But over time, this group of contestants also found that they were getting less and less food.

How can this work because it can only go in and out?

The prey that can be obtained in the trap has become less and less, and no new prey has been caught for many consecutive days.

The food stored at home is also exhausted.

The pair had to go out in search of food, expanding their search to try and find something edible.

But unfortunately, I got nothing for the whole day yesterday.

I just ate some sour fruit, and I was even more hungry after eating it. It felt like a fire was burning in my stomach, and I was already starting to have some cramps.

So now Taylor's eyes are almost green, and he wants to take a bite when he sees a plant he doesn't know.

"Baker, you've said that many times!"

"There is no prey here!"

Tyler became anxious and his voice became a little louder.

People are more prone to being irritable when they don't have enough to eat, and that's what Taylor is now.

He felt that if he didn't eat, he might faint.

"You eat a bird's egg first!"

"One more day, the more money you can get!"

Baker tries to motivate Taylor with money.

On the side of the corrupt country, the country has also formulated a series of policies.

How many days does the player persist and how much is paid like this.

"I don't want money, I want food!"

Taylor roared again.

Baker felt a toothache, and quickly took out a bird's egg and handed it to him.

"You eat the eggs first, we are still broadcasting live!"

"If you want to give up, there will definitely be a lot of people scolding you after you go back!"

Baker took a different approach to channeling Taylor.

Coupled with this bird egg, Tyler eased a little.

Yes, if you retire from the competition, you will definitely be scolded when you go back!

Before the start of the game, the Internet had a lot of expectations for him.

Now that he hasn't eaten enough for two days, he wants to retire, and he will definitely be scolded.

Just bear with it.

The big deal is that I can't stand it anymore, so I pretend to faint!

Who can scold?

Tyler shoved the egg with the shell into his mouth and swallowed it, thinking to himself.

"My dear, this is a ruthless man. I saw the bird eggs, and there are bird feces!"

"You're already so hungry, what about bird shit!"

"This group is estimated to be hanging, and they already have the idea of ​​​​retiring, so they won't be able to hold on for long, unless they can find food in time!"

"I think it's a bit outrageous. This island is so big and rich in products. Can someone really starve to death?"

"You said it's easy. You can try it yourself. Most people can't survive for a few days. Do you think hunting is so easy?"

"I have the right to speak on this matter. My grandfather's grandfather was a hunter. He left a diary in the old man's diary. It was written in it that he did not hit any prey for a full month!"

"jhy345: Hello everyone, I'm the mother of the owner of this account. I found that he often watches this live broadcast and posts a lot of barrage chats. What's going on?"

Everyone was chatting about the problem of this group of players, but suddenly saw such a barrage.

It is the mother of a netizen who logged in to his account and came up to check the situation.

Suddenly, a group of sand sculpture netizens started playing wildly.

"Auntie, this kid gave a huge sum of five million, and he must have seen your payment password!"

"He is very active in the live broadcast room, often saying that Huang Duanzi is driving and hitting him!"

"He's still a post-00s generation. He secretly watched the live broadcast while he was taking online classes. Doesn't this affect his learning?"

"Yes, he said last time that he went to an online class, but I think he is still watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room!"

"Please be yourself. I have an impression of that guy. He is a good boy. Don't make fun of him here."

Someone still told the truth.

Many of the more active viewers are also impressed by others. Some of them have the ability to make money, such as the Floating Giant, and the cute White Rabbit Toffee, who loves to play games, and the Fndre Giant who says good night every day, etc.

There are also frequent bullet screens, the kind that everyone is familiar with. For example, an ID is a friend who hits more people.

And the student jhy345 is also very good. He has won a lot of scholarships in junior high school, and he knows a lot of knowledge.

For example, last time, he mentioned in the live broadcast room the knowledge that snakes can live for a while if their heads are chopped off.

A lot of barrage surging, directly to the netizen's mother can't fix it.

What are these people saying!

[The author has something to say]

It's all my fault for pulling me to chat, and I have to stay up all night to write a book again today! Thanks to Fndre for the huge reward of flowers, and thanks to the flowers for the reward of the **** (the **** used Qi Mao to read more than 2,000 hours, read a lot of books, and gave me this book for the first time in cash, thank you!) Thanks for the two reminders for the reward! Thank you for the huge donations and support!

