The two of them were very happy to eat in the past two days, and they had a lot of fish and meat.

Big fish, there are some in the lake.

Big meat, just killed a big crocodile.

Crocodiles are not fish, but amphibians and reptiles, so it is reasonable to say that big fish and big meat.

"Hey, there are a lot of big goods!"

"This fat, roast it!"

"This one is not bad. Seeing how lively it looks, let's stew it."

"And a hairy crab?"

Leng Feng and Li Guang counted the harvest in the fish basket, and both of them were very happy.

In addition to filling the stomach, eating can also make people happy, so there are so many foodies.

"For the next period of time, Leng Feng and Li Guang will stay here for development."

"Now let's see what Ye Han is doing."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained with a smile.

The audience has learned that they can infer the situation of his apprentice through his expressions.

According to online sources, Bill could begin surgery the day after tomorrow.

This will determine whether Bill can stand up again in the future, and many people are concerned about this.

Judging from Master Bei's expression, the success rate of this operation should not be too low.

Then, the director screen in the official live broadcast room came to Ye Han's live broadcast room.

At this time, Ye Han was walking with Su Xiaoqi in the forest.

The speed of advancement is not fast, because the entire Bisheng Mountain is a new area, and you must be careful when exploring.

At this time, there was a noise from the bushes ahead, and then a shadow jumped out, making the audience all over the world nervous.

There is a situation!

Chapter 921 Like Love

Ye Han took out his gun immediately!

I have to say that with a gun, there is enough confidence.

This made Ye Han not panic at all, raised the gun with both hands, and looked forward.


I saw that a lynx flashed out of the bushes and rushed straight towards... Little Hanhan!

Perhaps due to the intuition of the beast, this lynx instinctively felt that Ye Han was very dangerous, or that the danger came from the thing in Ye Han's hand.

And Su Xiaoqi was right next to Ye Han, so naturally, he couldn't choose a target.

Then there is the big girl, the big girl is the existence of a fierce tiger. Although this lynx is powerful, it can't be compared with a fierce tiger, right?

Therefore, the most suitable prey is undoubtedly Xiaohanhan.

Now this fool is standing in the same place, not knowing what is still chewing in his mouth.

Ye Han quickly turned his body and re-aimed at the lynx's head.

There is a saying that a single knife breaks a gun, the gun is fast beyond seven steps, and the knife is fast within seven steps.

Of course, whether this statement is accurate or not is really uncertain, so within seven steps, the gun is quick and accurate.

However, in a short distance, to quickly turn the muzzle to aim, it requires extremely fast reaction speed, there is no doubt about this.

The lynx made a pounce, and the angle of Ye Han's body rotation had exceeded 90 degrees, because the two sides were really close.

Before Ye Han could shoot, the eldest girl let out a roar and stood in front of Xiao Hanhan.

At any time, in the eyes of the mother, you are still a child.

What's more, the current little Hanhan is really just a child.

Of course it has to protect its children.


The big girl arched her head up and intercepted the jumping lynx in mid-air!

This scene is quite shocking. One of the big girl's horn has been inserted into the lynx's chest, causing the lynx to make a strange cry.

Then the big girl shook her head, and the lynx's body was like a kite with a broken string. It was thrown out and hit a tree.


The trunk shook, the leaves, and the worms on the tree fell, as if it were raining.

The eldest girl still felt pissed, so she rushed up and bowed her head, this time it seemed to be a lynx's skin swallow...

The cry of the lynx was even more miserable, and finally, under the trampling of the big girl, the lynx died in despair.

A crisis is over before it begins, just like love.

Ye Han is still holding a gun here, and he has no chance to shoot, the lynx will die!

"It's alright, alright girl!"

Ye Han turned off the safety of the gun, loaded the gun, and hurried over to comfort the eldest girl.

On weekdays, the big girl is very docile, but when it encounters danger, it will instantly transform!

Not to mention that this lynx with a watery brain still wants to attack Xiaohanhan!

"Fuck, I'm really illiterate, I can only say these two words."

