"Huh? It doesn't seem to be there. Not only Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, but other players are basically inseparable all the time, except in special cases like Sean and Vasily."

"That's it. The two team up to survive in the wilderness. The big taboo is to act separately. Can you figure this out?"

"That's right, if Ye Han goes out alone, he can really catch up with the progress and save time, but it puts the two of them in an unsafe situation at the same time, I'm afraid that no one can worry about the other. It's easy to get into trouble."

"I understand the truth, but why is my boyfriend watching me when I sit on the toilet?"

"This... first rule out an impossible answer. He likes you too much, then there is only one truth. Is your boyfriend the eighth?"

The audience in the live broadcast room chatted for a few serious words, and then began to talk non-serious.

At the same time, Mr. Ma, who was in charge of the explanation, also nodded in agreement.

Yes, today is Teacher Ma and Little Sister Dui who are in charge of the commentary in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Originally, the caster lineup was changed every three days, but it was completely messed up later.

Maybe Teacher Piao is more tired today, so let Teacher Ma go to the top first.

Maybe tomorrow Teacher Ma has diarrhea again, so let Teacher Piao explain it first.

The relationship between the two is also quite good, no one cares about you for three days and me for three days, it all depends on the situation.

This makes the audience feel like opening a blind box.

When you open the live broadcast room, sometimes you will see Teacher Piao and Xiaotuanzi, sometimes Teacher Ma and Xiaomei, or even Teacher Piao and Xiaomei, or Teacher Ma and Xiaotuan.

And there are other combinations that have not been opened yet, and the audience is looking forward to it.

"The meaning of the two-person team to survive in the wilderness is here. If two people still act separately, it is indeed a taboo."

"On the surface, two people acting separately can save time and improve efficiency, but it is more prone to accidents, and each other's hearts are not at ease."

"For example, when playing chicken, if four people in the team gather together and someone falls down, other teammates can set up guns, seal cigarettes, and pull people, and it is not easy to cause problems."

"But if all four of them are scattered on the map and are not together, then basically they will all die. Once they fall to the ground, no one will be able to rescue you."

Teacher Ma explained it with a chicken-eating game, which made it easier to understand.

Xiao Qi is so cute, and no one would blame her. Now that Teacher Ma said that, no one dared to say that she was wrong.

At this time, it was getting late.

The players on the island also began to eat and sleep.

To say that the most uncomfortable thing at the moment are those players who are outside.

A viewer was in Andre's live broadcast room, and at this time, Andre was grilling anaconda meat beside the bonfire.

Originally, he was soaked all over, but after the rain stopped, he took off his clothes and trousers, wringed out the moisture, and put them in the sun to dry the clothes.

This guy's physique is not bad, and he has not developed a cold or fever.

It was his expression that was still bitter.

Whoever changed it would not be able to laugh under such a lot of pressure.

If you retire, you have to die, and you have to continue to support it alone on the island. The psychological pressure is not ordinary.

For some vulnerable people, I'm afraid they already have suicidal thoughts.

"The best case is to find other players in the beautiful country, regroup and start over."

"But this probability is too small, and there is a high probability that it will not be found. How can I persist to the end and win the championship by myself?"

Andre frowned, chewing on the roasted anaconda meat in his mouth.

Many people are not optimistic about his situation.

What's more, there are a lot of people waiting for him to die soon.

If it wasn't for him falling asleep at night, Adam might not have died. Adam died so tragically that it was hard not to feel sympathy.

"So far, Andre's direction is very accurate!"

"If he keeps walking, there is a chance to meet Sean!"

On the side of the beautiful country's program group, several staff members were staring at the computer screen in front of them.

On the computer screen, there is a map showing the current position of Andre, as well as Andre's direction, and Sean's position!

Very coincidental!

What Andre wants most now is to find a single player from a beautiful country. According to the rules of the game, the two can regroup and continue the game.

He personally thinks that the probability of this event is very small, but who would have thought that such a coincidence could actually happen!

"It will take about three or four days to walk. I hope he can persevere."

"In any case, he is also a player from our beautiful country, and our country's players are already... not many!"

Someone made such an emotion.

The dignified and beautiful country has sent seven groups of carefully selected players to participate in the competition, but it has only been over 120 days, so there is so much less!

They even have a sense of crisis of annihilation!

In this voting event, there were also some bad people who deliberately voted for the Beautiful Country, believing that the Beautiful Country would be the next country to be wiped out.

Although this possibility is very low, it still makes some people in beautiful countries feel nervous.

If it continues like this, perhaps the day when the beautiful country will be wiped out!

Regarding the situation that Andre may encounter Sean, the program team also chose to keep it secret and did not inform the audience.