Chapter 856

Of course, this is just a small episode.

There are still serious viewers who sent a private message to the mother to explain the situation.

jhy345 is watching in the spare time of the online class, and the reward is to order some change, and did not do anything out of the ordinary.

The mother was relieved.

She also knows that her children have always been excellent and will definitely not do stupid things.

But after all, many news reports now say that the child secretly saw the payment password, and then gave the anchor a huge amount of money, or recharged the game, and the family's deposit was directly cleared.

Then the parents cried there, and the child said that I just wanted a skin, and the next step was to call the enthusiastic reporters to help apply for a refund.

"I usually take him too seriously. It's okay to relax while watching the live broadcast."

"Give him some more pocket money."

The mother thought to herself.

The picture returned to this group of corrupt players who were on the verge of elimination.

After eating that bird egg, Tyler felt useless and hungrier instead.

It turns out that staring at Venus is not an adjective, but true!

He can now feel that there are many small gold stars twinkling in front of him.

In contrast, Baker was more composed than him, still trying to find food.

Even if there is no meat to eat, you can find some familiar plants.

No matter how bad it is, just dig the soil and catch the earthworms!

In places like tropical rainforests, all kinds of bugs are the most indispensable.

In fact, worms are rich in protein and can be eaten.

For example, the cockroach that everyone hates.

In a movie in China that opened the door to science fiction movies, what humans in the future world will eat is dried earthworms and durian flavored ones.

In some movies, the food that humans eat is processed by cockroaches and is rich in protein.

"Stop first, you must eat something."

"I'll dig earthworms. You wash the earthworms in the stream, and then bake them."

Baker stopped by a creek.

Except for some plants and fruits, there is no other food.

He decided to start digging for earthworms to eat.

"Eat earthworms?!"

Taylor suddenly felt resistance.

"The protein content of earthworms is dozens of times higher than that of beef, and it is a very good food!"

"Trust me, you'll feel delicious when you eat it later."

Baker patted Tyler on the shoulder, then started digging with his shovel.

Tyler had no choice but to start collecting materials and preparing to make a fire.

The group of them got a lighter in the original lottery.

So making a fire is a simple matter for them.

If there is no such lighter, Taylor may not be able to make a fire successfully now, because he has no strength in his body, how can he drill wood to make a fire?

The soil was dug up, and an earthworm could already be seen, which was directly shoveled by Baker with a shovel and turned into two pieces.

However, with the regenerative ability of the earthworm, this earthworm will gradually recover and become two earthworms.

Of course, according to relevant research, this is actually quite complicated, and it is not 100% achievable.

Rather, it depends on where it was cut off.

This has nothing to do with the current situation. It is impossible for these two earthworms to regenerate because they will be eaten.

At this time, the earthworms were dug up by Baker, and of course there were some other worms, but he did not dare to eat them.

Mainly don't know.

There are too many types of bugs in the world, and there are also many bugs in the tropical rain forest. Xiao Liang didn't dare to say that he knew them all, let alone Baker.

He only eats what he knows.

Those you don't know will be treated as poisonous and will not be touched.

"This earthworm is so big and fat!"

Baker said excitedly.

When you are hungry, everything tastes delicious. Although these earthworms can't eat enough, they can at least pad their stomachs and support the two of them to move on.

"Wow, there are so many earthworms, densely packed, I'm so scared!"

"With all due respect, I can't accept eating earthworms either. It feels disgusting."

"I use earthworms for fishing, but I dare not eat earthworms.

"You think, fish eat earthworms, and you eat fish, isn't that the same as you eat earthworms?"

"It makes sense, but I'm speechless."

"What if you eat pork and the pig is still rolling in the dung pit!"


The audience started talking about earthworms again.

Next, Tyler takes care of cleaning the worms, washing away the dirt, and then starts roasting.

Many viewers have already run away at this time and dare not watch.

Eating bugs is something that not many people can accept.

As a result, many viewers came to Ye Han's side.

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