Su Xiaoqi picked up a stone and handed it to Ye Han.

Because Ye Han has a more accurate head, it is more suitable for Ye Han to throw stones.

But Ye Han thought about it and shook his head.

"Monkeys are very imitative and revengeful. We stoned the bald monkey, and the bald monkey is likely to fight back."

"There are only two of us. There are six bald monkeys. When the time comes, the six bald monkeys are looking for something to hit us. How can we explore this Bisheng Mountain?"

Ye Han rejected Su Xiaoqi's proposal.

Here is another classic example.

Someone wanted to pick coconuts and sell them for money, but there were monkeys on the coconut trees, so they thought of a way to hit the monkeys with stones, but the monkeys got angry, so they picked the coconuts and smashed them on the ground, and then they could get the coconuts easily.

The truth of the story is not necessarily, but the imitation and revenge of the monkeys in this story are real.

"By the way, let Jiutian try it!"

Ye Han thought about nine days.

Then he whistled, long and far, as long as he was.

Soon he heard Jiutian's response, and an eagle croaked, which shocked the six bald monkeys in front of him.

A creature like an eagle basically has no natural enemies, and bald monkeys are also afraid of eagles.

There is even a kind of eagle called the monkey-eating eagle. It likes to eat monkeys. It is a nightmare for monkeys!

In the very classic cartoon black cat sheriff, there is a monkey-eating eagle.

Of course, this thing doesn't have the presence of one ear, although one ear is just a minion.

And there is also a very interesting cold knowledge here, that is, the black cat sheriff who grew up with a generation actually only has five episodes, which is very short...


With an eagle cry, all six bald monkeys felt fear.

The two bald monkeys entangled in Rhubarb, who should be the worst two in this small group, have also let go.

To say it is bad, it is not so appropriate. It can be said that it is more skinny and more splashy.

Or how about a monkey?

Monkeys are stubborn by nature.

Of course this is not important, the important thing is that Rhubarb finally escaped from the clutches!

At this time, Da Huang returned to Ye Han's side with the fastest speed, and made a pitiful cry, which made Ye Han feel a little distressed.

He checked Rhubarb's condition.

"It's nothing, at most a little hair loss."

"Okay, don't cry anymore, I'll get you some meat at noon."

Ye Han couldn't smile.

Su Xiaoqi was no longer in a hurry, and laughed too.

This is the first time they have seen rhubarb so miserable!

At the same time, Jiutian finally came back with a squirrel in his paws.

It is worth mentioning that the squirrel's expression is also very funny.

Both Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi could see clearly, the squirrel was holding a pecan in both hands, his eyes were dull, he was obviously stupid.

As a squirrel, where have you been in this life!

Being caught by Jiutian and flying into the sky, how could he not be frightened?

"See, there are walnuts on the mountain."

"That's a good thing too."

Ye Han's eyes lit up.

Jiutian had already dedicated this squirrel to Ye Han.

Ye Han took the walnut from the squirrel's hand and crushed it hard, revealing the walnut inside.

He tasted it and it tasted good.

If this is normal, the little squirrel will definitely be angry that someone took his food.

But now it doesn't dare, because it realizes that it should be about to become someone else's food.

"Okay, let the little squirrel go, it's pathetic."

"Such a small thing, even if it kills and eats meat, it doesn't mean much. It's not enough for rhubarb to stick between its teeth."

Ye Han touched the little squirrel's head and said with a smile.

This thing was brought back by Jiutian, and it belongs to the scope of killing or not killing.

Ye Han thought its expression was too funny, so he decided to let it go.

Of course, in such an environment, this little squirrel is still likely to be hunted by other animals at any time, after all, this is a tropical rain forest.

But that doesn't concern Ye Han.

As Rhubarb got out of the control of the bald monkey, Ye Han also chose to lead the team quickly and leave the area.

And he decided to make a mark on the map of bamboo slips, so don't come to this area, and don't bring rhubarb if you come.

Because there is a group of bald monkeys living here.

"I never imagined that the first special mark on Bisheng Mountain was actually given to a group of bald monkeys."

Ye Han said with a smile.

He doesn't hate bald monkeys, but is rather curious, because humans don't have much contact with bald monkeys, which is not as common as domestic cats and dogs.

Relatively speaking, this creature is relatively rare.

