Ye Han came to the kitchen, took a sip of water, and said.

Su Xiaoqi took a Swiss Army knife and started to cut Ye Han's hair and shave.

Until now, there are still some players on the island who don't care about their hair and beards.

It looks almost like a savage, for example, Zhang Haoran is like this.

"Xiao Qi, the bat feces brought back this time are not in a hurry, just put them away."

"Because I have a feeling it might rain tomorrow."

Ye Han said.

"Well, I'll listen to you."

"But don't talk yet. I'll shave you. If you're not careful, you'll be ruined."

Su Xiaoqi shaved Ye Han seriously.

"Then if I'm out of shape, do you still like me?"

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi's face suddenly turned red, and her hands trembled, almost cutting Ye Han's chin with a knife.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did I love you?"

Su Xiaoqi snorted and said proudly.

Ye Han raised his brows.

"So you don't like me?"

"Hey, it seems that I'm self-indulgent. When the game is over, I'll go on a blind date."

Ye Han continued.

Then Su Xiaoqi put the knife on his neck.

"you dare!"

Ye Han quickly raised his hand to surrender.

The audience was dumbfounded. Can you shave dog food?

I'm full again, I'm holding on again, dog food in my mouth, tears in my eyes!

Of course, Su Xiaoqi wouldn't do anything dangerous. She put the knife on Ye Han's neck, but she actually used the back of a Swiss Army knife.

It's very detailed, even if it's a joke.

The two were noisy and it was getting dark, Su Xiaoqi started to prepare dinner.

At this time, the weather forecast of the program group is also long overdue.

As expected by Ye Han, it will start to rain in the middle of the night today, and it will continue throughout the day tomorrow.

If Ye Han started bat dung this afternoon, it would be affected by the rainfall.

Today, Ye Han's side is more thrilling and exciting, but on the other players' side, nothing special happened.

People like Andre and the Earthworm Team are still on the way.

They are all looking for a suitable place to live. The goal of the earthworm team is relatively clear, which is to find a place with sufficient food.

And Andre is relatively confused, and his mood is not stable now.

Of course, not many people are looking forward to him, and many people are eager for him to die soon.

Vigil fell asleep and killed his teammates, which was a big mistake.

As for the outside world, something else happened.

That is Liu Jisong, a player from the Lion City Disgusting Team. After many players on the island began to rest, an incident broke out on the Internet.

Liu Jisong died in the hospital!

[The author has something to say]

That's all for today, good night everyone!

Chapter 880 The Death of Liu Jisong

Liu Jisong is dead!

How long has it been?

Liu Jisong just returned to China with his front foot, but his hind foot died?

Two videos have been circulated on the Internet.

The first video is of someone holding some kind of equipment to shoot, and the picture is a little shaken.

But it is not difficult to see that this is in a ward.

This is the ward where Liu Jisong is. A hospital bed has already appeared in the video, and there is a person lying on the bed. Who else could be Liu Jisong.

Although it was taken at night, it is very clear and should be taken by a very good night equipment.

Immediately afterwards, a hand appeared in the picture, holding a syringe in his hand.

Something creepy happened. This hand held a syringe and stuck it directly on Liu Jisong's neck, injecting all the medicine in the syringe into Liu Jisong's body!

Liu Jisong opened his eyes and let out a shrill scream, his expression extremely frightened.

The photographer of the video, on the other hand, put his hand in front of the camera and made a comparison.

Video so far.

Although it is not long, it is enough to scare people to sleep at night.

So scary!

This was uploaded to the Internet by a mysterious netizen, and it spread quickly, showing a trend of viral transmission.

The relevant departments on the Lion City side have hurriedly started investigations, but unfortunately, no useful clues could be found.

The second video was taken by a medical staff member in the hospital with a mobile phone.

This pixel is also very general. It seems that the mobile phone of this medical staff is not very good.

Judging from the timeline, it should be that not long after the mysterious man injected Liu Jisong with some kind of medicine, the medical staff heard Liu Jisong's screams and rushed to the ward.

According to the client, she was terrified at the time.

As a nurse, she has worked in this hospital for more than ten years.

It stands to reason that he has seen a lot of serious injuries, deaths and other tragic situations.

