Simply outrageous.

The reason why the program team added the option of Shenzhou Kingdom is actually just to mean it, but everyone knows in their hearts that Shenzhou Kingdom is the most promising country to win the championship.

With so many players left on the island, it would be ridiculous to say that the entire army was wiped out.

Of course, this is understandable, it is nothing more than a deliberate vote by some people who hate Shenzhou Kingdom.

Even if you don't want a prize, you should be disgusted by China.

But in fact, when they did this, Shenzhou Kingdom had nothing to lose, as if a fly flew in the ear, and then rolled to the toilet.

With Zhuyu in the last voting event, this time the voting event is even more popular.

A large number of netizens have started to vote, and every time the data is refreshed, there will be huge changes.

At present, the country with the highest number of votes is the plastic surgery country.

This also makes many people in plastic surgery countries feel a little nervous.

What they are most afraid of now is that their own players will be destroyed, and then the whole army will be wiped out.

Even many people from the Neon Country voted for the plastic surgery country.

The Neon Country hopes that the plastic surgery country will come to accompany them as soon as possible, and everyone will be wiped out together, how wonderful!

It is like when a student did not do his homework in school and was criticized by the teacher.

At this time, there was another person who didn't do homework, and the two became company, and their hearts were not very uncomfortable.

"Hey, someone accompany me to get approved, and it's not just me who doesn't do my homework."

"Hey, the plastic surgery country has also been wiped out. It's good to come and accompany us in the neon country."

Same thing.

Time passed, and the vote rush continued into the next morning.

The rain on the island continued until the next morning.

One hundred and twenty-eight days.

Early in the morning, Su Xiaoqi had a stomachache, and Ye Han knew the time had come.

It just happened that it was still raining, so he didn't have to do anything, so he let Su Xiaoqi lie down and take a good rest.

Ye Han got up, walked out of the bamboo building, and started to check on the animals.

Everything is normal, the chickens and ducks have all laid eggs.

It is worth mentioning that during the few days that Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were in Bisheng Mountain, chickens and ducks laid eggs. After Ye Han came back, he collected two eggs and one duck egg, which is not bad.

After dealing with the animals, Ye Han came to the kitchen again and started cooking.

He also paid attention to the weather. According to his prediction, the rain would stop around noon.

After breakfast was prepared, Ye Han went to the bamboo building. The two finished breakfast together and continued to rest.

The audience's envious words have already been said too much, and they don't want to say any more.

Finally, after noon, the rain stopped completely, and all the audiences were refreshed.

Finally, there is content to watch, otherwise it would be too boring to just watch the players sleep live!

Chapter 884 Huge Skeleton

It's raining and it's sunny!

At noon on the 128th day, the sun finally came out.

On Ye Han's side, he immediately went out and began to process bat feces in preparation for the extraction of saltpeter.

It just so happened that Su Xiaoqi came to visit relatives again, so there was no hurry to go to Bisheng Mountain.

When the saltpeter refining is finished, Su Xiaoqi's body is almost done, and then he will go to Bisheng Mountain.

All you need to do is wrap up the house over there, spend a little over a day, and you can officially start exploring Bisheng Mountain!

"One hundred and twenty-eight days have passed, and Ye Han is finally about to leave the Novice Village and head to the dungeon of Bisheng Mountain!"

"It can't be said that. The Novice Village has been out long ago, and various bosses have also killed a lot. Bisheng Mountain can be understood as the next map."

"What about other places that Ye Han has explored before, such as the small volcano, how do you count?"

"I really interpret this game as a game, hahahaha!"

"Don't worry, it will take at least four or five days. When you really start exploring Bisheng Mountain, it will be a week later."

"The players have all come out for activities, there seems to be a situation with Ivanov!"

"The parasites in his body won't break out of his body, right?"

Someone mentioned the case of Ivanov.

Immediately, everyone became interested.

According to everyone's guess, some parasites must have invaded this guy's wound.

Could it be that the parasites in his body have come out now?

That's a scene from a lot of horror movies!

