"Everyone, I am deeply sympathetic to what happened to Player Adam, and I hate Player Andre's irresponsible behavior very much!"

"Please rest assured, we are discussing a solution to this matter, as long as there is a result, you will be notified as soon as possible!"

"But now, let's prepare for Adam's funeral. After all, the dead are the greatest!"


After a series of operations, plus the huge amount of compensation and the reward money that belonged to Adam, all of this made Adam's family unable to continue the trouble.

Several people have even begun to think about how to share more compensation.

Adam's family is quite a lot, it is a family, he himself has five brothers and sisters, and even the two lovers he raised outside have come!

It's a very sad thing, but it's happening all over the world.

When a person dies, his relatives, even some friends, want to come and take a bite of the cake and share an inheritance.

To say that today, the audience is also very busy.

While watching Ye Han build the house, he also looked at the situation of the other players.

Then I have to go online to scold the show team, scold Andre, and then sympathize with Adam. Some people's hands hurt when typing.

In addition, in the live broadcast room of the Rotten Earthworm Team and the Lion City Disgusting Team, there are also many viewers who are discussing and chatting.

Zhang Mingyang and Liu Jisong from the Lion City have been called the disgusting team.

I have to say that the majority of netizens are really powerful. Although this name is simple, it is very appropriate.

Let's say these two are dirty. They are not as dirty as Asan, and they are better than some African players.

But disgusting isn't just dirty!

Appearance, behavior, speech and actions can all make people feel sick, which is very rare.

But Zhang Mingyang and Liu Jisong did it perfectly.

Zhang Mingyang didn't eat last night, he was chewing betel nut all the time, and it was annoying.

Liu Jisong found something to eat himself, but it wasn't even half full.

If they can't find any more food, they will be finished.

Now Liu Jisong is in a very irritable mood. Listening to Zhang Mingyang chewing betel nut and coughing and spitting, his brows are furrowed, and his whole body feels itchy, and he scratches twice from time to time.

He also scratched his head, and in the words of the audience, it was snowing.

Because his dandruff fell like crazy, it was really like snow.

The audience on the side of Shenzhou Kingdom found that before entering the live broadcast room, a window would pop up.

"The live broadcast room seems to be uncomfortable, please choose carefully whether to watch it or not."

However, this thoughtful arrangement had the opposite effect. Everyone was very curious, so they chose to continue watching, and then they felt very disgusting.

The disgusting team is awesome!

However, the inference of the program team is not wrong. Now the earthworm team and the disgusting team are advancing face to face. Judging from the distance between the two sides, tonight is indeed the time for the two sides to meet!

Chapter 866 Andre's Decision

For this, the audience is also quite looking forward to it.

The earthworm team from the rotten country is not very disgusting, but for the disgusting team from the Lion City, it is abhorrent.

The audience hopes that the disgusting team can be eliminated quickly.

Some spectators who are not very kind also hope that the two of the disgusting team will die soon.

But now it is still necessary to wait, and wait until the evening before the two sides can meet.

For now, the disgusting team is still on the move, looking for food along the way.

Of course, the main person looking for food is Liu Jisong. As for Zhang Mingyang, he has been chewing betel nut.

As if there was only one thing left in his life.

Some viewers found that his masseter muscles were very developed and bulged, which is what he chewed from chewing betel nut for a long time.

Liu Jisong didn't want to hear the noise he made, so he quickened his pace.

"Cough cough!"

A strange sound came out of Zhang Mingyang's throat, and another mouthful of thick phlegm came out.

This time, it happened to vomit on Liu Jisong's trouser legs.

Then it flowed into Liu Jisong's shoes.

Liu Jisong felt it, he was furious, turned around to look at Zhang Mingyang, and grabbed Zhang Mingyang's collar.

"Zhang Mingyang!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't look for food, I don't bother to care about you, but don't disgust me here, you dirty bastard!"

Liu Jisong roared, a pale yellow particle actually flew out of his throat, and it just flew into Zhang Mingyang's mouth.

Some people don't know what it is, but some viewers have already seen it.

"I'm going to vomit, how can the disgusting team be so disgusting!"

"Only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname, they are a disgusting one, I can't stand it anymore, I slipped away!"

"I rub it, it's a tonsil stone in my throat, that stuff stinks!"

"Hey, sometimes when I cough up that thing in my throat, I crush it to play, and then put it up to my nose.

"A ruthless person, everyone is a ruthless person, I can't hold it anymore, I'm about to vomit out my breakfast."

