Thanks to Fndre for the huge donation of flowers! Fndre giant's current comment is, good morning, and good night.

Chapter 853

Today, Ye Han killed the green anaconda. This is an earth-shattering event, and the whole world is paying attention.

On the other players' side, there are actually some incidents.

If it is normal, it is estimated that it will attract a lot of audiences, but it is a pity that there is no limelight today.

First of all, on the side of the alcoholic team of Maoxiong Country, Ivanov feels much better.

The wound is a little itchy, but this is normal.

After the wound is scabbed, it will start to itch, and some people can't help but pick it.

Ivanov kept scratching, Eva wouldn't let it, but he couldn't help it.

Eva went into the sea and caught a lot of seafood, and the two of them can eat it all the time now.

On the whole, the two of them are still inclined to daily life. Apart from Ivanov's injury, more people are concerned about the picture after Eva goes into the water.

A group of old drivers.

Then there were Leng Feng and Li Guang, who had already arrived at the second base, they simply cleaned up and settled down.

For the next period of time, they will stay on the second base to develop and store more food.

Overall, the development is good, and it is still a group of players that many audiences are quite optimistic about.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, using the venom that seals their throats with blood, are in no way unfavorable.

But any prey they saw could not escape death, and the food reserves of the two increased rapidly.

One of the most interesting things has to be Sean's side.

Sean is in a hurry today.

Because after waking up, he found that his good friend, good partner, the big mouse was gone!

Sean was sweating profusely, looking for the big mouse everywhere, shouting its name.

He named the mouse, Bob...

In fact, some people have calculated on the Internet that there is Bob in the name that foreigners despise. They say that it is the name of a dog.

However, there is nothing wrong with Sean using it here, because big rats are also pets, and their status is similar to that of dogs.


"Bob, where are you!"

Sean was about to cry in a hurry.

Many spectators who are optimistic about him are also anxious. If something happens to the big mouse, then Sean will probably have to retire.

This mouse is now his partner and his spiritual sustenance.

And some people who hope to reduce the number of beautiful countries are looking forward to it.

If this mouse is really gone, then Sean will probably retire from the competition, and Beautiful Country will lose another player, which is a good thing.

Not targeting Sean, just standing in the opponent's point of view, it is understandable to think so.

In the end, Sean found Bob.

In fact, it was Bob himself who came back.

And he didn't come back alone, he also brought back another mouse, a female mouse.

Good guy, a large number of viewers called him a good guy, this is going out to find a daughter-in-law!

Sean knelt on the ground, held Bob in his hands, and let out a breath.

"Bob, you scared me to death!"

"I thought you had an accident!"

Sean said.

How could Bob understand this, but he could also vaguely sense Sean's anxiety.

To celebrate Bob's return, Sean prepares a large piece of meat for Bob and his daughter-in-law to eat.

"This female mouse is pregnant, I can see it."

"Ah, can this be seen?"

"The stomach is bulging, is this still fake?"

"Doesn't Bob like being a dad?"

"Not necessarily. This may be Bob's seed. They used to be good friends, and now they bring it back."

"It's also possible, but I still think Bob is happy to be a dad."

"The child is born, I raise it, and my surname is the same as the child's!"

The audience didn't even let the mouse go, and directly broke Bob.

But now Bob is happy to eat.

There is also the group of players from the beautiful country who have expanded their search scope, Adam and Andre.

In the process, they also gained something, but not much.

It also gave them a sense of urgency.

Now is not the time to sit still and get more food as soon as possible, otherwise you may face food shortages.

Again, more and more players are aware of this problem and are expanding the scope of their search, or simply moving.

In fact, although Ye Han is not short of food, he is about to open up a new area, the Bisheng Mountain area.

Therefore, some people say that Ye Han's Bisheng Mountain era also represents the era of the great migration of most players on the entire island.

In short, the island has entered the next era, and all players are in the process of change.

Someone summed up that when they first came to the island, all the players were basically unstable, and then they stabilized and lasted for a period of time, until now, that is, in the early four months.

That is to say, in a fixed area, if two people live for more than four months for a long time, the animal and plant resources in this area will enter a period of relative scarcity.

That's when the players need to start moving.

If you calculate it like this, then a year is twelve months, that is, three transfers.

No, it can't be counted like that.

The first time in four months, the second time in eight months, and by the twelfth month, the game is over.

On average, it is normal to need to transfer two or three times to a new site in order to obtain enough food.

Of course, people like Ye Han who jumped out of the Three Realms and are not in the Five Elements are hard to say.

He's fine at home.

Then there are the more jumping players like Lengfeng. At present, there are three bases, and they want to continue to develop.

There are also players at the seaside, the seaside food is sufficient, and it is completely possible to live for a long time.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had also gone home, and they returned home before dark.

In the evening, it was another big meal. The main ingredients were the meat of green anaconda and the core of jackfruit.

The artichokes have been eaten, and Ye Han is not tired of eating. This stuff is delicious.

So Ye Han continued to plan the exploration plan of Bisheng Mountain, and now he can really explore Bisheng Mountain with all his heart.

"Boss, all the saltpeter is gone, how can we eat ice cream in the future?"

At this time, Su Xiaoqi gave him another big problem.

Speaking of ice cream, after eating it once on the island, you will never eat it again. Who can stand it?

Not to mention the last wave of ice cream, Ye Han didn't eat a single one, all of them were eaten by Su Xiaoqi.

I drank six ice creams in one breath, and I didn't have a stomachache, but it was amazing.

"Don't worry, there will be saltpeter and ice cream."

"Tomorrow, do you want to rest at home for a day, or do you want to go out to Bisheng Mountain?"

Ye Han handed over the choice to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi decided to go out.

Not only did Ye Han want to explore Bisheng Mountain, she also wanted to.

There must be new ingredients to be found there to make more delicacies, and the artichokes at home have been eaten and need to be replenished.

"Okay, let's wash and sleep."

"Let's start tomorrow and start the exploration of Bisheng Mountain!"

Ye Han was also a little excited.

With the death of the green anaconda, he was at the level of king and hegemony in all directions in this area.

All threatening things were killed by him.

Hyenas, tigers, crocodiles, black bears, green anacondas, and... two Asan.

Next, we will start a new journey and expand our territory!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the reminder of the carnivore reward, and thank you for the huge reward and support!

Chapter 854 What if it's opened

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the one hundred and twenty-three days.

Ye Han got up and stretched, feeling a little thirsty.

Picking up a clay pot beside the bed, Ye Han drank it. The contents in it were all cold and white, and mint leaves were added in it, which was very cool and refreshing.

"It should be because I sweated too much yesterday and my body was dehydrated."

Ye Han thought about it and took another sip.

It is healthy to drink some water in the morning.

Helps detoxify the body.

Su Xiaoqi also woke up.

"Boss, I'm thirsty too."

Su Xiaoqi said in a daze, and rubbed her eyes.

"Come on, I'll feed you."

Ye Han said with a wicked smile.

After he said that, he took a sip of water and brought it to Su Xiaoqi's mouth.

"Boss, you are bad!"

"It's live!"

Su Xiaoqi pushed Ye Han away and muttered.

Early in the morning, before he woke up, Ye Han wanted to do something bad.

"The live broadcast hasn't started yet!"

Ye Han shook the bracelet on his wrist and said.

Su Xiaoqi made a face at Ye Han, stuck out her tongue, and then opened her live broadcast.

"It's open now."

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