Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, not to mention that there are basically many viewers in each player's live broadcast room.

If there's no friction, that's odd.

At this time, Ivanov had already sat down by the bonfire, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"No, I have to chase after him."

"The leopard has been injured and should not run far."

Ivanov suddenly stood up and wanted to chase the leopard.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he had to kill the leopard no matter what.

How can you let it run away when you get the prey?

"Ivanov, calm down."

"It's too dangerous to catch up now!"

Eva frowned, still discouraging Ivanov.

And Ivanov can't listen at all now, he feels very irritable.

There are quite a few people who become irritable if they don't get enough to eat.

The same goes for lack of sleep.

This is the case with Ivanov now.

But in the end, Eva managed to stop Ivanov.

Because right in front of the two of them, a poisonous snake appeared, hissing snake letters.

Ivanov went down with a shovel and chopped off the head of the poisonous snake, which was regarded as venting the anger in his heart.

"Look, it's so dark now, do you know what's hiding in those grasses?"

"What should I do if I accidentally get bitten and poisoned, and what should I do if you die?"

Eva took the opportunity to say.

Ivanov calmed down a bit, then nodded.

"When it's dawn, follow the blood trail left by the leopard to see it."

"This leopard is quite thin, but it also has meat."

Ivanov took a deep breath and said.

This time, Eva nodded.

It is a more reliable choice to pursue it after dawn.

It's too risky to go after it now.

Of all the players on the entire island, not many dare to walk at night.

For the next time, neither Ivanov nor Eva fell asleep.

After such a thing happened, neither of them had any sleepiness.

Many viewers are also waiting for the dawn, expecting that the two of them can go to find the leopard.

The waiting time will be rather long.

Finally, the sky was bright.

Ivanov couldn't wait for a long time. He packed up and set off on the spot, and began to trace the past along the leopard's blood.

Of course, Eva reminded them that they were still relatively cautious, and every step they took, they had to explore the way.

To avoid being attacked by the poison lurking in the grass.

"There is blood here!"

Ivanov was very excited, he felt himself getting closer and closer to the leopard.

This leopard is already injured, it should not be able to run very far, and it will be found soon.

The two walked all the way, and the eyes of the audience followed.

No trace of the leopard has been found yet.

There are bloodstains all the time. If you follow the bloodstains, you will definitely find this leopard.

Ivanov moved on along the blood trail.

Last night he hit the leopard with a shovel, leaving a lot of wounds on the leopard.

Although it was not fatal, it also caused the leopard to bleed a lot.

"It should be coming soon!"

Ivanov said.

Eva followed behind him and looked around.

The commentators in the live broadcast room have not yet started work, but the audience is watching.

Although no one explained it, it was enough to attract everyone's attention.

And most of the other players have not woken up yet, so the audience basically gathered in this live broadcast room.

"Is it there?"

After walking for another half hour or so, Eva suddenly pointed to the front and said.

Ivanov took a closer look and saw that there was indeed a leopard lying on the ground!

"that's it!"

"Look, there's still a pool of blood!"

Ivanov burst out laughing and ran over quickly.

"Slow down and be careful!"

Eva quickly chased after, for fear of any accident.

However, nothing unexpected happened.

The two successfully came to the leopard's body.

"This wound was made by me. The leopard must have lost too much blood and died here."

"Great, I finally have a prey like this!"

Ivanov picked up the leopard and threw it into the air, very happy.

He originally wanted to catch the leopard, but his eyes moved with the leopard, but the next moment he was stunned.

Then, the leopard fell to the ground, and Ivanov didn't care.

Eva hesitated for a moment, then followed his gaze.

Immediately afterwards, Eva was also stunned.

Because in the eyes of the two of them, the front is the end of the jungle, and a beach has appeared, and looking forward, it is an endless sea!

They actually came to the beach!

The audience in the live broadcast room was very surprised at first, but then they reacted.

When the whale explosion happened, they did hear the sound!

This also means that the distance between the two of them is not too far from the whale explosion site. If it is too far away, no sound can be heard.

So, now that they can find the seaside, it is not a difficult thing to understand.

[The author has something to say]

Was delayed by a very outrageous thing, stayed up late to write.


Chapter 825 Bliss Mountain Exploration Plan

The alcoholic squad has come to the beach!

This news is like a gust of wind, blowing all over the world.

As we all know, the sea also means a lot of food.

For example, the two previous plastic surgery country players continued to obtain food by the sea, which was not difficult at all.

If you live by the sea, you will never go hungry!

It can be said that you have a hand.

Of course, the two plastic surgery country players also died in the danger brought by the seaside, and were killed by the whale explosion.

But there is one thing to say, someone has analyzed it before. In fact, as long as the players all come to the seaside to live, surrounding the coastline of the entire island, there will be no shortage of food for the whole year.

Many players are also aware of this, but the location where they land on the island may not be easily accessible to the sea.

Even if you want to go to the beach, you may encounter various dangers and obstacles along the way.

For example, Leng Feng and Li Guang once experienced many twists and turns on the way to the beach.

"Isn't that the food problem that plagues the alcoholic squad?"

"Did someone say before that they are about to be eliminated, so come out and be beaten!"

"At the seaside, other things are uncertain, but there will be no shortage of food."

"Okay, then please watch the video of the seaside dinner!"

"No problem, they will definitely have a big meal at the beach!"

"If you have leopard meat, and then go get some seafood, it's not enough to have hands, they are alive again!"

The audience in the live broadcast room are all discussing this matter.

There is no doubt that the two will no longer be short of food.

At this time, Ivanov and Eva had come to their senses, and then they all cheered.

Of course they both knew that the sea meant a lot of food!

"Great, great, Eva!"

"We don't have to worry about food, hahahaha!"

Ivanov laughed, and this time, he lifted Eva up and circled in the air.

There was a smile on Eva's face.

A big stone in my heart fell completely.

Now that you have a leopard, you can also go to the beach to get seafood.

Finally got to eat a full meal!

"Unfortunately, I've run out of wine!"

"It would be great to add wine when you eat seafood!"

Ivanov put Eva down and took out his own homemade jug from his arms.

There was not a drop of wine in it.

"Okay, you, it's better to bring wine next time."

"Get ready to eat, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten enough for days!"

Eva said.

When food is in short supply, she doesn't say it.

But now you don't have to worry about food, you can naturally say it.

"I'm sorry, Eva."

"I made you suffer, I promise, I won't let us fall into such a situation again in the future!"

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