The audience in the live broadcast room were also very anxious.

"Why hasn't this green boa come out yet, is it dead and rotting in the water?"

"Don't worry, I think there should be no problem. If nothing else, Ye Han's luck will not cause any accidents."

"I'm so anxious. I really want to pee now, but I don't dare to go to the toilet. I'm afraid I'll miss the most exciting picture!"

"Who isn't, fortunately I have a bottle on hand, and it's still pulsing."

"With the pulsating little brother, add a friend?"

"Don't drive, this car is speeding, fines, driver's license revoked!"

"Is the water moving?"

Massive barrages are surging, sweeping like waves.

Some people said that the water seemed to be moving, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all stared at it.

It is indeed moving, but the water surface will move, which is also a very normal thing.

It was caused by a fish, causing ripples on the lake surface to spread.

White is excited!

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, Teacher Ma and Teacher Piao were both there.

Today was Teacher Piao's turn to explain, but Teacher Ma didn't want to miss the scene of Ye Han hunting green anaconda, so he volunteered to work overtime and rushed over.

Two beautiful anchors, Xiao Tuanzi and Duan Xiaomei are also there.

Four pairs of eyes are staring at the picture in front of them.

"Old Ma, do you think that is the tail of a green anaconda?"

Teacher Piao pointed at the screen and asked.

"There is no tail, that is the trace left by the reward animation just now!"

Teacher Ma said angrily.

"Hurry up and turn off these things, don't affect my analysis of the situation!"

"Don't be in a hurry to reward, wait for the green anaconda to die and then reward. I have recharged the money. I am not in a hurry. What are you worried about?"

Teacher Piao said angrily.

Xiao Tuanzi and Dian Xiaomei got together and chatted there, making their own judgments.

In the other live broadcast rooms, such as Xiao Liang, Professor Yuan, and a group of national team gold medalists in the gold medal team's live broadcast room, all came and watched the situation on Ye Han's side.

Most of the commentators rebelled collectively, instead of explaining the situation of the players in charge of them, instead they analyzed the situation on Ye Han's side!

This is understandable, after all, the scene on Ye Han's side is really too big.

There is no way to compare other people's live broadcasts with Ye Han.

As long as the green anaconda shows up, it will be the grandest scene since the game started!

I am afraid that until the end of the game, it is difficult for any lens to surpass it!

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes.

Twenty minutes, thirty minutes...

Thirty minutes passed without any movement.

Someone in the live broadcast room said that he had wet his pants.

"Don't you go to the toilet with your phone?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

"It's all this time, stop telling jokes there."

"Thirty minutes, where did the green anaconda go?"

"Maybe you are visiting relatives?"

"Everyone said don't tell jokes, and tell such bad jokes, drag them out and shoot for ten minutes!"


Someone was telling jokes there, trying to lighten the mood.

The green anaconda never came out, and everyone's heart was tense.

"Don't worry, everyone. Green anacondas are generally active at night. Ye Han didn't choose the right time."

"Of course, he should want to do it during the day and try to avoid nocturnal activities. Compared with beasts, humans have no advantage at night."

"However, the green anaconda will also come out to bask in the sun during the day. Let's wait patiently. I feel that it should appear soon."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

I still have to let professionals explain it. Lord Bei did his homework last night and checked a lot of information about the green anaconda, and now it comes in handy.

Lord De on the side also nodded.

"You always rob me of the lines I want to say, so what should I say?"

Lord De glared at Lord Bei.

Indeed, those are the ones that are valuable. Almost every time, Lord Bei will take the lead.

In the live broadcast room, some viewers sent a barrage.

"You can say something, so do I!"

"That's right, I'm the same. This sentence is omnipotent, hahahaha!"

"Everyone, wait patiently, I also think the green anaconda is about to appear."

"Yo Xi! Ye Han is about to die. After the green water anaconda came out, it bit him into two pieces, and his intestines flowed to the ground!"

"That's right, in fact, Ye Han is not from our plastic surgery country at all. We made a mistake before, Ye Han will die today!"

"It seems that the little boy and the fat man have not taught you enough lessons!"