Then, when Andre finished eating the roasted anaconda meat, he climbed to the tree, tied himself up, and started to sleep.

The earthworm team finally stopped moving forward.

They both felt they had found the right place.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to wo_t_call for the flowers, thanks to Lubaoweiai Xiaojiu for the good luck koi, thanks to the good luck koi who want to travel, and thanks to Qingfeng Xuewu for the flowers! Thank you to these great supporters!

Chapter 888 The Hope of Plastic Surgery

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the earthworm team.

Baker and Taylor had smiles on their faces, they looked at each other, and then both nodded.

"Baker, I think it's very nice here!"

Taylor said.

"I think so too!"

"There are mountains and waters, rich in products, suitable for living!"

Baker nodded again and again.

After walking outside for so long and suffering so much, I even need to eat earthworms to fill my stomach, and now I have finally found a good place.

Keep the clouds open and see the moonlight!

The two immediately made a decision not to leave, just stop here and open up a new home!

"The earthworm team found a suitable place to live, congratulations!"

"This area is indeed a good choice. I have heard the crowing of pheasants, the sound of deer croaking, my God, and a rabbit running in the jungle!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained this scene.

What he could hear, what he saw, and what the audience saw.

I have to say, this place is great!

It's a pity that it's very late today, it's getting dark, and the two can't start the work of building a new house immediately.

Now Mr. Fire, eat something and rest, wait until tomorrow, and then start working.

"Finally, a player has successfully moved. Let's congratulate the two players of the Earthworm team in advance!"

"However, other players who are on the move have not been able to find a suitable place to live."

"Although the size of the island is not small, a suitable place to live is not so easy to find. During this period, you may encounter all kinds of unexpected dangers!"

Dee said.

He is suggesting that other teams may not be so smooth.

For example, the only remaining players in the plastic surgery country, Li Youxian and Cha Yongtai.

At present, in the new poll, the country with the most votes is the plastic surgery country.

Many people think that the country of plastic surgery is the next country to be wiped out.

At this time, the voting has ended, and the cosmetic surgery country ranks first, far ahead.

Then there are several countries with only one group of players, such as the Vatican, Rwanda and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the beautiful country is also on the list, ranking ninth.

This is purely because some idle Chinese netizens deliberately go to disgusting the beautiful country, and sing the beautiful country there.

The beautiful country was very angry, and at the same time felt a little panic.

There are not many players left on their side.

Finally, there is the tenth place. The tenth place on the list is none other than China.

But in this regard, the people of Shenzhou Kingdom were not angry, nor panicked at all, but all laughed.

"Oh, our Shenzhou Country ranks tenth!"

"It's terrifying, what should I do, doesn't this mean that there is a small probability that our country in China will be wiped out?"

"Mom, I'm afraid, I'm too scared to sleep!"

"Hee hee hee! The whole army of China has been wiped out, the country of plastic surgery, the country of neon, hurry up and celebrate!"

"Assi, why do I feel they are so happy?"

"Baga! People in Shenzhou Kingdom have a problem with their brains, I want to curse Shenzhou Kingdom!"

Those who deliberately voted for China and wanted to disgust China suddenly found that they were wasting their efforts.

People don't care at all, they don't panic at all, because it is impossible for China to be wiped out.

It is true that countries around the world have carefully selected and sent some people with unique skills.

But none of these people can compare to Ye Han.

Some people on the Internet even said that Ye Han alone could be a teacher of millions!

Although this is an exaggeration, there is no doubt that Ye Han alone can match the other 99 teams, there is no problem.


To achieve this level, I am afraid it can only be done in the chicken-eating game, and the plane will be blown up at the beginning...

In everyone's discussion, the time soon came to the second day.

Many people are looking forward to the prizes of the voting event, but this wave of prizes will not be drawn until the results appear.

You can only wait patiently.

When the audience is in a hurry, they will go to the player's live broadcast room to vent.

For example, at this time, the live broadcast room of the plastic surgery country players is full of netizens from all over the world.

"Listen to the contestants of the plastic surgery country, you are now surrounded, please retire immediately, let's start the lottery!"

"There is no doubt that the next country to be wiped out must be the plastic surgery country, and I am ready to receive gifts from the program team!"

"Our whole family voted for the plastic surgery country, and this time the plastic surgery country must be wiped out!"

"Although I voted for Beautiful Country, it was deliberately disgusting for Beautiful Country. My wife voted for Plastic Surgery Country, and eggs cannot be put in one basket."

"What are these two doing? Seeing that they are hungry, I guess I will give them my cat's cat food now, so they can eat it too."

"Brother, you are so open. The cat food I use is hundreds of bags. I can't bear to give it to the stick."

"Eat the soil. People in a country eat soil to make a living, and sticks are fine too."

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