The meal was very enjoyable, and the artichokes were the first to be swept away.

Ye Han ate less of the popular dry-pot thunderbird in the past.

Artichokes are more sought-after.

After eating the main meal and the fruit after the meal, Ye Han peeled so many jackfruits!

It was fragrant and sweet, and the two ate a lot.

On the rhubarb side, it also ate up a bowl of meat, and it really couldn't eat anything else.

"Rhubarb, go out for activities and digest it."

"I found the jackfruit tree, and I'll reward you tomorrow. It's been doing quite well recently!"

Ye Han patted Da Huang's head and said.

Rhubarb Pidianpidian left and went outside to play by himself.

Jiutian was also staying in the kitchen, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already treated his wounds.

In fact, it's not serious, it's just broken skin and a little blood.

Just take some medicine, or no medicine, and Jiutian will recover quickly.

However, Jiutian was obviously very unhappy.

Being bullied by a bird, how could it be happy?

Ye Han continued to coax Jiutian while eating jackfruit.

"Jiutian, the sure-winner bird will get cold sooner or later. I'll pluck all its hair out, and I'll give it to you to vent!"

"It's smaller, it's more nimble than you, and the feathers on its tail are long, which makes it easier for it to steer in the air. Just wait, it's done."

Ye Han said to Jiutian.

The audience was right, the winning bird had already entered the death countdown list.

"Winning Bird: I'm careless! I offended Ye Han, what should I do now?"

"The winning bird ran all night and bought a train station ticket."

"What about the green anaconda? It's panicking now. It wants to know how long it can live."

"Green Anaconda: Don't come here!"

"These two goods are going to die, I said, **** can't keep them!"

"Woooooo, I want to see Ye Han explore that mountain, there must be good things on that mountain!"

Everyone was very much looking forward to Ye Han's continued exploration of that mountain.

But they also knew Ye Han's urine.

Ye Han will definitely not be going out tomorrow, just those jackfruits will take some time to deal with.

And he will continue to burn bricks and tiles.

When it comes to bricks and tiles, I have to say that the firewood in Ye Han's house is about to run out and must be replenished.

Last time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi collected a lot of firewood and went home.

But with the progress of iron smelting and daily consumption, these firewoods are running out.

The audience can see that Ye Han will not ignore it.

While eating jackfruit, Ye Han had already decided his work for tomorrow.

"I won't go out tomorrow, processing jackfruit, making bricks and bricks, collecting firewood, and some busy!"

Ye Han got up, patted his stomach and said.

He also had enough to eat this meal, and he ate a bunch of jackfruit after the meal, too full.

Su Xiaoqi's situation was similar, both of them were overwhelmed.

It is unhealthy to eat too much for dinner, but there is no way. There are new dishes and new fruits today. How can you not eat some?

Next, the two of them packed up and entered the bamboo building and started to sleep.

The players on the island basically all slept.

But there is one exception, that is the little wolf dog Zhang Haoran, he has not slept yet.

Chapter 821 The core of jackfruit

The reason why Zhang Haoran didn't sleep is also very simple.

Because he sleeps too much during the day, he is not sleepy now.

In the past few days, Zhang Haoran has been sleeping for too long, and his biological clock is completely disordered.

But there is also a good thing, that is, his injury is gradually recovering, and the speed is much faster than ordinary people.

People with poor physique were injured and received treatment in the hospital, and their recovery was very slow.

But Zhang Haoran, a person with a strong physique, recovered quickly.

As long as it's not a serious injury that hurts muscles and bones, but a flesh wound, it's nothing.

In the same way, Lengfeng is the same with him.

Even the cold wind's ability to fight against the wind is stronger.

This was proved when Coldwind fought Thomas at the time.

Thomas is different from the Beast, the Beast has no fighting skills, but Thomas is a master.

The cold wind has suffered a lot of beatings, but as long as the bones are not broken, the cold wind can recover quickly.

Ordinary people have a piece of blue on their body, and they always feel pain when they bump a piece of skin or something.

But ruthless people like Leng Feng and Zhang Haoran didn't take it seriously at all.

Now Zhang Haoran is guarding a bonfire outside the house, and Sirius is by his side.

"Our little wolf dog's injury is so fast!"

"I'm a doctor, and I can see that his wound is not infected and inflamed, and I have indeed encountered similar cases before."

