"Suicide? Isn't that a fine tradition of Neon Country? Oh no, it's called Yusui."

"Maybe they don't want to eat anything but kimchi."

"Maybe they are about to hallucinate and see a delicious plate of kimchi in front of them!"

"Stable, stable, the next country to be wiped out will definitely be a plastic surgery country."

"Hahahaha, just wait for the lottery draw, my whole family has gone to the plastic surgery country, I will definitely win the lottery this time, the requirements are not high, just give me 20,000 yuan, I want to give my wife a PS5."

"Dude, are you sure it's not for yourself? 20,000 yuan is still enough, you can buy another 3080 graphics card!"

Obviously, most of the audience came to mock the plastic surgery country players, and by the way, they were looking forward to the lottery.

Because if you continue with this posture, the lottery will be drawn soon.

"Assi, Assi..."

Plastic surgery country player Li Youxian said weakly.

He waved the sappers in his hand to shovel to open the way, his eyes were blank, and he described it as withered.

"I'm so hungry, what should we do?"

Cha Yong-tae speaks with a vibrato, this is hungry.

In fact, it is really not easy to be so hungry in the tropical rain forest.

Look at the earthworm team, they can't find food, but they can still eat earthworms!

It's not impossible to find this thing, you can find a lot of it just by digging in the soil.

Every time Ye Han digs the soil, he can dig out a lot of earthworms. Of course, he definitely doesn't eat them himself, but feeds them to chickens and ducks.

"Stop and rest for a while."

Li Youxian looked at the live bracelet on his wrist, it was time for lunch, but they had nothing.

There is a stream in front of it, if you really can't, just drink some water.

Drink water to satisfy hunger.

In fact, during their move, they encountered some prey, but unfortunately they failed to catch them.

Normally, it is quite difficult to hunt down the prey with a shovel, and the two of them obviously couldn't do it.

And now, their state has deteriorated to a certain extent, even if there is a prey in front of them, they may not be able to successfully catch it.

Many viewers in plastic surgery countries are now in despair.

If it continues like this, it may be a few days before the two will fly home.

That would also declare the complete annihilation of the plastic surgery country.

"Axi! Are the two of them idiots, why don't they eat earthworms?"

"There are still bird eggs on the tree, so can't you look up?"

"It's so stupid! How did you choose these two people to participate in the competition?"

"It's really a disgrace to our country and our nation!"

"I don't want to watch it, the more I look at it, the more angry I get, two trash!"


A screeching sound.

The two players were on the island, so naturally they didn't know anything.

But the audience on this side of the plastic surgery country has always had a heart hanging over it!

If they are also eliminated, then the plastic surgery country will be wiped out, and the whole world is waiting to see the joke!

But now, no matter how anxious they were, it was useless.

It still depends on the performance of these two players.

At this time, Li Youxian led the way, and the two came to a stream in front of them.

As his legs softened, Li Youxian sat directly on the ground, then lay down, put his face in the stream, and began to drink water.

Cha Yong-tae, like him, lay there drinking water like a dog.

But soon, the two felt that something was not right.

"Why does this water have a **** smell?"

Cha Yong-tae frowned, he thought it was his mouth that was bleeding.

However, Li Youxian also tasted a **** smell, it should be a problem with the stream.

But the stream is not blood red!

what's the situation?

"Go ahead and look!"

Li Youxian suddenly became excited.

His heart was pounding, and he had a hunch that he might be able to find food!

The two of them rolled and crawled towards the upper reaches of the stream.


An astonishing scene appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and audiences all over the world were stunned.

I saw a corpse lying in the middle of the stream!

A wild boar!

This wild boar has died, and the state of death is very tragic. There are many scratches and bite marks all over the body. The stomach is directly torn open, and a lot of internal organs have been eaten. flushed.

The fishy smell they drank from the water just now was caused by the corpse of this wild boar.

No bloodstains were seen, that was because the wild boar's blood had been drained, but the fishy smell was definitely still there.

"What kind of **** luck is this!"

"Damn, two people who were starving to death actually picked up a wild boar?"

"This wild boar was obviously killed by other beasts and ate part of it, and there is still a lot of meat left!"