Next, Ye Han led the team, and they quickly moved away from the bald monkey.

Rhubarb also gradually recovered, sitting on the back of the eldest girl, holding the horn of the eldest girl with one hand.

Big girl's current horn is still broken, because the broken horn will not grow back, but it will not affect the life of the buffalo.

"Look at Da Huang's soulless appearance."

"Could it be that Da Huang's virginity has been taken away?"

"Hahaha, it's said that there is reproductive isolation, you people are just plain bad!"

"It's still fun in Ye Han's live broadcast room. My stomach hurts when I laugh."

"It's fun, but it's almost noon, and Ye Han still hasn't gained anything!"

"Don't worry, didn't he get a walnut, which proves that there are walnuts in the mountains."


The audience in the live broadcast room continued to discuss, and at this time, Ye Han also stopped.

Almost time to find a place to stop for lunch.

Chapter 930 The Emerald Rough Stone in the Stream

There is a stream ahead, Ye Han decided to have lunch here.

After walking all morning, he and Su Xiaoqi felt better because both of them were getting better and better after being on the island for such a long time.

Climbing the mountain all morning, it doesn't matter.

To use a classic advertising slogan, it is easy to go to the fifth floor in one breath!

"Just here, get something to eat."

"Get some meat for rhubarb to appease its lost youth."

Ye Han was also bad, and was still making fun of rhubarb.

Although Da Huang couldn't understand it, it was very annoying to see Ye Han's smile on his face all the time!

So Da Huang turned his head away, not looking at Ye Han, he still had a little temper.

Ye Han smiled and patted Rhubarb's monkey **** with the shovel.

"Da Huang, your **** is not as red as the bald monkey's blush."

"You can't!"

Ye Han continued to mock Rhubarb.

Rhubarb turned his head and wanted to grab the shovel with his hands.

But Ye Han was more agile than him, and withdrew his hand, letting Rhubarb catch the air.

The audience in the live broadcast room was laughing crazy!

"Ye Han is too bad, bullying Rhubarb for fun!"

"Da Huang, He De and He Neng, followed people like Ye Han!"

"It doesn't matter, the forbearance now is for a good life in the future. As long as the game is over, rhubarb can eat better than us."

"Rhubarb it deserves it, it eats well, I'm not jealous, it deserves it."

"Boldly imagine that Su Xiaoqi was originally the little cook who was recruited by Ye Han and was responsible for cooking for him. When the competition is over, can I apply for the job as a cleaner at Ye Han's house?"

"Good idea! Someone has been the cleaner, right? Then I'll be the housekeeper!"

"You are all slow, I have become a giant driver, hahahaha!"


And this kind of operation?

Many people are dumbfounded, but someone has become a giant driver?

This is a good job. Will the Floating Giants be short of money?

He is the son-in-law of a domestic real estate giant. If he can be his driver, his monthly salary is estimated to be tens of thousands.

If the pattern is opened, then this process will definitely accompany Fushengju to socialize, work for him, and accumulate a lot of contacts!

In this era, connections are sometimes more valuable and useful than many things.

However, the person who claimed to be the driver of Fusheng Ju was soon cracked down, and Fu Sheng Ju himself came out to crack down on counterfeiting.

Half-asleep: For the record, I don't have a driver, I like to drive by myself.

Good guy, the slap in the face is coming too fast!

Looking at it again, the man who claimed to be the Floating Giant Driver was gone.

On the island, when everyone couldn't laugh, Rhubarb silently came to the stream, took a sip of water, and eased his mood.

During the time when he was caught by the bald monkey, Da Huang seemed to have fallen into hell.

After drinking the water, Rhubarb felt a lot better.

And also smelled the fragrance of Su Xiaoqi's cooking, which refreshed Rhubarb.

Later, Rhubarb began to play with stones in the stream.

Ye Han looked at it, he had nothing to do anyway, Su Xiaoqi was in charge of all the cooking, so he just came to the stream and picked up a stone to try to beat the water.

The stream is still relatively wide and not too shallow to be able to float.

You know, there is still a world record for water scouring, and there are also special stones that are suitable for scouring on the Internet.

Many people buy it.

Because water drifting is not only a technical job, but also requires stones.

Flat stones are easier to float.

"Rhubarb, I'll teach you how to beat the water."

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