"Everyone, when did they retire or die, please say hello to me, I'm going to Ye Han's live broadcast room."

Yep, that's tonsil stones.

Sometimes people cough up small particles in the throat, especially smelly, the scientific name is called tonsil stones.

Zhang Mingyang was also stupid at this time. He was still chewing betel nut, and he felt a stench reaching the sky, and he spit out the betel nut in his mouth.

The **** of betel nut, plus his saliva, all spit on Liu Jisong's clothes.

This time, Liu Jisong couldn't bear it anymore.

He simply slapped Zhang Mingyang's face, leaving a bright red palm print.

Zhang Mingyang was like a soft-footed shrimp, and he was directly knocked to the ground.

But Liu Jisong still felt **** off and kicked him again, and then he gave up.


He also spit out a mouthful of phlegm and spit it on Zhang Mingyang's head.

Zhang Mingyang was so angry that he immediately got up and was about to hit Liu Jisong, but Liu Jisong had already raised the engineer shovel in his hand.

Seeing this, Zhang Mingyang stopped and did not dare to rush up.

This shovel comes down, that's enough!

"Stay away from me, if you dare to interfere with my search for food, I will kill you!"

Liu Jisong waved the engineer shovel and cursed.

"Go, go, go!"

Zhang Mingyang raised his hand and said, at the same time he took out a betel nut and stuffed it into his mouth.

This disappointed the audience.

I thought it would be a fight!

I didn't expect Zhang Mingyang to be so cowardly and cowardly.

"It's a real live broadcast room!"

"The earthworm team eats earthworms, and they are cleaner than them!"

"The disgusting team is so disgusting, disgusting **** opens the door for disgusting, disgusting is home."

"Let me analyze a wave. In fact, they both disliked each other for a long time, but they didn't have the courage to separate and dared not act alone, so they could only continue to love and kill each other, but I think that after a certain level, they will definitely I can't stand it anymore, it's on the edge now."

"Love each other and kill each other is a good word, but I'm afraid they will meet the earthworm team before they officially fight."

"Whoever likes to watch it, I don't watch it anyway, I'll go see the Earthworm Team."

"Don't look at it, it's still the same as yesterday, they are digging earthworms to eat."

"To say that some of these players have really bad luck, just now I saw that Yang Qingqing shot a deer again, and the deer died on the spot!"

The audience kept sending danmaku chats.

It is very evil. Some players can basically get prey every day, but some players can hardly get anything after walking in the jungle for a day.

This does not include Ye Han. As we all know, there are only two kinds of players on the island, one is Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, and the other is other players.

This sentence may be a bit exaggerated, but it is in line with Ye Han's situation, after all, he surpasses other teams by too much.

When it was noon, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi stopped and started to eat lunch.

After a morning of hard work, only one wall was built.

It is not easy to collect raw materials and build it.

"The wooden house is really difficult!"

Ye Han shook his head, wiped the sweat from his head and said.

He used to build bamboo buildings and brick buildings.

It was the first time he had built a wooden house since he went to the island.

"Isn't it about the same speed as your plan? It doesn't matter. Let's take it slow. It's only the one hundred and twenty-fourth day, and there's still a lot of time!"

Su Xiaoqi gave Ye Han a piece of meat and said.

Ye Han nodded.

This is, just one third of the game has passed, and there are still more than two hundred days, which is enough.

There is absolutely no need to be so anxious.

After lunch, take a break and get back to work.

On the other side, there are many viewers who have been staring at Andre.

Andrei finally woke up now.

He didn't wake up by himself, but when he opened his mouth and snored, a bug flew into his mouth and woke him up.

It is said that there is a survey that shows that people will eat a lot of insects in their sleep in their lives, and I don't know if it is true or false.

Anyway, Andre almost ate that worm now, and he was constantly pooh pooh.

After sobering up, Andre first looked around, for fear of any danger.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Andre murmured, untied the rope on his body, got down from the tree, and returned to the ground.

He rubbed his eyes and first went to the nearby stream to wash his face.

Now he was a little confused, and he recalled what happened yesterday, and then he woke up in an instant.

Going to see this jungle again, it seems that there are deadly dangers lurking everywhere.

"Adam, I'm sorry."

Andrei sighed and muttered to himself.

The people in the live broadcast room were of course scolding him, but he couldn't see it.

Next, Andre turned off the live broadcast and squatted down by the stream. He wanted to make it easier and wash his pants.

Because now there is a smell of urine on his trousers, he wet his trousers yesterday.

When the live broadcast resumed, he had already made a decision.

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