"That's too flattering, it's just an ordinary wild boar."


The appearance of this wild boar immediately made the audience in the live broadcast room excited.

And the number of people in the live broadcast room is also increasing rapidly.

I am afraid that this wild boar would never have imagined that he could attract so much attention.


The next moment, Yang Qingqing let go of the bowstring, and an arrow was fired.

The arrow broke through the air and shot at the wild boar.

Accurate hit!

The wild boar's skin is rough and thick, even if Yang Qingqing's archery is accurate and powerful, it may not be able to shoot through the flesh of the wild boar.

This is also the reason why a wild boar was released last time.

This time, Yang Qingqing was aiming at the eyes of the wild boar.

To accurately hit the eyes of the wild boar at the current distance, only the level of a world champion like her can be sure to do so.

In an instant, all the audience were shocked by the demeanor of this arrow.

It's really beautiful and sassy!

Yang Qingqing's long hair fluttered in the wind, and the arrow she shot had already stabbed the wild boar in the eye!

Suddenly, the wild boar let out a scream, his eyes were bleeding, and he rushed towards Yang Qingqing angrily.

dong dong!

The ground was shaking, wild boars came running wildly, Tang Hong had gritted his teeth and blocked Yang Qingqing.

When it comes to frontal combat, it definitely depends on Tang Hong.

If nothing else, just the power that can shake a mountain will not lose to this wild boar!

She dares to wrestle with wild boars!

But it is clear that this battle cannot be fought.

Tang Hong was ready to fight, but the next moment, the wild boar that was running wildly suddenly fell!

As if his whole body was stiff, he fell to the ground!

See the toxin that seals the throat with blood has attacked!

Seeing this scene, Yang Qingqing was also relieved, with a smile on his face.

"Sister Hong, it's a success!"

"This toxin is really powerful. The wild boar was poisoned to death before it had time to run over!"

Yang Qingqing let out a cheer and hugged Tang Hong.

Although she knew the blood-stuffed tree and knew the existence of this toxin, she had never tried it herself.

It was also the first time that Tang Hong saw such a scene.

Both were very excited and happy.

The live broadcast room even exploded, filled with a lot of rewards and discussions.

"God, really god!"

"One arrow hit the wild boar's eye and let the toxin enter the wild boar's body. This is too powerful. I blow Yang Qingqing!"

"This toxin is really so powerful, highly poisonous!"

"Everyone, who knows where to find this tree, I want to poison our English teacher!"

"Cough, this classmate, I very much understand your hatred of the English teacher, but please don't make drastic actions, and don't have such thoughts."

"There's an honest man here, hahahaha!"

"That classmate's profile says it's twenty-eighth this year, and the selfie on the avatar is a big bald head. At first glance, it's just for fun, hahahaha!"

"Wow, you are good or bad, bullying honest people!"

A large number of barrages are constantly scrolling in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong had already arrived in front of the wild boar.

Tang Hong squatted down to observe and confirmed that the wild boar had completely died.

"With this toxin, hunting will be much easier in the future."

"I'm afraid it won't be my turn to take action, I've become a porter!"

Tang Hong said, carrying the wild boar on his back.

"Sister Hong, you really know how to make a joke. If it wasn't for you, I would have retired a long time ago."

"We're together, that's one team!"

Yang Qingqing said with a smile.

But there is one thing to say, Tang Hong's strength is really great!

As expected of someone who has won a gold medal in weightlifting, carrying a wild boar is like playing.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

The two of them also stopped, cut off a wild boar leg and roasted it.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also came to the kitchen to eat.

Today's lunch Su Xiaoqi made is pot-wrapped meat, salad with artichokes and shredded potatoes, and dry stir-fried square beans. The staple food is the core of jackfruit.

Ye Han is very addicted to eating it. Pot Baorou is a Northeastern cuisine, and people who have eaten it will generally like it very much.

Of course, it has to be authentic, and some nondescript ones are fine.