Some people came out to curse Ye Han, and they were immediately sprayed and dared not take the lead.

In fact, there are still many people who support Ye Han in these countries that do not have a good relationship with China.

Well, it depends on the person.

Time continued to pass, and after a while, Ye Han's whole body was almost soaked with sweat.

His palms were also sweating, and he wiped his hands several times.

On the one hand because of the hot weather, on the other hand because of tension.

Although Ye Han had personally experienced many big scenes, it was the first time in his past and present life to hunt green anacondas.

It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous.

After working so hard for so long, it's time to watch it all!

Thirty-five minutes, forty minutes, forty-five minutes......

The time came to the forty-fifth minute after Ye Han placed the bait, and everyone waited forty-five minutes ago.

Some viewers even sweated more than Ye Han.

This matter is being discussed all over the world, waiting for a result.

And at this moment, the originally calm lake surface finally moved.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, ripples appeared on the surface of the lake, and then a big head came out of the water.

The scales are still dripping water, reflecting a faint light under the sunlight, and even has a metallic feel.

The snake letter swallowed, it was the green anaconda!


Ye Han was shocked, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, he immediately raised his arms, picked up the gun in his hand, and aimed straight ahead.

Using a gun with one hand is pretentious, unless you are very skilled.

And Ye Han is a person who strives for victory with stability, and it is absolutely not allowed to make mistakes in such details.

So he lifted the gun with both hands, and also opened the safety.

At this time, as long as he pulls the trigger, the bullet will shoot out!

Afterwards, the green anaconda lowered its head, leaned in front of the dead rabbit by the lake, and stretched out the snake letter to lick it a few times.

The life of pythons generally adopts the method of entanglement to deal with the prey, first suffocating the prey to death, and then swallowing it.

But for such a small prey as this rabbit, it is enough to swallow it directly, and there is no need to strangle it.

The green anaconda finally opened its mouth and bit the rabbit in its mouth. Even a bamboo tube was punctured by its teeth, and the black gunpowder inside spilled out.

It's now!

Between the lightning and flint, Ye Han held his breath, and his whole spirit was concentrated in front of him. He pulled the trigger in his hand, and a gunshot resounded in the jungle, echoing continuously!

Chapter 848


Ye Han pulled the trigger, fired a bullet, and aimed at the bamboo tube explosive bag that was already in the mouth of the green anaconda!

Time seems to stand still at this moment!

All the audience held their breath at this moment, did not dare to blink, their eyes fixed on the live broadcast screen.

This bullet is fleeting and hits with precision!

The sound of gunfire echoed through the jungle, deafening.

As the shooter, Ye Han's ears clearly felt the loud noise, and he was a little dazed for a while.

A large number of birds were startled in the jungle, flapping their wings and disappearing into the sky.

And the next moment, he saw a flash of fire in front of him!


Everything went very smoothly, exactly as Ye Han expected.

Audiences all over the world are also completely boiling at this moment, screaming!

From the start of the game to the present, the biggest scene finally appeared.

I saw that as Ye Han's bullet hit the bamboo tube explosive pack in the green anaconda's mouth, the black powder in the bamboo tube burned rapidly, and then exploded due to the restriction of the bamboo tube.

Or a series of explosions!

One by one, the bamboo tubes were detonated by the high temperature, and the loud noise continued!

Before the green anaconda could react, it was stunned by the explosions!

Ye Han lowered his arms and watched this scene nervously.

If he couldn't kill the green anaconda at this level, then he could only give up.

But he believes that this wave of green anacondas will die!

If nothing else, just by virtue of his good luck, there is no possibility of failure!


"Ye Han's marksmanship is too accurate, one shot hits, and one bullet is not wasted. He still has 12 bullets left, which will be a huge guarantee in the days to come!"

"Green Anaconda: I bet you don't have bullets in your gun!"

"Wrong bet, this green anaconda will definitely be finished, and **** can't keep it!"

"This is the first time there has been an explosion on the island. It's so addicting, I blew up the TV screen at home!"

"My son said he wanted to help Ye Han fight the green anaconda, but he also broke the TV, and I couldn't bear to beat him, alas!"

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