"When the heat of this thing is over, what to do."

Andrei thought to himself.

He made the decision, and he had to retire.

How can I survive in such a terrifying place by myself?

Absolutely cannot stay here!

So, after thinking of this, he had already planned to walk over and leave with the rescuers.

But at this time, he heard a rescuer in front of him, talking.

"After inspection, Adam is completely dead, put it in a body bag."

"Hmph, it's all that Andre's fault, but he's dead too, and now someone offers a reward of tens of millions for him!"

"Hey, I'm so excited. Let's contact the buyer directly and send Andre there!"

"Don't make trouble, this is against the law. If you do this, we will have no place to live in the future."

"Yes, just follow the procedure and send him to the hospital. Someone will come to arrest him. It is said that some international mercenaries are already excited."


What the fuck? ? ! !

Hearing these conversations, Andre's mind was buzzing, and the whole person was stupid!

What's the situation?


Someone is going to kill himself?

He only felt his mouth dry and continued to look forward.

"The last time that Vasily died, it was really miserable!"

"At that time, after Vasily retired, three waves of people were going to get him, and they fought. The last three waves of people joined forces. I still remember the screams before Vasily died."

"Cruise is not much better, his life has been cut off, that ruthless!"

These people are putting Adam's body into a body bag and chatting at the same time.

They don't know it yet, Andre is eavesdropping nearby!

But the audience can see it!

The show crew is also in a hurry, what are these idiots doing!

The satellite phone on the captain's waist rang.

"You idiot, hurry up and shut up, Andre heard it all!"

The phone was connected, and such a voice immediately came from the opposite side, it was almost roaring and shouting.

The squad leader shuddered, sweating on his forehead.

Andre is nearby?


They only thought that Andre had run away, so they would have no scruples in chatting here.

But if these conversations were heard by Andre, would Andre still retire?

Does he dare to retire?

The captain was holding the satellite phone and his palms were sweating.

He hurriedly looked around, and Andrea was so frightened that he couldn't stand anymore.

Retire and die!

He sat down on the ground and started to step back.

This movement was also noticed by the rescue team, who discovered Andre.


Andre let out a scream, frightened.

These rescuers have become demon-like existences in his eyes.

If you withdraw from the competition, you will die. These people also know that, but they don’t tell themselves. They are still laughing about how they will die, and they want to exchange themselves for money. This is terrible!

"Andre, don't be nervous, listen to me!"

The captain took a step and wanted to come to Andre.

But how could Andre believe it, he only believed what he had just heard.

What Vasily, what Cruz, these are the players of the beautiful country, he knows.

But now Vasily and Cruz are dead, and they both died very tragically!

"I won't retire, don't come here, don't come near me!"

"I'm live streaming, everyone is watching, don't come over, get out!"

Andre shouted in a frenzy.

He was terrified. If he retire now and follow these people back, he would definitely not be any better than Vasily and Cruise!

"Andre, listen to us, we have no ill intentions!"

The squad leader is still trying to save the situation.

At the same time, he also hated himself. Why did he talk so much just now? It really came from his mouth!

If one does not do well, many people will be offended!

"You still want to sell me!"

"I heard it all, get out of here, I won't retire!"

Andre's eyes widened and he roared.

Audiences and netizens all over the world have all done it again.

What an eventful night tonight!

Adam died and was swallowed by the brown anaconda, which was already a big event.

Then the rescue team also leaked his mouth and let Andre hear the truth. This is an extremely serious accident.

Of course what they say is true.

But the point is that if you can't take something that everyone knows well, you can't say it directly on the table, then it's breaking the rules.

The official program team is in a daze, especially the beautiful country side, and they feel that they have been beaten in the face.

Now the world is laughing at it, and the beautiful country cannot even guarantee the personal safety of the players.

Almost all the players who retired from the competition died, and one was worse than the other.

That's why Anna and Bill were still alive, Bill was paralyzed, and someone blocked the treatment.

The reputation is utterly stinky.

Now this kind of thing is happening again.

It's hard to end!

Those who secretly offered bounties were also very angry.

Just because of these stupid rescuers, now Andre doesn't dare to retire, how can they rectify Andre?

This bad breath can't get out!

Andre killed his teammate because of his negligence. How many people want to see him die now?

As a result, he didn't dare to retire, what should I do?

Immediately, this incident caused a strong response.

There are a lot of people on the Internet mocking the beautiful country, which is also a superpower, but the players have to die if they quit the competition. It's a big joke.

Take Vasily as an example. In fact, the audience also expects him to die quickly, but from the perspective of the beautiful country, they must protect Vasily.

It can't be because everyone thinks a person is abominable and damn, he really wants to die, right?

What about the law then?

Vasily's death and Cruise's death were actually slapping the beautiful country in the face, and slapped the face all over the place!

This country that claims to be free is now a little helpless.

In the current situation of Andre, it must be difficult for anyone to come, and he will not trust anyone.

The above has ordered the rescue team to leave the island with Adam's body.

As for Andre, let him fend for himself on the island.

The captain also wanted to appease Andre, but Andre was very resistant, and even picked up a stone and threw it over, almost hitting him on the head.

This matter had to be abandoned, and they took Adam's body and left the island.

At the same time, there is still a heated discussion around the world!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you jhy345 for your long comment, the sincerity revealed, it moved me to tears, and it has been added to the top!

Chapter 864 Andre's Determination

In the middle of the night, a large number of people did not sleep.

Some were already guarding, while others were woken up and woken up.

After learning about the situation, he immediately joined the discussion.

All kinds of heated discussions are overwhelming!

"Hahahaha I laughed so hard! The rescuers even wanted to capture Andrei and sell it!"

"Shit, I was woken up by the phone, just to see the brown anaconda swallowed Adam and almost wet the bed!"

"Don't want to sleep tonight, such a big event happened!"

"Pretty Country is already mad. Andre's incident has once again made Beautiful Country the target of public criticism. It's a shame!"

"One thing to say, the players from the Beautiful Country, Vasily, Cruise, they are not guilty of death, and the Beautiful Country should protect their safety."

"The show team came out to apologize again, just like the game I played, all kinds of bugs, come out to apologize every day, but there is no compensation."

"Freedom is sweet, intoxicating, lingering, and if you retire, you will die, beautiful heaven!"

All kinds of mockery abound.

Some high-level people in the beautiful country have even hurriedly organized a meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter.

As for the program group, they quickly issued an apology notice.

But almost no one buys it.

Everyone is watching the fun and it's not a big deal. If a player dies, he will die. Except for the player's relatives and friends, who would care about it?

At most, it's just a matter of watching the excitement and it's over, and discuss it without salt or lightness. This is human nature.

When an incident just broke out, it was very popular, and all netizens were very just and very concerned.

This person was abducted, this person was abused, it's not fair!

Everyone is pressing for a fair and open outcome.

But after a period of time, how many people are still paying attention?

There are really not many, many people forget in a blink of an eye, after all, this is an era of information explosion.

But now, netizens have once again united the front and began to criticize the program team and the beautiful country.

All the teams involved in the rescue this time have been fired and severely punished.

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