And the direction it struggled to come from was exactly the direction Ye Han was standing in just now.

Therefore, Ye Han's running ahead is really witty.

If he is still standing here, he might even be counterattacked by the green anaconda!

After a lot of calls, the technical staff on the program team finally released the satellite footage, so that the audience could see the scene at this time.

The scolding disappeared immediately, and everyone was watching, exclaiming in amazement.

"Fuck you, bullshit!"

"It's too big, how can it be so big, so thick, so long!"

"The ground is cracked! The trees are all broken!"

"Isn't this where Ye Han shot just now, fortunately Ye Han ran away!"

"I finally saw the picture, let's show my heart to the show team!"

"Look carefully, there are still some bamboo fragments stuck in the mouth of the green anaconda!"

"Normal, the dynamite bag made by Ye Han, the broken bamboo tube itself can cause secondary damage. This principle is like eating a fragmented grenade inside a chicken."

"The mouth of the green anaconda has been cooked, my God, a piece of meat fell!"

Countless exclamations and discussions spread all over the world.

Even those who hated Ye Han in their hearts couldn't help but sigh.

This wave of Ye Han is really too powerful. After a complete set of operations, there is no problem at all.

Collect and refine various raw materials, make black powder, get pistols, arrange bait, shoot and detonate, and leave.

The discovery of the pistol was a miracle. Without this pistol, Ye Han could only make rockets to detonate the explosives, and many variables would arise.

He doesn't have the archery skills like Yang Qingqing!

"Boss, should we stay further away?"

Su Xiaoqi felt a little scared when she heard this voice.

She held Ye Han's hand, and Ye Han felt that her palm was sweating.

Ye Han scratched her palm with his fingers.

"Okay, let's step back for a while, don't be afraid, there is me."

Ye Han pulled Su Xiaoqi and led the animals back.

Da Huang wanted to lean in and have a look, but Ye Han stopped him too.

With Rhubarb's agility, it's not a big problem if you really get close.

But Ye Han sought stability and did not let Da Huang pass.

Now in their team, the only one who can see the situation is Jiutian.

People can fly, this is really not temperamental, incomparable.

Jiutian was flying over the lake and could clearly see the situation of the green anaconda, but unfortunately it couldn't speak and could not tell Ye Han.

Ye Han could only wait patiently.

This time, he doesn't know as much as the audience!

Some viewers have already begun to show off.

Ye Han couldn't even see the green anaconda, but they could!

The picture sent back by the satellite is also very high-definition, and you can even see a scale dropped on the green anaconda!

Wherever the green anaconda passed, it rampaged, dropped some scales, and left a lot of mucus and blood along the way.

Even the meat that fell out of the mouth has been roasted by the high temperature.

Some viewers said that they seemed to have smelled the smell of barbecue.

As for the poor rabbit, some viewers also found its remains, a piece of rabbit skin, which had been burnt black.

To attract this green anaconda, the rabbit contributed greatly.

The whole process is relatively long, but the audience is watching closely.

The green anaconda is still struggling, but with the passage of time, the consumption of physical strength and the aggravation of the injury, the strength of its struggle has become smaller and smaller.

The original roar turned into a whimper, getting weaker and weaker.

Everyone knows it's going to die!

Chapter 850 Death begins to deal with

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were anxiously waiting.

Both of them could hear the whine from the green anaconda.

"The movement is gradually getting weaker, and the green anaconda won't last long."

"hold on."

Ye Han took another sip of water and said.

He looked at the live broadcast bracelet on his wrist, and forty minutes had passed.

This thing is really strong, it's not dead!

But this is about the same time as Ye Han estimated, it should be soon.

"Boss, shall we eat the meat of this green anaconda?"

Su Xiaoqi asked a question.

Her main job is Ye Han's little cook, and of course this is the first thing she thinks about.

The green anaconda is designated to die, so it makes perfect sense to think about it now.

Ye Han also thought about it. In fact, he had thought about this question before.

