A cool feeling passed to her hand.

Ye Han was staring at the inside of the pot.

"It's starting to freeze."

"Continue to add water, add saltpeter, and take your time."

Ye Han said, poured a little more water into the pot, and continued to add saltpeter.

Repeat this operation, and finally the water is full, and the whole inside of the pot becomes a big ice lump!

Su Xiaoqi put her face up, and the cool feeling spread to her face.

After coming to the island, it was so cool for the first time!

"It's frozen, it's frozen!"

"Fuck, please forgive me, I really have no culture, I can only use this word to express my current mood!"

"See, Rhubarb is already dumbfounded, hahahaha!"

"The saltpeter ice making is successful, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are going to eat ice cream!"

"I have to say, this is a miracle. Until the end of the game, I am afraid that no other player can do this!"

"Hello everyone, I'm the wife of retired contestant Zou Ming. Zou Ming is watching the live broadcast now on his knees."

Among the large number of barrages and rewards, there was also a barrage sent by Zou Ming's wife, which was discovered by the keen audience.

Zou Ming knelt down to watch the live broadcast, and the news spread immediately.

At Zou Ming's home, he was very helpless and spread his hands.

"Don't make fun of me, I didn't kneel!"

Zou Ming couldn't help laughing and crying.

Zhang Yun and Zhu Chuan on the side were both grinning badly, but at the same time, their hearts were also extremely shocked.

Start with a pot, a shovel, and a backpack.

Who would have thought that Ye Han actually made ice on a tropical island!

Although the process is cumbersome, the results are real!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

At this moment, many players who retired from the competition did not know what to say.

Jackson and Schmidt, Backhouse and August, Awang and Ava, Jack and Charlie, Anna and many more...

But now, the production of this time is not over yet.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were both waiting, Ye Han was more patient, while Su Xiaoqi could ask Ye Han five times a minute.

"Boss, are you alright?"

"Can you eat?"

Ye Han was so annoyed that his ears were cocooned.

"Little Qi, if you can't do it, just go out and soak in the rain. It's cool and cool."

Ye Han said angrily.

Su Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue and continued to stare at the ice cream.

Ye Han used an ice cream stick to stir it twice from time to time to see the situation.

The brown milk has begun to solidify.

It's almost time.

Ye Han began to add the chopped nuts and dried fruit, then stirred and stirred.

Only adding these things at this level can effectively prevent them from sinking to the bottom.

Because the milk has begun to solidify now, by stirring, the nuts and dried fruit can be filled with the whole ice cream and evenly distributed.

"hold on."

Ye Han said patiently.

As the time approached noon, Ye Han finally spoke.

He first squeezed the ice cream stick with his hand and tried to move it, but found that he couldn't.

It was completely frozen.

"You can eat it!"

As Ye Han's words sounded, it also meant that he had accomplished a huge achievement!

Chapter 834

The next moment, under the gaze of countless eyes.

Ye Han squeezed the ice cream stick, took out the ice cream that was completely formed from the bamboo tube, and handed it to Su Xiaoqi.

"This should be the first ice cream on the island, you eat first."

"Be careful, this ice cream is definitely not particularly strong, eat it."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

In fact, he thinks this is the first ice cream on the island.

But you can't say whether you are dead or not. If it is not, then you will be ashamed.

Su Xiaoqi took the ice cream from Ye Han's hand and licked it carefully.

Seeing her action, Ye Han felt ripples in his heart.

He quickly pulled out an ice cream and took a bite.

Gotta get the fire down now...

"So sweet!"

Su Xiaoqi wasn't willing to bite yet, she was already full of happiness after just licking twice.

Who would have thought that ice cream can be eaten on this tropical island?

And there's plenty of it!

Next, Su Xiaoqi also took a bite and chewed it.

Milk with brown sugar and honey, very sweet.

Then you can also chew to chopped nuts and dried fruit, which is very rich in taste!

Ye Han ate fast, and finished a piece of ice cream in a few bites.

Su Xiaoqi was not willing to go so fast, so she ate slowly.

The two of them felt their whole body cool and their pores opened!

It's such a pleasant thing to eat an ice cream in the hot weather!

"God, really god!"

"Let's celebrate this historic moment together!"

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao stood up, and Teacher Ma also stood up.

Originally, Mr. Ma was supposed to be in charge of the commentary in Ye Han's live broadcast room today, but Mr. Piao saw that Ye Han was going to make ice cream at home, and he felt that he couldn't miss this moment.

So he volunteered to work overtime and rushed over.

No overtime pay yet.

A large number of barrages are almost invisible.

The massive rewards are continuous and never stop.

All the big guys in Ye Han's live broadcast room showed up, congratulations to Ye Han, and celebrating this event.

From a practical standpoint, making ice cream isn't really worth the celebration.

Ice cream, on the island, is not as useful as iron smelting, gunpowder and the like.

But this is something that no one else dares to think about!

Before the competition, who would have thought that someone could make ice cream on the island?

If other players know about this now, I am afraid that a large number of players will withdraw directly!

There is no comparison at all!

Some are still struggling with food, while others are still complacent about having adequate food reserves.

But what about Ye Han?

He has made ice cream!

The other players can no longer see his back!

There is a sensation all over the world, some people say that it represents the victory of human beings over nature!

In a sense, it can indeed be said.

The tropical rain forest is considered an extreme environment, but in such an extreme environment, some people can make things that are basically impossible here with their own hands.

Really bullshit!

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi didn't think so much.

Ye Han has already started to eat the second ice cream.

Su Xiaoqi was in a hurry.

"Boss, eat slowly!"

Ye Han heard the words and laughed.

"There are six in total, three of us each, and I won't rob you."

"Look at what you're afraid of, you're so stingy, you just don't want to let me eat it, so I'll eat it all for you."

Ye Han pushed the clay pot in front of Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi blushed, holding ice cream.

"That was not what I meant......"

"You listen to my sophistry... oh no, listen to my explanation!"

Su Xiaoqi actually felt sorry for ice cream.

This girl is greedy, for fear that Ye Han will eat all the ice cream.

You listen to my sophistry, which directly made the audience burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Qi, this is too real!"

"Shocked! A woman killed her boss for a few ice creams!"

"No, no, no, Xiao Qi is just a little greedy cat, and it's not like everyone doesn't know it."

"Listen to my sophistry, hahaha, this is too cute, it's hard not to love it!"

"Xiao Qi kill me!"

A large number of barrages have not stopped.

Ye Han's second ice cream had already been eaten, but this time, he did not eat it completely.

With a small half left on the ice cream stick, he gave the rhubarb.

Don't brag, don't black, rhubarb has performed quite well recently. With such a good thing as ice cream, of course, let rhubarb have a taste.

Rhubarb took the ice cream from Ye Han's hand, and he was already hungry.

But if Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi don't give it, it won't grab it either. This is a very good tutor.

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