At the same time, he quickly moved his body and completely hid behind a tree trunk to avoid being discovered.

But Zhang Mingyang is not happy!

"I shut you up!"

"Your mouth stinks more than shit, why don't you close it?"

"I *you*, why don't you die, I really want to kill you, so I shout, what can you do, you dare to touch me, try it, you can kill me if you have the ability ,come!"


This is good, Zhang Mingyang shouted directly, and the Earthworm team directly locked their positions.

I was still doubting whether there was really someone just now, but now I can be sure.


The two of the earthworm team looked at each other, then got up immediately.

Baker wiped the oil off his hands and picked up a shovel. Taylor also picked up a sturdy branch and held it tightly in his hand.

The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

So speechless!

It was speculated before that the two teams might collide and fight.

There has also been speculation that Team Nausea will wait until Team Earthworm is asleep before coming to steal their prey.

Some people speculate that the disgusting team failed to steal and was caught, and you can refer to the situation when Ngawang was caught.

But no one could have guessed that the two of the disgusting team would actually have an infighting at such a critical moment!

"Ah this..."

"Silence is dead, really speechless."

"Is this Zhang Mingyang's brain not very good? Let's just say, what would normal people do?"

"Without ten years of cerebral thrombosis, I can't do this operation. I'm drunk!"

"The normal way is to wait until the earthworm team falls asleep, at least they can steal half of the meat of the little wild boar!"

"Idiot, these two are all idiots. They are not only dirty, but also stupid. Hurry up and get rid of them."

"One thing to say, if these two are eliminated, the island will be much cleaner."

A large audience was talking.

At this time, the two of the earthworm team, Baker and Taylor, had already followed the sound.

Both of them are very vigilant, because each group of players has also imagined what to do if they encounter other players on the island before the competition.

On the disgusting team, they have already fought.

Mainly because Zhang Mingyang is still scolding, how can Liu Jisong endure this?

He punched Zhang Mingyang directly in the stomach.

As it turns out, this was a wrong decision.

In the words of those movie commentaries on the Internet, that is, this shot directly overturned Zhang Mingyang, a little Calami.

With a wow, Zhang Mingyang vomited directly at Liu Jisong.

The two of them basically didn't eat anything that day, so what Zhang Mingyang spit out was some sour water and the residue of betel nut.

Some splashed on Liu Jisong's face.

With a punch, Zhang Mingyang knelt on the ground clutching his stomach.

Really kneeling.

Liu Jisong seemed to want to kill him!

Because he saw that the two people from the earthworm team had already come over!

It's over, before I can do anything, let people discover it.

Now how to do?


Baker shouted.

But unfortunately, the language barrier, Liu Jisong could not understand what he was saying.

Liu Jisong turned around, looked at the two, and raised his hand first, indicating that he was not malicious.

Seeing this, Baker and Taylor were also relieved.

The two of them did not recognize which group of players this was, but it was certain that this was not a player from their own country.

At present, both sides are still very alert, entering a relatively embarrassing state, and no one knows what to do.

At this moment, Zhang Mingyang broke out again.

He was hit with gold stars by the punch just now, and the anger in his heart had reached its extreme.

Eyes are red, face is purple!

He knelt on the ground, actually opened his mouth to bite it, and bit on Liu Jisong's calf!

The place was full of meat. After taking a bite, Liu Jisong immediately let out a scream like killing a pig, causing the two people on the opposite side to feel their eardrums hurt.

Not to mention, Zhang Mingyang's bite force is very strong, and he is trained by chewing betel nut every day!

And he's so ruthless now that he can't wait to bite a piece of meat down!

Some viewers saw that Liu Jisong's leg was bleeding!

"It hurts to look at this bite!"

"Speechless incident, family!"

"Team Earthworms are confused! Pay attention to the expressions of Team Earthworms, hahahaha!"

"Good guy, the two of the earthworm team are completely stupid."

"About the fact that we were eating barbecue and singing songs, but suddenly a group of players started fighting."

"No title, no soul."

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned at first, and then began to accumulate discussions.

Really, almost no one could have imagined that such a situation would occur.

In the house of the cat detective, he was also very emotional.

"In my calculations, the probability of this happening is very low, less than five percent."

"I didn't expect these two people to actually do this, cow, cow!"

The cat detective let out such an emotion.

At this moment, Liu Jisong roared in pain. He couldn't control it anymore, he turned around and chopped it down with the shovel in his hand!

He had lost his mind, and the engineer shovel slashed directly on Zhang Mingyang's head!

Open the scoop!

Zhang Mingyang's head was leaked by him, blood flowed out, passed out on the spot, and fell to the ground.

Drop drop!

Zhang Mingyang's live bracelet also sounded an alarm at this time, proving that his current situation is more critical.

Now Liu Jisong is also dumbfounded, he didn't expect things to become like this!

The two of the earthworm team on the opposite side quickly took a few steps back, and Taylor almost fell.

What's going on here?

The two looked at each other with a deep puzzled look in their eyes.

Are the two players on the opposite side playing us?

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Fndre Juju for the flowers, (it is worth mentioning that since Fndre Juju appeared, this has become the most familiar English word for me, it used to be banana...) Thanks to jhy345 for the reminder More match! Thank you two huge rewards for your support!

Chapter 870 He Still Delayed Me Eating Meat

Both the earthworm team were completely dumbfounded.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like it's acting, it's so weird!

In response to this situation, the program team has immediately dispatched a helicopter to come to rescue.

The whole network has also exploded, and everyone is discussing this matter.

"Zhang Mingyang is dead!!"

"Is this dead, already dead?"

"Not dead yet, but dying soon!"

"You people, why are you all dying, say something else!"

"The two of the earthworm team were so frightened that a good meal was just messed up!"

"Whoever encounters this is not afraid. The two of them are also unlucky. They just had a good meal and haven't had enough of it yet, and the disgusting team is here."

"Am I the only one still waiting for the program team to release the winners list?"


These are all meaningless words.

Of course, there are also people who are conducting more professional analysis.

"Let me just say a few words, the current situation seems absurd, like it's a performance, but it's not."

"The result of any event is actually caused by many complex factors."

"The two people from the disgusting team, first of all, they are not in harmony, and they don't like each other, and secondly, they haven't had a decent meal for several days, and both of them are in a bad mood."

"Under such circumstances, they encountered the earthworm team again. Seeing that the earthworm team was eating and eating, and they couldn't think of a good way to get these barbecued meats, they felt even more uncomfortable!"

"In addition, Liu Jisong beat Zhang Mingyang during the day, all of which are the fuse for the current result!"

Some people on the Internet have listed a series of analyses, but many people feel that they agree.

Makes sense.

As the saying goes, freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

When Liu Jisong went down this shovel, it was not a whim, but all kinds of things from the past broke out.

In addition, he was bitten, and he was in great pain. When his brain was hot, he went straight up.

Where else do you care so much?

But now, he has come back to his senses and is very panicked.

The mind is buzzing.

He quickly squatted down and checked Zhang Mingyang's situation.

When you reach out and touch it, there is blood on your hand.

On the China side, this scene was also coded very intimately.

"You murdered!"

Taylor of the Earthworm team shouted.

And he hiccupped uncomfortably.

It's not Taylor's fault, because I was in a hurry to eat just now.

Baker quickly pinched Taylor and pulled him back.


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