Make a pot of tea after dinner, and then eat some jackfruit, macadamia nuts, which is very suitable.

"Tea is running out and nuts like macadamias and cashews are running out."

"There are still a lot of dried cashew nuts left. I think dried jackfruit is more delicious."

Ye Han took a sip of tea and said.

Su Xiaoqi peeled a macadamia nut and fed it into Ye Han's mouth.

"You drink tea every day, and of course there will be less and less tea."

"It can't be more and more, and the tea leaves can't produce small ones."

Su Xiaoqi mocked Ye Han for talking nonsense.

The two of them were not in a hurry to work, because the clay pots could be placed there to evaporate, and there was no need to watch them all the time.

To be honest, the evaporated water vapor doesn't taste good.

Fortunately, the wind on the island today can blow away the smell.

"If it goes well, my calculation of three days is correct."

"I'm afraid it will rain in the middle, I think it's very likely."

Ye Han said.

For Su Xiaoqi, Ye Han was a humanoid weather forecast, and it was very accurate.

Ye Han said that it might rain, so it was probably close.

When the audience heard Ye Han's words, some people hurried to the official account of the show team to take a look.

Sure enough, the meteorological department of the program team monitored that it will rain tonight!

Chapter 832 It's raining and making ice starts

Immediately, many viewers sighed.

Ye Han is really amazing!

With the help of satellite monitoring, the program team can draw accurate conclusions, and there is no problem with this.

But how did Ye Han do it?

In fact, it is very simple, just two words, experience.

In the previous life, Ye Han didn't usually stay at home. He often traveled outside and traveled all over the world. Naturally, he often encountered all kinds of weather.

For example, he is going to perform a free rock climbing challenge, which does not start immediately when his brain is hot.

But to live in this place for a period of time, to find out the situation of this rock wall, to plan a climbing route, and to choose a good weather.

If it rains while free climbing, it's basically a death sentence.

A lot of practical experience allows Ye Han to accurately predict changes in the weather.

The probability of error is low.

But now, Ye Han felt nothing.

Let it rain if it rains, at most it will delay for a day or two.

The two chatted and drank tea in the kitchen. At two o'clock in the afternoon, they walked out of the kitchen and continued to work.

Some of the water in the pots had almost evaporated, and saltpeter crystals had appeared at the bottom of the pots, which were collected by Ye Han.

"We have more and more saltpeter!"

Ye Han was very happy.

The more saltpeter the better, which represents the hope of killing the green anaconda.

As long as the dose of gunpowder is sufficient, it is no problem to blow up a mountain, let alone a green anaconda.

Of course, Ye Han couldn't get so much gunpowder in a short period of time to blow up a mountain.

And it's not necessary either.

"Do you think it's enough?"

"Can you stay for some cold drinks and ice cream?"

Su Xiaoqi is most concerned about this issue.

She has already thought about what cold drinks and ice cream to make. If there is not enough saltpeter in the end, wouldn't it be an empty joy?

"Look at you, I know to eat."

"Don't worry, saltpeter can be reused. I'll make you a cold drink first, right?"

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

In fact, he was also worried that the saltpeter was not enough, after all, the size of the green anaconda was there.

It is a giant creature. To deal with this kind of thing, the dose of gunpowder is naturally the better.

Ye Han planned to use all the saltpeter he made to deal with the green anaconda.

But this does not delay the production of cold drinks and ice cream, because saltpeter can indeed be reused.

Saltpeter dissolves in water, which is a physical change.

During this process, saltpeter absorbs heat, which can freeze water.

But after that, evaporation and separation can still be carried out again, and the saltpeter soluble in water can be obtained again.

"Tomorrow, I guess I can use saltpeter to make cold drinks and ice cream tomorrow."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

With Ye Han's promise, Su Xiaoqi immediately became happy.

Even though the sun is scorching hot, it still feels a little cool.

In the afternoon, the two continued to extract saltpeter.

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