"I suddenly feel that Ye Han is a little scary, his scheming is too deep!"

"What kind of scheming is this? When I coaxed my daughter, I coaxed it the same way. He was doing it for Xiao Qi's well-being."

"Hahahaha, Xiao Qi is so stupid and cute, so stupid!"

"Why do I look like a fool in front of my girlfriend, and she can find out when I scan videos of beautiful girls dancing?"

"Cough cough, many girls will turn into Sherlock Holmes when they are in love, and of course there are also cute little ones like Xiao Qi, hahaha!"

The audience is chatting.

At this time, Su Xiaoqi had already started adding saltpeter to the clay pot filled with water.

Saltpeter dissolves in water, absorbs a lot of heat, and gradually begins to freeze in the pot.

Although it is not the first time to make ice cream, Su Xiaoqi is still full of interest.

Watching the ice cream in the bamboo mold gradually freeze into shape, Su Xiaoqi couldn't hold back anymore.

"Wait a minute, it's not fully formed yet."

Ye Han looked at her anxious look and said with a smile.

The two waited for a while, and then they began to eat ice cream, two per person, full of milk flavor.

The rhubarb was also divided into a complete one, and the monkey life reached its peak.

Originally, Ye Han wanted to make some for Big Niuer and Xiao Hanhan, but thinking about it, it felt a little weird for cows to eat milk ice cream, so forget it.

In the future, we can do fruit juice ice cream, pure fruit juice, the kind without water.

If you want to feed two buffaloes, maybe you can make grass ice cream...

After eating the ice cream, the two packed up and went to bed satisfied, recharged, and went out to replenish supplies tomorrow.

The other players on the island also began to rest one after another.

Of course, except for the players who are active outside.

Some players build a bonfire, guard the bonfire, and take turns sleeping.

Some players simply continue to walk around.

For example, the Gallic players with flashlights, Dominic and Anthony.

At this time, Dominic had no interest in reciting poetry.

He was very tired from walking for such a long day.

And I haven't found a suitable place to live, and my heart is tired!

"I'm afraid we only have enough food for another day tomorrow."

"We must get food tomorrow and find a new place to live in time, otherwise we will be in danger!"

Dominic said solemnly.

Chapter 900 Zhang Haoran's Hometown

At present, among all the movers, the group from Gaul is the worst.

Originally the worst group was the plastic surgery group, but today they got a lot of food and even killed a lynx.

There is no danger of being eliminated any time soon.

The Gaul country group is different.

I thought I found a suitable place to live, but I didn't expect it to be a dangerous place and not suitable for living.

In desperation, he had to hit the road again, looking for a new place to live.

Food is also about to run out.

There is quite a feeling of exhaustion.

The previous earthworm team was actually in the same situation, but the earthworm team took a different approach and began to eat earthworms to satisfy their hunger and supplement enough protein.

Some viewers on the Internet have summarized the current situation of the team that moved this time.

The earthworm team, successfully landed, is now building a house and has a certain food reserve.

The disgusting team has retired, Liu Jisong died, and Zhang Mingyang became dementia. It is said that the IQ is equivalent to a two-year-old human child.

The plastic surgery group has the meat of a lynx and half of a little wild boar in their hands, and they are still looking for a place to live.

There is also the beautiful national single volleyball player Andre. After killing his teammates, he took the meat of the brown anaconda on the road alone, and he is still moving forward.

Finally, there are Vatican players Fabrizio and Gian. Although they are still looking for a place to live, they have enough food for at least three days.

If the gold medal team and the scenery CP of China are also counted, there are two more moving teams.

However, these two groups of players have no worries at all, and they can take their time.

Nothing special has happened yet.

Many viewers are actually busier than the players. They are busy doing all kinds of data, sorting and summarizing them, in exchange for clicks and traffic, so as to make money.

Many people rely on this to live and earn a lot of money.

At this time, the two people from Gaul Kingdom found a similar place and stopped.

It's time to rest, I can't walk anymore, I have to stop and prepare for the night.

The faces of the two were gloomy and gloomy. Although they were very tired, they had no appetite and could not eat much.

