept, he used this trap to kill a jackal a while ago.

In his previous experience of survival in the wilderness, he has also used this method several times to kill prey.

It's just that now, the objects he kills have changed from animals to people.

Bill crouched in the tree, looking really hard.

The moment the two fell, Bill let out a sigh of relief, but at the same time there seemed to be a big hand grabbing his heart.

These two are players from China, and they are true opponents.

But it's not a crime to die, is it?

Bill began to regret, why the thorns in the pit were so densely arranged.

His original intention was just to let his opponent get injured and retire, but now, the two of them will most likely die in the trap.

Bill has killed a lot of beasts, but he hasn't killed anyone yet.

At this time, Bill didn't hear any sound. It is estimated that the two of them died before they even had time to scream.

For a moment, Bill was stunned, not knowing what to do.

And audiences all over the world are extremely nervously waiting for the result.

There are some timid people who have covered their eyes and dare not look at this **** scene.

However, what everyone expected did not happen.

The live broadcast seemed to be frozen, and some people even suspected that their live broadcast was stuck, or was suspended by the staff!

Why don't you move? !

In the picture, neither Leng Feng nor Li Guang made any movement, but their bodies were about to touch those thorns!

"what's the situation!"

"Did the live broadcast freeze at such a critical time?"

"It's over, the cold wind is definitely going to die, so the staff suspended the live broadcast!"

"Will Brother Feng die? I don't think so, because heroes don't die."

"Please God bless, don't let the scenery CP group have an accident!"

"It's hanging, the two of them have completely lost their balance just now, there is no way to focus, and there is no way to escape."

"It depends on luck. As long as the wooden thorn is not stabbed to the point, there is still a rescue. Have the rescuers of the program team set off?"


A large number of audiences are discussing frantically.

They all thought that the live broadcast screen was stuck, or was suspended by the staff.

But at this time, a voice came out, very clear, and fell into the ears of all the audience.


Cold wind gritted his teeth and said the name of a plant.

Then everyone saw that a drop of sweat fell on Leng Feng's forehead.

The screen did not freeze, and the live broadcast did not pause!

Until this time, no one has seen the current situation clearly.

Both of them did lose their balance, and it was true that they fell straight, but they were not stabbed to death by those sharp wooden thorns!

It's not that Newton's law is invalid at this moment, but the cold wind, he is using his own power to counteract the gravitational force generated by this planet!

I saw Leng Feng's hand holding the main body of a wooden thorn tightly to ensure that his body would not continue to fall!

And his other hand, with the palm up, lifted Li Guang next to him!

This scene has caused unparalleled shock to all audiences around the world!

It's just outrageous!

In an instant, the whole world was silent.

Leng Feng's face was grim, blue veins burst out on his forehead, and one of his teeth was about to shatter.


Leng Feng roared and called back Li Guang, who was still extremely absent.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Guang felt that his soul had flown out of his body just now. Anyone who has been extremely frightened should know this feeling.

It was only at this moment that Li Guang had regained his senses.

He knew that Leng Feng was now under unparalleled pressure, and every second he persisted would require unimaginable suffering.

Leng Feng's hand was already gripping the wooden thorn with a creaking sound.

But even so, his body was still slowly sliding down, and he could see the sharp wooden thorn head gradually enlarge in his eyes!

Life and death line!

Li Guang immediately began to act, his eyes swept away, and he had already observed the situation of this big pit trap.

Although the wood thorns are dense, it is not a place without a foothold!

"Brother Feng, I'll start."

Li Guang took a deep breath and said.

Leng Feng gave a low hum, the skin on his hand had begun to crack, and blood was oozing out.

The two arms seem to no longer belong to him, but he knows that he must persevere!

There are always some people calling Mai on the Internet, shouting something like a half-life military horse, a life-long military horse, etc., but it is actually interpreted as the so-called military horse is to be a security guard.

But cold wind, that is the real half-life military horse!

Next, Li Guang reached out and grabbed a wooden thorn, and then began to exert force to pull out the wooden thorn.

The first thorn was pulled out, leaving a hole in the ground.

The cold wind shook his body.

