"This is a powerful enemy. Its existence has caused serious obstacles to our exploration of Bisheng Mountain and must be eliminated!"

"Nine days!"

Ye Han greeted.

Nine days had already flown over his shoulders.

"Now you are responsible for seducing, calling twice, mocking a wave, attracting the winning bird, and then we will work together to kill it!"


Ye Han said to Jiutian.

In fact, there is no need for Ye Han's order at all, Jiutian will also seek revenge for the winning bird.

And, just after they got here, the winning bird had already discovered their arrival.

Jiutian hates this sure-win bird, why doesn't it hate Jiutian?

This is its territory!

The next moment, Ye Han saw that the winning bird had already flown over, taking nine days to come.

Jiutian Tian's consciousness is about to fly up and fight against this winning bird in the air.

But Ye Han has hurriedly held down Jiutian's open wings.

"Nine days, don't move."

"If you two go to the sky to fight, I can't do anything!"

Ye Han said, and at the same time comforted Jiutian.

It can be seen that Jiutian is very anxious and wants to attack this winning bird.

But it listened more to Ye Han's words, so it still endured and did not dispatch.

In fact, even if they attacked in nine days, there is a high probability that history will repeat itself.

The winning bird is more flexible and vigorous than it, and it really has no good way to deal with the winning bird.

But now it's different, it's a good opportunity.

Victory Bird only had nine days in his eyes, and he didn't take Ye Han in his eyes at all. This was also a fatal mistake it made.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Ye Han moved.

He has a sharp spear in his hand!

I saw the Victory Bird flew straight over, and wanted to repeat the old trick to attack Jiutian.

But what greeted it was Ye Han's attack!


Ye Han seized the opportunity and waved the spear in his hand.

The sharp spear was drawn directly on the wings of the winning bird.

In other words, the Victory Bird hit it by itself, and Ye Han just sent the spear to the Victory Bird at the right time.

It's the same as the catching bullets in the chicken-eating game!

The next moment, everyone saw that a **** hole had been drawn on the left wing of this sure-victory bird, dripping with blood.

Although it responds quickly, this matter is beyond the scope of its cognition!

By the time it reacted to danger, it was too late.

The left wing is injured, this guy is basically useless, and the rest can be handed over to Jiutian.

"Go, nine days."

Ye Han opened his mouth.

Jiutian, who couldn't hold back for a long time, let out an eagle cry, flew out, and attacked the sure-win bird.

Except in the hands of Ye Han, it has never suffered such a loss!

Next, it is a show that belongs to Jiutian.

The biggest advantage of the winning bird is that it is smaller and more flexible, and it will lie on Jiutian's back, making it impossible for Jiutian to attack it.

But now that half of the wings are abolished, it can no longer be so flexible, and it can only be kneaded by nine days!

This makes Jiutian feel very happy.

It's like in summer, a mosquito keeps biting you, but you just can't shoot it.

At this time, the wings of the mosquitoes are broken, and they fly very slowly. Isn't it just hitting them casually?

In just a short period of time, Jiutian has already pecked this winning bird with blood dripping, beyond recognition!


Chapter 827 Arranging Ideas to Solve Problems

After a series of attacks, the winning bird ushered in its doom.

In the end, it fell into Jiutian's claws and was caught by Jiutian.

There is only outgoing air, no incoming air.

Jiutian still wanted to dedicate this winning bird to Ye Han, but Ye Han didn't want it and let Jiutian handle it by himself.

There is no doubt that this guy will be the belly of nine days.

Get rid of this guy. For the time being, no other creatures will hinder Ye Han's exploration plan.

Of course, this is only temporarily absent, and there will definitely be in the future.

For such a big mountain, to say that there is no danger at all would be nonsense.

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, everyone was cheering.

"Boss, what do you do next?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

The winning bird has been solved, should we start exploring now?

This question stopped Ye Han.

