This is a disease, the function of blood coagulation is too poor.

On the other hand, Zhang Haoran is just the opposite. He doesn't know if he was born, or he was trained through too many injuries since he was a child.

At this time, Zhang Haoran had come to the side of the big pit trap.

Standing here, you can still smell a **** smell.

So, it needs to be dealt with here.

Before Zhang Haoran simply covered the blood stains with soil, it was not safe.

Fortunately, no beasts came during this period.

It is estimated that the beasts in this area can smell the breath of tigers and dare not approach.

Zhang Haoran went down to the bottom of the pit, pulled out all the thorns, and set it on fire.

The **** soil no longer had a strong **** smell as it burned.

Next, Zhang Haoran began to fill the pit with soil again.

In this way, the smell of blood is completely eliminated.

The audience watched Zhang Haoran limping and working there, and they felt distressed and admired in their hearts.

"Zhang Haoran from China is so strong and tenacious."

"If I were in such a situation, I'm afraid I would choose to end the game."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

Dean also nodded.

"I can feel the pain when I look at his wound."

"But please don't worry too much. According to Zhang Haoran's information, he grew up with the wolves since he was a child, and his physique is different from ordinary people, so he will not be so easily infected."

De Ye continued to say two more words to reassure the audience.

Everyone knows this in their hearts, but seeing Zhang Haoran like this makes it hard not to worry.

Some people have been afraid to look at it for a long time, because they will be afraid when they see Zhang Haoran's wound.

More exaggerated is the person who faints blood.

If it's more serious, I basically don't dare to watch the live broadcast, because every player basically hunts and kills prey, so it is inevitable to see blood, so what do you think?

Looking at it, he fainted.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already seen a dilapidated wooden house in front of them.

That's Asan's cabin.

It's very different from the last time I came here.

"Boss, did we go wrong?"

Su Xiaoqi asked uncertainly.

Ye Han couldn't help scratching his head.

"It shouldn't be wrong, it's the change of the wooden house itself, which is normal."

Ye Han said.

In front of the two of them, a wooden house with a wall at a forty-five-degree angle to the ground came into view, and a large number of plants were crawling on it, growing attached to it.

Ye Han also saw a big mouse, and happily ran into the wooden house.

This wooden house did not collapse, and it was also a miracle. It really was built by a player from a country full of miracles.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi stood there, both of them were dumbfounded.

The audience in the live broadcast room was all laughing.

After a player leaves their house for a period of time, the house will indeed be abandoned and become a paradise for various animals and plants.

But there has never been a house that can be so exaggerated.

Looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, there is an inexplicable feeling of youthful pain.

Some bad viewers said that this wooden house was going to have an abortion, which was a mockery of the classic plot in the literature of youth and pain, looking up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle and having an abortion.

Another school bullying and suicide, and that would be complete.

"Let's go, leave this wooden house alone."

Ye Han pulled Su Xiaoqi and chose to move on.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Chen Yiru for the reminder, and thanks to jhy345 for the three flowers! Thank you two huge rewards for your support!

Chapter 814 The Dilemma of the Drunkard Squad

Originally, Ye Han wanted to go inside this wooden house to have a look, but now he directly dismissed the idea.

Just kidding, this wooden house has no way to enter.

The place that used to be the gate was completely covered by vines, leaving a gap, and the mouse just got in through the gap.

There is no doubt that it has become a great paradise for snakes, rats, insects and ants.

If a snake enters at this time, it is directly into the cafeteria.


Su Xiaoqi also urged Ye Han to leave quickly.

This house is horrible.

Some viewers are already laughing, which is really exaggerated.

"One thing to say, Asan's construction process is very good, the house is tilted like that, and it just doesn't fall down."

"It's such a pity that the two Asan died like this because of such a high level of construction!"

"If those two don't die, they can definitely install an elevator for Mount Everest and tile the Great Wall!"