"Aguang, speed up."

Leng Feng gritted his teeth and said that he was using his own strength to support the weight of the two people and the supplies they were carrying.

The total weight is more than 400 pounds, and the force area is only the contact surface between the right hand of the cold wind and a wooden thorn!

All the weight is now borne by a wooden thorn, which may break at any time!

The situation was still extremely tense, and everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to breathe.

Li Guang exerted strength with both hands, pulled out two more wooden thorns, and threw them on the ground.

Then there were two more, and at this time he had cleared out a place to rest!

Leng Feng slowly put down his arm that was holding Li Guang, Li Guang leaned his body and pressed his hands down on the ground.

Now he was in an inverted posture, he quickly dropped his feet, and finally squatted in this place completely.

Before he could catch his breath, Li Guang immediately turned around, put his arms under Leng Feng, and hugged Leng Feng.

Danger removed!

Both of them were breathing heavily, their bodies soaked with sweat.

Although the time just now is not long, any error in any link may lead to death!

Leng Feng's two arms hang down, the palm of his right hand has turned purple, the skin on the palm surface is cracked, blood seeps out, and drips onto the soil under his feet.

Tension and forcelessness caused his arms to tremble unconsciously.

For the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, the two of them hadn't fully recovered for a while, and their minds were buzzing.

Even if he stepped on a landmine on the battlefield, Leng Feng has never been so nervous!

At this time, above the big pit trap, a head stuck out.

Here comes Bill.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to wo_t_cal for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, thanks to Rebirth for 0 energy drinks, thanks to the night owls who don’t sleep for the reward reminders, thanks to Bao Tianlele for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, and thanks to Mr. Yuan for the reminders ( I met my family, and my surname is Yuan), thanks for the Chinese New Year red envelopes given by the astronauts! Thank you to these great supporters! I really have something to delay today, I'm really sorry everyone, I have an overnight update.

Chapter 720 Beating People Like a Painting

Bill squatted on the tree, and first saw the two fell straight down.

There was no sound at all, and he thought the two had died on the spot.

But soon, he heard a sound of grass.

He didn't know much about the language of China, but he also knew that this was a common modal particle used by the people of China.

Such as anger, such as surprise, such as excitement, will use this word.

Looks like someone didn't die!

Then he heard A Guang roaring out again.

This voice was very angry. He understood that the person named Aguang was dead, and it was Leng Feng who was incompetent and furious.

And the cold wind is definitely also seriously injured.

"Let's go and see!"

"My original intention was to retire the Shenzhou players, and I didn't want to kill them."

"Maybe we can save this cold wind."

Thinking in Bill's heart, he climbed down from the tree, returned to the ground, and walked quickly to the edge of the pit.

Then, he saw an incredible scene.

Both of them are standing, standing at the bottom of the pit!

how can that be? !

For a moment, Bill was completely dumbfounded.

Leng Feng and Li Guang also saw the culprit.

You don't need to think about it at all, you can know that this trap is definitely set up by this foreigner!

Both Leng Feng and Li Guang know this person and have read his profile. This is Thomas' teammate and Bei's apprentice, Bill.

In an instant, Leng Feng and Li Guang's eyes were all red!

Leng Feng threw his arms and clenched his fists, and at the same time restored some consciousness to his numb arms.

The next moment, his whole body actually jumped up!

You know, this pothole is more than two meters deep!

Standing high jump was included in the Olympic Games from 1900 to 1912, but was later cancelled.

There was a man named Alvin who set a world record of 1.80 meters, and later he set a world record of 1.90 meters, but it was not officially recorded.

The so-called standing high jump, that is, standing on the spot, without running, jumping directly to a high place.

Some people can also see this kind of video when they usually scan short videos, the most famous is Su Shen.

He jumped in place and jumped 1.45 meters without warming up.

This proves how explosive his legs are, and being crowned with the name of God was not blown out.

When foreign airmen compete with him, they will feel nervous.

At this time, what Leng Feng was doing was standing high jump.

I saw his whole body jumped up suddenly, but it was impossible to jump out of this big pit more than two meters deep.

Especially since his physical condition is not very good.

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