"You are a doctor, I am a lawyer, she is Liang Zhichao's grandma..."

"I slept all day again today, and the little wolf dog is not sleepy yet. I want to accompany him, alright!"

"Zhang Haoran snorted coldly: Can women have Sirius? Hurry up!"


The audience gathered in Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room to chat.

On Leng Feng and Li Guang's side, there are also many viewers watching.

Now Li Guang is sleeping, lying on the sleeping bag and sleeping soundly.

Cold wind is watching the bonfire vigil.

The two will be able to return to their hometown tomorrow. According to the plan, the two of them will rest in their hometown for a while before making plans.

The most interesting thing at the moment is Ye Han's live broadcast room, one after another.

Engage in saltpeter, make gunpowder, kill anaconda.

Explore the mountains of a new area!

It's so full that the audience can't wait to fast forward, or travel to the end of the game, so that they can watch it in one breath.

Tomorrow Ye Han will stay at home to work, this is not very visible, so the audience is very anxious.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

That is the one hundred and sixteenth day.

In the early morning, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi both woke up and started a new day.

After finishing other things at home and having breakfast, the two came directly to the earth kiln.

Make a new batch of adobe bricks in preparation for building the bathroom.

At present, no other players on the island have started to build brick and tile buildings, but Ye Han has already begun to build a third brick and tile building.

The gap is always widening.

At this level, it is almost impossible for other players to catch up with Ye Han's footsteps.

Brick building, iron making, gunpowder, animal farming, and more.

This is something that other players can't imagine, and it is difficult for others to complete any of them, but Ye Han can do all of them.

There are other aspects, such as equipment, supplies, etc., which are even more different.

The alcoholic team of Maoxiong Country can't even eat meat now, but Ye Han's meat has been spoiled, and he can't eat it and throw it away.

The two chatted while making bricks and tiles, and there were still many audiences.

Rhubarb was also helping out. Last night's bulging belly was gone now, and it seemed that it was digesting well.

During the period of following Ye Han, Rhubarb also gained some weight.

The only one who is not very happy is Jiutian.

He was bullied by others yesterday, and Jiutian is still holding his breath.

If Ye Han hadn't explained that he was not allowed to go out, Jiutian would probably have gone to seek revenge now.

Almost half of the morning was spent on the bricks and tiles.

This thing has to be relatively fine, otherwise the bricks and tiles burned out will be unqualified, and it will be a waste of time.

Some people will feel that this matter is unnecessary, but don't forget, Ye Han is pursuing the quality of life.

Now that you have no worries about food and clothing, why can't you make yourself more comfortable?

If you're still busy with food, and you don't have enough food at home, and you have to build a bathroom, you should really be scolded, because that's putting the cart before the horse.

After getting the bricks and tiles, Su Xiaoqi went into the kitchen to work and prepare lunch.

Ye Han also came to the kitchen, and he wanted to continue processing jackfruit.

One by one, the jackfruit was peeled off by Ye Han, the pulp was taken out, and the core was removed.

A lot of jackfruit skins have been piled up on the ground, exuding a strong sweet taste.

"Xiao Qi, cook a pot of jackfruit cores at noon, this stuff is delicious too."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi nodded and took some jackfruit cores.

Many viewers are also watching this scene.

There are many people who have eaten jackfruit, but threw the core away after eating it. I really didn’t know it was edible.

Some people have swiped on the Internet to read popular science, saying that this thing can be eaten.

But I am too lazy to do it myself.

Now just look at Su Xiaoqi's operation.

I saw that the core of this jackfruit was almost the size of a quail egg. Su Xiaoqi first carefully cleaned it, then threw it into the pot and boiled it until the water in the pot turned red, and it was almost done.

In this case, it can be eaten directly without the skin. It tastes like cooked chestnuts or water chestnuts.

But this thing can also be used to fry, or to cook porridge or soup.

Su Xiaoqi took another part of the cooked jackfruit core, put it back into the pot, added a little oil, and started to stir fry.

Fried things are inherently more fragrant than those boiled in plain water.

The jackfruit cores in the pot were crackled by her frying, giving off a fragrance.

"It seems that Ye Han has to eat again at noon."

"I didn't expect that the core of jackfruit can be eaten. This thing is full of treasures!"

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