Wouldn't it just be eliminated like this?

Many viewers are speculating.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the next day.

Day 132 begins!

Early in the morning, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were full of energy, packed up, led the team and left the place of residence.

There is still a lot of supplies to be replenished in this wave, and the directions are not the same. Ye Han has already made preparations and will be running around all day today.

Today's Rhubarb is very excited, perhaps because he ate a whole ice cream last night, Rhubarb is eager to make a contribution and repay Ye Han.

There is a saying that says, "Scholars die for those who are confidants!"

Rhubarb and a monkey took the lead, and the team set off.

"It's the last day. After today's work, Ye Han will be able to go to Bisheng Mountain tomorrow!"

"I've waited for a long time and finally waited until today!"

"Pray, don't have any unexpected situation today that delays the exploration of Bisheng Mountain."

"Good things take a long time. It's been a long time since the discovery of Bisheng Mountain. It's time to start exploring."

"Don't panic, brothers, Ye Han won't have any problems here anyway, I'll go check the other players first, I think the Gauluo group is almost finished."

"It's the bard group, the two of them are really not that good, and the atmosphere is very sad!"

Early in the morning, the audience gathered in Ye Han's live broadcast room to chat.

The group of contestants in Gaul, because Dominic likes to recite poetry, is called the bard group by netizens.

As the audience said, the situation of this group of players is not very good.

Just like yesterday, today's bard group is still walking through the jungle, looking for a suitable place to live.

This thing, if you can find it, then maybe it will be found in the next second.

If you can't find it, you may not be able to find it for another week.

A suitable place to live is hard to come by.

The surrounding environment should be relatively safe, and this safety is also multi-faceted.

For example, environmental aspects, beast aspects, etc., all need to have sufficient security.

Then it is essential, there must be enough food around.

Although there are many animals in tropical rain forests, they are certainly not evenly distributed.

How much this area is, how much is that area, this is not necessarily.

Finding an area with a lot of prey is not an easy task.

Many moving teams have actually encountered areas with plenty of prey, but unfortunately, those areas are not safe enough.

The terrifying beast roar can be heard faintly, who dares to live here?

"With such a big island, there is no place to live?"

Dominic let out a sigh and said.

Behind him, Anthony nodded.

"Strictly speaking, this island is not a place suitable for human habitation."

There was nothing wrong with what he said.

The tropical rain forest itself is very unfriendly to human beings.

Of course, the animals living in this rainforest also live precarious lives.

Even without the players breaking in, they could be dead in the next second.

Natural enemies, bad weather, and various crises are lurking in every inch of the rainforest.

Hearing Anthony's words, Dominic's heart was even more sad.

He stopped and couldn't help but want to brew some more and recite a poem.

However, at this time, the two saw Yingyingchaochuo in front of them, and it seemed that a wooden house had appeared!

Because of the distance, it is not very clear to see.

"Is that a wooden house?"

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!"

Dominic's heart was very excited, and he quickly stepped forward.

Anthony wanted to stop him. He was worried that he would meet players from other countries. If there was any conflict, it would be bad.

But then, Anthony noticed that something was wrong with the wooden house.

Although it can't be seen clearly, it can also be seen that the surface of this wooden house has almost been occupied by creeping vines.

It doesn't look like someone lives!

Before their wooden house, there were often some plants growing around, but they consciously cleaned it up.

"How come there is a wooden house here?"

"It looks familiar, but I can't remember."

"Gan, isn't this Zhang Haoran's wooden house?"

"Zhang Haoran has so many wooden houses, which one is this?"

"At that time, Zhang Haoran got rid of Zhu Chuanchuan in a rage, flew solo, traveled all the way through mountains and rivers, came here, and built a wooden house!"

"In other words, this is Zhang Haoran's hometown??"

"Uh, that's understandable, but Zhang Haoran will probably not come back, and this wooden house will also change owners."

"To be honest, the place Zhang Haoran chose is quite good, the Gaulian players are saved!"

A large number of barrages suddenly filled the live broadcast room.

The audience has already recognized it, this is Zhang Haoran's hometown!

Chapter 901 Black Caiman

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!

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