"The meat of the green anaconda should be edible, and we can also taste it."

"I haven't eaten the meat of this stuff before, so let's make some, let's try it."

"If it's delicious, then eat it, if it's not delicious, then give it to rhubarb."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi nodded, it was definitely edible, but I didn't know if it was delicious.

She has never come into contact with this kind of ingredients, so she will try it when the time comes.

Just do as Ye Han said.

The two enjoyed the shade under the shade of a tree and continued to wait.

Although you can't see the picture, you can judge by the sound.

Viewers all over the world are also continuing to stare at the satellite images, waiting for the results.

Of course, the celebrations and revelry had already started early.

Some even ran into the street screaming, cheering, and undressing.

It is estimated that he lost a bet with others, and was taken away by the police on the spot.

Go run!

Really hot eyes.

As for the rewards in Ye Han's live broadcast room, it was even more unbroken.

A large number of big bosses with familiar faces have all come, and the money seems to be no longer money, but a series of numbers.

Ye Han's live broadcast has long been covered by a large number of rewards, making it difficult to see clearly.

Of course, more people are still in the satellite live broadcast room specially opened by the official program group.

"In memory of the first explosion on the island, leave a name!"

"Be rigorous, it can be said that this is the first man-made explosion on the island, and the real first explosion was a whale explosion."

"The power of the whale explosion is greater than the power of this explosion, and the size of that whale is not comparable to this green anaconda."

"By the way, is there any data emperor, come out and tell me how long this green anaconda is?"

"Last time the cat detective said it long ago, this thing is 8.23 ​​meters long!"

"That's not right, I feel that this green anaconda is nine meters long, isn't it the same one?"

Discussions on the Internet are overwhelming.

And the discussion on the body length of this green anaconda quickly swiped the screen, attracting many viewers.

Someone specially went to the previous video, the time when Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were chased by green anacondas, which was very thrilling.

The second time I watch it, it still makes me nervous.

"It should be the same green anaconda, and every pattern is the same."

"This green anaconda has grown a bit during this time!"

Someone came to this conclusion.

But there are still people who doubt that it has only been a little over two months since Ye Han discovered the green anaconda.

Has this thing grown so much?

Obviously thicker and longer.

Even the cat detective couldn't fix it. At this moment, he was in Xuanling's room, holding a tablet to broadcast the live broadcast and explaining it to Xuanling.

Detective Cat's commentary is interspersed with a lot of data, which is also his personal habit.

The Shenzhouguo program team also invited him to guest comment in the live broadcast room, but was rejected by Detective Cat.

He doesn't want to show his face now, he just wants to watch the live broadcast at home and accompany Xuanling.

"Strange, this green anaconda has grown too fast."

"This is definitely the same green anaconda, but after more than two months, it has grown so much?"

The cat detective also felt strange and frowned.

He didn't even need to watch the playback video to recall the scene at that time.

This is not the normal growth rate of green anacondas.

But for a while, the cat detective couldn't figure out the joints.

An hour passed by.

An hour had passed since Ye Han shot and detonated the explosive pack in the green anaconda's mouth.

Now it can be seen through the satellite image that the green anaconda has stopped moving and is lying on the ground, but it is not dead yet.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to move towards this side, Ye Han felt that it was almost there.

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

"Xiao Qi, you are behind me."

Ye Han asked Su Xiaoqi to walk behind him.

On the tree in front of the two, Da Huang was jumping up and down.

Going forward, Ye Han also saw a mess in front of him. He stopped, shocked and inexplicable.

He has also seen a lot of various big scenes, but this scene at this time is really surprising.

From the lake to the jungle, this section of the journey, almost everything along the way was destroyed!

Except for some very thick trees that can still be preserved, the others have basically been destroyed.

There is a strong fishy smell in the air, which makes people feel sick.

There was blood, mucus, and minced meat and plant debris on the ground, all mixed together and stained on the soil, trees and plants.

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