However, when the audience came to Ivanov's live broadcast room, they did not see the imagined picture.

Ivanov was walking on the beach, patting his wounds twice from time to time.

And Eva was next to him, and the two looked like they were walking.

What could this be?

The audience who came later expressed their incomprehension.

After being reminded by the barrage, they watched the replay, and then they understood.

It turns out that Eva went to sea again just now to catch seafood.

But when she surfaced on the sea to take a breath, she suddenly saw a huge skeleton on the beach in the distance!

This immediately shocked Eva.

what's the situation?

She quickly told the news to Ivanov, and the two decided to go and find out.

And this skeleton is undoubtedly the skeleton of the humpback whale that had the whale explosion before!

When the whale explosion happened, Eva and Ivanov heard the explosion. Although it was not obvious, it was also heard.

The two also searched around the place where they lived, but found nothing.

Now that the two of them live by the sea, they are closer to the site of the whale explosion. It is reasonable to see the skeletons on the sea.

In fact, audiences have discussed this matter on the Internet for a long time. They believe that the current residence of Eva and Ivanov is definitely not far from the whale explosion site, and maybe they can find it someday.

Now this sentence has come true, and they have discovered the whale explosion.

"It turns out that a whale explosion was discovered!"

"That's the place where the two sticks died, poor stick, what a miserable death!"

"Why are you yin and yang weird, can you speak? If you can speak, just say a few more words."

"Do you think it's possible for the little wolfdog to meet Eva and Ivanov?"

"It depends on whether the little wolfdog will come to the beach again. I think it is still possible."

"I also think it is possible, wait and see!"

The audience was talking and looking forward to what was going to happen next.

But it's definitely out of play now.

Zhang Haoran's injury hasn't healed yet, he won't go out, it's time to recover from his injury.

Every day is just two laps around the wooden house.

Then, under the watchful eyes of a large audience, Eva and Ivanov gradually approached the location of the whale explosion.

On the way, they also saw the wooden houses of two plastic surgery players.

This shocked them both.

"It's a wooden house!"

"There are other players living here!!"

Eva couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Ivanov has already blocked her behind him, and there is a possibility of conflict with other players.

Although he is injured now, he has to protect Eva.

But then, Ivanov felt something was wrong.

"Eva, look at that wooden house, is it all covered with plants?"

"I don't feel like someone lives!"

Ivanov took a careful look and said.

Eva also nodded.

"I was just about to say that!"

"If it's a occupied wooden house, it shouldn't be like this. It may have been abandoned."

Eva said.

Then the two looked at each other and walked towards the wooden house together.

As it turns out, they guessed right.

When I got closer, I saw that vines had begun to climb on the door of this wooden house, and some spider webs were densely covered.

On the spider web, some flying insects are struggling, but to no avail, they are about to become the spider's ration.

However, Eva and Ivanov gave them a treat.

Ivanov stretched out his hand and waved his shovel to destroy all the spider webs, and he killed even the spiders that were lying on the spider webs.

Then the door of the wooden house was also kicked open by Ivanov.

Sure enough, the wooden house was empty, and it was obvious that no contestants lived there.

Instead, it was a world of all kinds of bugs. Ivanov also saw a big centipede crawling, and he hurriedly stepped on the big centipede.

Then he waved and frowned.

"The smell in this house is too strong."

"It should be that the players who used to live here moved away, took all their things, and left here completely."

Eva also covered her nose and made her own judgment.

This judgment is still very reasonable, but Ivanov raised a question.

"Don't worry about eating and drinking by the sea, why did they move out?"


After the two of them came to the beach, they could eat every meal, three meals a day, and they were quite happy.

If you usually want to eat these seafood, it is difficult to buy with money.

On the seaside of the island, you can eat whatever you want, just like self-help.

Since they can get enough food by the sea and don't have to worry about food, why did the two of them leave?

"Could it have something to do with that skeleton?"

Eva suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said.

Afterwards, the two walked out of the abandoned wooden house and continued towards the humpback whale bones on the beach.

The audience also saw the skeleton more clearly.

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