"To be more ruthless, build a base directly on the moon and build a mansion on Mars."

"Da Niu'er and Xiao Hanhan killed these two people and made human civilization go back fifty years!"


On bragging, these audiences are a must.

I don't know what kind of brain circuits these are all about.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi didn't have such thoughts, they quickly left here and continued to walk forward.

Moving on, it was a place that had never been before. Both of them slowed down and became more cautious and careful.

Ye Han listened to the six directions, looked in all directions, and was trying to find some new discoveries.

This is exploring a new area. According to past experience, there is a high probability that there will be good gains and discoveries.

Su Xiaoqi also widened her eyes, searching for things she might know.

The audience is even more exaggerated, and can't wait to get into the screen to find them together.

On the other side, also searching for supplies, there is the alcoholic team of Maoxiong Country.

The two were addicted to wine, drinking, and after drinking, they played poker with the strength of the wine. Before they knew it, the food reserves at home were about to be exhausted.

Some viewers summed it up, this is called being born in distress and dying in comfort.

Wine color is really terrible.

And some people have come to a judgment that Ivanov's body is not as good as when he first arrived on the island.

Don't know if it's true or not.

Anyway, the two of them are now aware of the problem and are looking for prey outside to replenish their food reserves.

"Ivanov, I found another bird's nest!"

Eva's voice came from the tree.

She took out the eggs from the nest, put them in a backpack, and carefully returned to the ground.

Eva's skills are still good, at least she is very flexible in climbing trees without any problems.

The reason for being careful is to be afraid of bumping into the eggs in the backpack.

The two have a clear division of labor and move forward all the way.

Eva is in charge of bird eggs on the trees, as well as plant-based food.

Ivanov was in charge of animal food, tried to find prey, and hunted.

Bird eggs and plants are easy to talk about, but animals are difficult.

No one on the island dares to say that if they go hunting, they will definitely get their prey.

After being busy for almost half a day, I got a lot of eggs and plants, but I didn't get any prey.

Although the food reserves at home are running out, both of them are not low-minded.

Ivanov doesn't care if he encounters a lizard, a mouse or something like that.

Who will take these things back to eat!

They don't eat anyway.

In fact, it still hasn't gotten to that point. It's really reached a certain level, let alone mouse lizards, even maggots have to eat it.

Refer to Bey here.

Coincidentally, the director screen in the official live broadcast room was also given to them.

Bei Ye is shaking his head.

"Mice and lizards are also good food!"

"Even if you don't eat it now, you can handle it and save it. What if there is really no food in the future?"

From the perspective of survival in the wilderness, what Bei Ye said is of course correct.

Catch it first, take it back and save it.

In any case, this is also a meaty thing, which can be regarded as a food reserve.

It's really to the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, maybe these things can help them persevere.

Of course, if you insist on continuing from the perspective of survival in the wilderness, the vast majority of players are unqualified.

After all, these players are never professional.

It can only be said that some people are stronger and more capable than ordinary people.

Such as gold medal winners, such as special forces, such as extraordinary intelligence, extraordinary physical strength and so on.

Eva and Ivanov spent a lot of time and energy making wine, which was a huge mistake.

Nothing can be seen in a short time, but if it continues like this, it will become more obvious.

If they weren't addicted to wine and drinking, the two of them wouldn't be looking for food as they are now.

However, there is a saying that as long as you are human, you will have your own weaknesses.

Eva and Ivanov love to drink, which is understandable, it is caused by the environment.

How many people in the whole Maoxiong country don't drink?

When it was noon, the two of them stopped to make a fire for lunch.

Ivanov took out a wooden barrel from his arms, hollowed out the middle, and added a tight lid, which was his jug.

Opening the lid and taking a sip of wine, Ivanov sighed with emotion, it was really cool.

Then he handed the jug to Eva, who took a gulp.

The two drunkards started to cook soup and baked some eggs to eat.

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