The audience here in the beautiful country is very uncomfortable.

Before the game started, they were clamoring to win the championship absolutely, and they had to crush China.

Well now, it was exported by the Chinese state riding a face.

That's a miserable one!

As the saying goes, things are made in secret, and words are revealed to be defeated. If you celebrate success in advance before something starts, you will most likely fail.

There are still many people who feel that they are about to accomplish something, and can't wait to send a circle of friends to show off, and then they will be slapped in the face.

The list goes on.

A large number of netizens all over the world are chatting in various live broadcast rooms.

"Ivanov's situation has stabilized and now he doesn't seem to be in serious trouble."

"But it's still uncertain, and we need to continue to observe."

"Okay, our picture is now given to another group of beautiful players."

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De are doing professional commentary.

"This is Adam from the United States, and his partner Andre."

"Since the start of the competition, the two players have been developing steadily and now have one or two cabins and sufficient food reserves."

Dee said.

In fact, the support rate of this group of beautiful country players in the beautiful country is still not low.

But viewers in other countries rarely watch them live.

The reason is very simple, and I have already said it, because the performance is flawless and there is no bright spot.

There is a high repetition rate of daily life, finding food, handling food, storing food, eating, sleeping.

The only interesting thing is that these two have two cabins.

It's not because they want to do infrastructure or something, but because Andrei loves to snore, and it's very loud.

In addition, Adam's sleep is relatively light, and it is easy to be awakened.

So the two discussed it, built two wooden houses, and slept separately.

In life, many people also encounter such problems.

For example, living in dormitories in high schools and colleges, if a roommate snores, it will be very distressing.

The same is true for living in a company dormitory after work.

If you want to be more comfortable, you have to go out and rent a house yourself, but that will cost more money.

Besides, students who live on campus are basically not allowed to go out to rent a house by themselves, unless they reach the later stage of university, they will be relatively free.

According to survey statistics, there are many conflicts caused by snoring among cohabitants. The quarrels are small, some fights, and some even kill people.

When people don't sleep well, they become irritable.

Closer to home, now Adam and Andrea are starting their day.

Old-fashioned, look for traps around your home.

This is something that many players have to do every day.

Their main source of food is the prey in the traps.

But after living in one place for a long time, the prey that can be harvested in the trap will be less and less.

Today is the one hundred and twenty-first day, and it's almost there.

In the area where the players live, the animals that should appear have long appeared, which leads to less and less food for everyone.

Unless it was a player like Ye Han who jumped out of the Three Realms, everyone else would once again face the problem of food shortages.

Just like when I first came to the island.

At this juncture, it is necessary to be flexible.

Either expand your search, explore new areas, find more food, or simply move.

In an area without human activities, there are definitely many animals, which is a sufficient source of prey.

At this time, Adam and Andre are discussing this issue.

"Andre, we haven't caught prey in the trap for three consecutive days, not even a hair!"

Adam posed the question.

"It's almost time to think about it."

"There is no more prey in this area, we must find a way."

Andre is not stupid, he can also think of this question.

In the end, the two decided to expand the scope of the search, choose a direction to move forward, at least walk for a day or two, and go to a place that has not been visited before.

At the same time, Leng Feng and Li Guang also set off again.

I haven't lived in my hometown for a few days, and the cold wind is annoying.

Staying at home all the time is nothing, this is survival in the wilderness, not lying flat in the wilderness.

"Let's go, Aguang."

"Go to the second base to live for a few days, and there are more prey there."

The cold wind led the way to the second base.

Li Guang couldn't resist the cold wind, so he had to go with the cold wind.

But there is one thing to say, in their hometown, the prey is indeed much scarcer, and it is not easy to capture.

In contrast, the second base has the most prey among their three bases, which is suitable for hoarding a wave of food.

Throughout the island, more and more players began to change places and replenish food.

Some people predict that this wave of changes will last at least half a month, and in the process, a lot of things will happen.

There may be situations where players unexpectedly withdraw from the competition, or even encounters and collisions between players!

[The author has something to say]

Gone, not a drop.

Chapter 842 What did the big girl say?

There is no doubt that a big change is about to happen on the island.

The analysis of the netizens is not wrong, and the program team knows it more clearly.

So far, relevant staff have detected that there are at least six groups of players who may have encountered other players during the process of moving or expanding the search range.

And the time is about the same. Once this news is released, it will definitely explode.

Of course, the program team has maintained a consistent urination and kept it secret for the time being.

It's just a dog, just don't tell the audience.

In this wave, there is not much that the cat detective can infer, because he knows very few clues.

But after some sorting and summarizing, Detective Cat believes that there are at least two groups of contestants who will meet other contestants.

This is already quite interesting.

"It looks like the audience won't be bored for a while."

"Among all the players, Ye Han is probably the only one who can be aloof."

The cat detective muttered to himself.

There are already quite a few players who are worrying about food.

And Ye Han was taking Su Xiaoqi to refine saltpeter together.

"Today is the last day!"

"The saltpeter is almost done."

Ye Han added some firewood to the fire and said.

"I want to eat ice cream today!"

Su Xiaoqi only thought about ice cream.

Ye Han felt a little toothache.

"The big girl is going to be drained. The big girl told me that she has no milk, not a drop."

Ye Han spread his hands and said.

If you want to eat ice cream, you need the milk of the big girl.

I have to squeeze a wave to drink milk in the morning, and I have to squeeze a wave to eat ice cream in the afternoon.

Why, do you think this is the water in the sponge?

Ye Han's words made the audience's stomach hurt from laughing.

"If the big girl can talk, it's time to scold people!"

"No, the big girl is very mild-tempered and can't scold people, but Xiao Hanhan, she will definitely scold people."

"This idiot is now heavier than me, and he's still breastfeeding. He's a giant baby!"

"Hahahaha, it's not the time for weaning, but now you can eat grass."

"Actually, you don't need milk to make ice cream, you can use sugar water. For example, old popsicles, I like to eat old popsicles instead of cream ice cream."

"Am I the only one who loves crushed ice?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were chatting, and by the way, they mocked Xiao Hanhan.

And Su Xiaoqi was protesting against Ye Han.

"Don't talk nonsense, boss, the big girl said it still has milk, let me squeeze it."

"As long as I can eat ice cream, the big girl is willing to donate all the milk."

Ye Han is the only one who can blow, when my Su Xiaoqi is made of mud?

This time, the big guy laughed so much that his tears came out.

So what did the big girl say?

No one said anything, he was soaking in the pool of the cowshed, chewing the cud in his mouth, very comfortable.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were pulling to the limit, and finally ended in Ye Han's failure.

The two agreed to eat ice cream in the afternoon.

But this is really the last time in a short time.

These saltpeters should be used first to make gunpowder to deal with green anaconda.

In fact, Ye Han also wanted to eat ice cream. An ice cream in such a hot weather is simply a fairy-like enjoyment.

But in contrast, he wanted to kill the green anaconda as soon as possible.

Looking back, it has been more than two months since the discovery of the green anaconda!

In other words, the pressure this guy put on Ye Han lasted for more than two months.

Now, this guy is almost finished.

Looking at their interaction, many viewers couldn't help showing their aunt's smile on their faces.

"Ye Han and Xiao Qi are really a natural pair, so kill the green anaconda quickly to help them both!"

"Don't worry, I will watch the stars at night, and I will count, the green anaconda will die tomorrow!"

"Speaking of which, Xiao Qi hasn't fortune-telling for a long time. Isn't her hobby fortune-telling?"

"How dare she count! Ye Han laughed at her every day, hahaha!"

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