"I don't know what to say, the big girl is too powerful, invincible!"

"This lynx is literally breaking ground on Tai Sui's head!"

"Ye Han didn't have time to shoot, but it's okay to save a bullet."

"Should I say it or not, Ye Han's posture with the gun is really handsome, like the protagonist in a movie, and shot me in the heart."

"Then why aren't you dead yet?"

"Hahahaha, doesn't this kill the sky?"


In the live broadcast room, all the discussions of the audience were very lively.

On Ye Han's side, it can be considered that he encountered the first crisis in the process of exploring Bisheng Mountain.

If it's not the one time the bird will win.

"Hahaha, the big girl is doing beautifully!"

"There are really many lynxes on the island!"

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao said with a smile.

Then he turned around.

"Oh, by the way, lynx's death methods are different, but what I personally admire the most is the way the two plastic surgeons killed the lynx."

"More than wonderful, simply wonderful!"

Teacher Piao said yin and yang strangely.

The audience immediately understood what he meant.

He was mocking the plastic surgery country players. At that time, those two people spent half their lives killing a lynx!

The two of them rolled around holding the lynx together, and the lynx died was really embarrassed.

Unlike now, the big girl directly gave the lynx a set of combos, making it die very happy.

"Good guy, this lynx has broken a lot of bones!"

Next, Ye Han began to check the lynx's condition.

death is already dead.

The wound was still bleeding, and the soil on the ground was discolored.

It could be seen that the lynx's eyes widened, and Ye Han read out the panic.

"This Victory Mountain is indeed dangerous, and this has already begun to encounter dangerous creatures."

"Lynx meat doesn't seem to be very tasty."

Ye Han touched the stubble of his chin and said.

This stubble is a bit thorny, but it's a bit addicting to the touch, and I can't stop it.

"Hey, it's a waste if you don't eat it. I'll try it first. If it doesn't taste good, give it to rhubarb."

Ye Han put the lynx's body on the eldest girl's back, and then led the team to move on.

When it was noon, the two found a spot in the stream and began to prepare for lunch.

Because I came out late in the morning, I didn't explore much, and it was already noon.

Ye Han had a hard time eating, and Eva also woke up.

She looked at her live bracelet and knew the time.

She slept for a long time this night, but it didn't make her feel comfortable, on the contrary, she felt very tired.

"You can't be so depressed, Ivanov must be watching me."

Eva turned on the live broadcast, cheered up, and walked out of the cabin.

The sun outside is very good, the waves are lapping the beach, and the scenery is very good.

Eva took off her coat and went straight into the water for a swim, looking for ingredients for her lunch.

After seeing this scene in the hospital, Ivanov was relieved.

It seems that Eva really got a good night's sleep, adjusted her state, and continued to live.

"Well, if only I could tell Eva about the other players."

"If she knew about Ye Han's situation, she would definitely not continue to insist."

Ivanov sighed again.

Now he is not so rude, but thinking of Ye Han, his heart still feels uncomfortable.

It's not that they hate Ye Han and Shenzhou Kingdom, it's just envy, jealousy and hatred.

Everyone started from the same starting point and started to survive in the wilderness on the island. What was the result?

Look at what kind of life people live, it's like a fairy!

At the same time, there was another person's situation, which caught the attention of the audience.

He is Zhang Haoran, our little wolfdog.

The scene of the last fight with the tiger seems to be still vivid in my mind.

At that time, many viewers who cared about Zhang Haoran burst into tears.

They thought Zhang Haoran would retire, but they didn't expect that he has persisted until now, and has already recovered from the injury.

It's fine, but not completely.

At this time, Zhang Haoran was able to move normally, as long as it was not a violent battle or exercise, he could endure it.

However, the scab at the wound has not fallen off. Zhang Haoran scratches once or twice from time to time, which is normal.

You know, Ivanov's wound was infected with parasites, which caused him to retire and almost had to amputate.

If Zhang Haoran encountered the same situation, it would be dangerous.

But obviously, Zhang Haoran's body did not show such abnormality, which also made the audience feel relieved.

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