But now he is still taken aback by Liu Jisong's appearance.

I saw that in the picture, Liu Jisong let out a mournful wailing, just like the zombies in some zombie movies.

The nurse swore that she had never heard a man make such a roar.

The whole hospital was shocked.

This time lasted for a full five minutes. During this time, Liu Jisong kept wailing. His whole body was like a maggot, writhing on the hospital bed.

The hospital bed creaked as if it might be overwhelmed at any moment.

In the end, Liu Jisong's wailing became weaker and weaker until he died completely.

During this process, in fact, some other medical staff arrived, but the scene in front of them was so terrifying that no one dared to go forward to check the situation.

Then Liu Jisong died just like that.

Afterwards, some witnesses claimed to feel like smoke was coming from Liu Jisong's head.

In some places, smoking to death is a swear word, but Liu Jisong did not expect it to become a reality.

Soon, the autopsy report on Liu Jisong has also come out.

The audience ate melons all night.

Some people are scared to sleep after watching the video, but they are still concerned about the results.

"According to the autopsy report, Liu Jisong was injected with some kind of potent poison, the composition of which is very complex."

"Preliminary tests determined that this poison can keep people awake all the time, but suffers from extreme pain. According to the computer simulation, the level of pain Liu Jisong suffered at that time could reasonably have caused him to faint, but because of The mechanism of the poison, he couldn't pass out at all."

"So, Liu Jisong died very tragically!"

This result caused many people to take a deep breath.

So cruel!

How much hatred?

The Lion City attaches great importance to this matter, and has set up a task force to catch this mysterious person who injected poison into Liu Jisong.

But unfortunately, there is no clue at the moment.

Strong as a cat detective, after seeing these two videos, he also felt that he had no clue.

"This mysterious killer is about 168 in height, male, and about 30 years old. He doesn't have any special features in other respects. It should be the type that won't attract attention at all in the crowd."

"Too hard to find!"

Detective Cat shook his head, and the information he could get was very limited.

And the reason why this guy did this was probably because he hated Liu Jisong's performance in the game.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he is from the Lion City, and he is very concerned about the result of the game, hoping that the Lion City can win the championship.

Other than that, there's really no clue at all.

Detective Cat felt that the Lion City might not be able to find this person at all.

The melon eaters discussed it all night, and many people were too scared to sleep after watching the video.

I didn't even dare to turn off the lights, I always felt that as soon as I turned off the lights, the mysterious killer would appear and give myself an injection.

It wasn't until the next morning that many people couldn't stand it and fell asleep.

At this time, Liu Jisong's body had been cremated.

In less than a night, he changed from a big living person to a pile of ashes, and was put into an urn.

Ye Han's live broadcast room was still overcrowded.

It really was raining today, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi stayed in the kitchen and just had breakfast.

"Ye Han, good morning!"

"Player: Ye Han, come on!"

"I couldn't sleep because of that video last night. After seeing Ye Han, I feel much better."

"Ye Han just shaved his beard and hair, so cool!"

"At this stage, Ye Han has the feeling of being tough as a soldier. When the beard grows, it will be a bit decadent and very flavorful. He has longer hair, just when he first arrived on the island, that is the style of Xiao Xianrou. !"

"Xiao Qi, hehe, Xiao Qi...hehehe..."

Ye Han's live broadcast room was very lively, and the audience came to wash their eyes.

Seeing Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's warm, loving and interesting daily life, the discomfort in my heart was also diluted a lot.

The program team is also working with Lion City to try to suppress Liu Jisong's affairs.

After all, the impact of this matter is very bad.

After receiving a sum of money, Liu Jisong's family did not mention it at all.

Not long after he was born, his parents all died, and he stayed in an aunt's house. The whole family regarded him as a broom star. Now that he died, no one was sad, and he still got a lot of money. What a good thing what!

Liu Jisong's aunt felt that this was a double happiness, and had already started to eat.

On the island, the players were unable to go out because of the rain today.

Although it was a light rain, it wasn't too big, but the stamina was relatively strong, and Ye Han felt that it would rain at least until tomorrow.

This kind of rain is very annoying, it can't kill any prey, and it's inconvenient to pick up corpses.

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