He also had a series of headaches just now, so he said to kill the winning bird first, and then talk about other things.

I didn't expect the winning bird to hang up so quickly.

"It's sloppy."

Ye Han said with a wry smile.

In fact, Ye Han didn't think clearly about the Bisheng Mountain exploration plan this time, so here it is.

Ye Han admitted that he was also a little impatient and shouldn't be like this.

"There is no doubt that there must be a stronghold here."

Ye Han rationalized his thoughts.

First determine what must be done, and then think about the solution.

Su Xiaoqi nodded.

This mountain is so big, and it is quite time-consuming and laborious to complete the exploration.

Live here for a while, that's for sure.

"So we have to build a house here first, and it doesn't have to be particularly good, but at least it needs to be able to live in people, sheltered from the wind and rain, and has enough storage space."

"Let's find the right materials first to build the house."

Ye Han said.

Afterwards, he found a suitable place at the foot of the mountain, simply opened it up, cleaned up the shrubs, weeds and the like, and made a clearing.

"Ye Han is a little anxious this wave, and he admits it himself."

"It's really hasty to go out to explore a new area before things at home have been arranged."

"Actually, Ye Han should get the saltpeter out first, make black gunpowder, blow up the green anaconda, and then concentrate on opening up a new area."

"You people, it's really interesting. While eager to see Ye Han go out to explore, you said it was wrong to do so."

"I'm a die-hard fan of Ye Han. I've paid tens of thousands of dollars in rewards. I'll tell you one thing. Ye Han's matter is indeed a little ill-considered. We don't have any ill intentions."

"Don't worry everyone, Ye Han can collect some materials at most today. The house will definitely not be built. It is estimated that he will start to get saltpeter tomorrow."

"Ye Han is not like other players. Some players have a very dull life. They just eat and sleep every day. Ye Han has a lot of things to do. It's normal for him to be unclear sometimes."


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De are also explaining the current situation.

"Whether it's from the perspective of survival in the wilderness, or from the perspective of doing other things, Ye Han shouldn't be in such a hurry."

"But this matter is really difficult to handle, unless Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are separated!"

Lord Bei analyzed Ye Han's situation and put himself into it.

He found that he could not find any good way.

There is about half a day's journey between Ye Han's residence and Bisheng Mountain.

That's a big problem.

"One problem at a time."

"We can try to think like this. Now Ye Han can first extract saltpeter, make black powder, and kill the green anaconda."

"I personally think that this is the top priority, and Ye Han has been preparing for this for a long time."

Dean analyzed.

A group of audience members also discussed and brainstormed together.

Ye Han was not idle here, he took Su Xiaoqi to work together, collecting materials for building the house.

At the same time, he was also chatting with Su Xiaoqi about this issue, and the two discussed and thought about it.

"I won't be able to do anything else today, so let's collect some materials and prepare for the next visit."

"After we go back, let's get saltpeter first, and solve each problem one by one."

Ye Han thought the same way.

This is the correct way of thinking, Ye Han was a little anxious before.

After all, finding such a high mountain is obviously a big treasure, and I must be thinking about it.

"Well, make saltpeter, and you can have cold drinks!"

Su Xiaoqi only thought about cold drinks and ice cream.

"Saltpeter is used to make explosives, and to deal with green anacondas. If there is any surplus, we will talk about other things."

Ye Han said with a smile.

"Assuming we get the green anaconda thing done, then the next step is to come here to build a house and establish a stronghold."

"The animals at home can't leave people for a long time. If this is a problem, you can stay in your hometown, and I will expand the territory here."

Just as Lord Bei said, the troops are divided into two groups, Ye Han also has the same idea.

Of course, he wasn't going to do that.

Ye Han was worried about being separated from Su Xiaoqi.

Although with his luck, nothing bad should happen, but what if?

Su Xiaoqi is the person Ye Han wants to go with all his life. If something happens to her, Ye Han really doesn't know what will happen to him.


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