"Where are the people in the plastic surgery country? Didn't they keep saying that this show was performed, go on!"

"Now it's on your own heads, why don't you say it?"

"Don't be too happy, the beast that killed this wild boar may still be nearby, I'm afraid that these two people will die and eat the wild boar!"

A large number of barrages suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, all discussing this matter.

No one would have thought that Li Youxian and Cha Yongtai would survive in a desperate situation and encounter the corpse of a wild boar!

At this time, the two even suspected that it was an illusion, but they hurried over, their bodies that were weak and weak now seemed to be full of strength!

"It's really a wild boar, we are saved!"

"Hahaha, great, hurry up, make a fire!"

The two couldn't help laughing, and Cha Yongtai knelt down in the stream and hugged the wild boar.

Afterwards, they quickly built a fire by the stream, and then cut pieces of wild boar with sappers, skewered them with sticks, and started grilling.

After a while, the smell of meat has already wafted out.

"eat fast!"

"After we're full, let's dispose of the remaining wild boar and take it away!"

"Unfortunately, this wild boar is not big, it is not yet an adult, otherwise it will have more meat!"

"What animal killed this wild boar?"

The two chatted while eating roast pork.

Because this is a young wild boar, there are still many creatures that can kill it in this jungle.

And if it is an adult wild boar, even if it is a tiger and a leopard, it has to be weighed.

"Never mind, eat it now!"

"I'm starving to death, this meat is in my stomach, it feels like I haven't eaten it yet, I have to get another piece!"

"It's delicious! If only I could have another kimchi, how delicious it would be!"

The two continued to chat, unaware that danger was approaching.

Because at this time, audiences all over the world saw the horrifying scene through the live broadcast.

Behind the two of them, I don't know when, a lynx has appeared, staring at the two!

[The author has something to say]

These few days, the update has been very lax, and it has actually been reduced to the level of Cat Detective and An Ruoxi, two chapters a day... Because this book has nearly 2 million words written, and it has been written for more than 200 days. During this period of time, I have updated within 24 hours of each natural day, and I have not fallen for a day. I am very tired now. I basically slept for two days in a row, and I am still very sleepy. I see so many readers rewarding support I, I really want to write more, but I have enough energy to spare. That's all for today. I will adjust my state as soon as possible and come back for more updates!


Chapter 896

It can be seen from the live broadcast that there are mottled bloodstains on the face of this lynx at this time.

There is no doubt that this lynx is the murderer who killed the little wild boar!

It has had a full meal just now, but it has not gone far, and may come back to continue eating at any time.

However, now it found that its prey was eaten by others?

How can this be tolerated?

Then turn these two guys into your own prey too!

The lynx was approaching, but the two of them didn't know it, and they were still eating.

They never thought roast pork could be so delicious, so delicious, so fragrant.

As the lynx approached, the audience in the plastic surgery country was extremely anxious, and some people could not wait to get into the screen to remind these two people.

Some people don't dare to watch it directly, and the next scene is probably going to be bloody.

"Wow, that's so cool!"

"It's delicious, hey, Cha Yongtai, what are you doing with your hand on my shoulder, eat yours quickly."

Li Youxian said while chewing the roast pork in his mouth.

On the side, Cha Yongtai was confused.

"Who put a hand on your shoulder?"

"Both of my hands are here!"

As he said that, he also stretched out his two hands to show Li Youxian.

Immediately, Li Youxian froze.

What the **** is that on his shoulders?

I can still hear the sound of breathing coming from the back of my head, with a stench!

Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous!

Li Youxian twisted his neck, and he could hear the sound of his bones cracking, which was caused by being too nervous.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a paw on his right shoulder, obviously belonging to an animal!

Looking at it again, a lynx head has opened its mouth wide, and is about to bite his neck!


Li Youxian screamed in fright, hurriedly shrank his neck, and handed out the skewer of roast pork he was holding in his left hand.

This is a completely subconscious reaction of him, but he did not expect the effect to be surprisingly good!

I saw that the lynx did not respond for a while, and took a bite, and the string of roast pork in Li Youxian's hand poked directly into the lynx's throat.

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